Introduce Yourself

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Name: (Dave) James
Profession: Independent small jobs (and wants to set up a ODST armory)
Age: 19 (two more years!!!!)
Favorite Hobby: Building things out of wood, sheet metal and soon fiberglass!
Favorite part of halo: ODST troops and the books!
Favorite Halo: Halo ODST
Favorite Video Game: Not sure if I have one
Other Interests: Airsoft, music, hiking and anything outdoor.
Favorite Food: Food
Favorite Movie(s): Book of Eli (nothing else has come to mind)
Other:part of the 501st (dont be hating) and cant wait to get in some ODST armor!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: Shane hill
Profession: commissioned salesman under the electronics division of sears ( #2796)
Age: as of march 28 2012 im 20
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of halo: the banshie
Favorite Halo: all of them i mean come on who can just pick one
Favorite Video Game: Halo or COD series and mass effect
Other Interests: fixing electronics - its what makes me good at my job
Favorite Band: as long as its noise
Favorite Movie(s): Behind Enemy Lines, Star wars , despicable me
Other: achieved rank captian im my JROTC unit
Name: Trevor
Profession: Fulltime College - New Media Major
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Xbox 360, Any type of PC gaming, Skateboarding, and more
Favorite part of halo: The story. I've been playing Halo since it first released and have loved the story ever since. Each game has failed to disappoint me, and I hope that 343 will continue to do so!
Favorite Halo: I like all of them, but ODST was my favorite title
Favorite Video Game: Metal Gear Solid 4. Great story and amazing multiplayer
Other Interests: Not much other than what I already posted. I'm really intrigued by armor crafting and cosplaying however
Favorite Band: Emery or The Devil Wears Prada
Favorite Movie: Saving Private Ryan, Grind, Step Brothers and much more

I look forward to contributing to the great community and working with you all!
Name: Tamas Varga
Profession: 3D character modeler
Age: 34
Favorite hobby: books, movies, video games,
Favorite part of Halo: the universe in general
Favorite Halo: has to be the first, Halo CE
Favorite video Game: grew up on old PC classics like Doom, Ultima, Wing Commander, Starcraft, Deus Ex... nowadays it's Mass Effect I spent the most time with
Other interests: kettlebell, running, used to ski and dive but not enough time nowadays

After spending more than a decade working on CG animation, I'm interested to build something that exists in the real world again. After all it was the miniature and creature/costume work in Star Wars that got me interested in this profession originally :) and I started with small plastic aircraft models before moving on to the computer. Really interested to see if I can put my existing skills to some use.

It's also going to be a surprise for my coworkers, if I can complete it...
name: alex ross
profession: student, gamer and professional badass
age: 16 (17 in december)
fav hobby: being a badass, xbox 360, making armor for paintball
fave part of halo:......ALL OF IT!!
favorite halo:...ALL OF THEM but if i had to chose one it would be ODST the introduction of firefight
Favorite video game: 1, Halo 2, gears of war 3 and last MW3
other interests:...girls, friends, family, and food
favorite food: anything that isn't a vegetable
favorite finisher: a knife to the head assassination from reach.....followed up with a T-bag
favorite bad: Metallica
Favorite movie: Halo legends
other: professional badass, ladies man, guitarist and Video game enthusiast
Name: Michael Smith
Profession: security guard
Favorite Hobby: martial arts and pepakura
Favorite part of halo: the story and the armor
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Game: Halo 2
Other Interests: guitar, my car, and weapons in general
Favorite Food: pizza
Favorite Finisher:
Favorite Band: Led Zeppelin
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars
Other: pretty much, ive been swimming around this site for about a year now. been making models since i was 6, and got bored, so i decide to branch into props. got some good tips surfing these forums, and really wanted to join the community.
Name: Aaron
Profession: Full time college student - History major
Age: 28
Favorite Hobby: Building PC's
Favorite Halo: The only one I played, Halo for PC :p
Favorite Video Game: Deus Ex
Other Interests: Motorcycles, MMO's, history
Favorite Food: Burgers
Favorite Band: And One
Favorite Movie(s): Aliens
Other: I've been lurking here for a few months, gathering tips, advice, and all sorts of stuff for work on my own projects. Currently working on the Jin Roh protect gear when I have spare time from class, and have a Halo marine from 3 lined up as a pepakura project after that.
Name: Wayne Larsen
Profession: Graphic Designers and asst. general at runza restaurant
Age: 24
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, anime, and art
Favorite part of halo: Story and characters
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo and Fallout 3
Other Interests: painting, Magic the gathering.
Favorite Food: Chicken Adobo
Favorite Finisher: VATS
Favorite Band: Tool and Gorillaz
Favorite Movie(s): Power Rangers, Book of Eli, 300, Dark Knight, and many many more
Name: Raffi Andonian
Profession:Worked at my dads auto shop and now work as a cashier
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Macro photography, acting and singing, musical composition
Favorite part of halo: Its exquisite story and music. Together they provide deep powerful emotions. I love reading the books to the soundtracks
Favorite Halo: I love them all but it has to be either 2 or 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Fallout, Fable, Dragon age, Mass Effect, Dynasty Warriors, Battlefield, The Elder Scrolls, GTA, NFS, Dragon ball z budakai, soul calibur , and Zelda
Other Interests: I am in love with sing and acting, as well as writing
Favorite Food: Fettuccine Alfredo with sliced grilled chicken
Favorite song: Nessun Dorma perfored by Pavarotti
Favorite Music genre: Soundtracks, opera, and electronic
Favorite Movie(s): LOTR, Star Wars, Matrix, Serenity
Other: I have very little experience with forums. One time on I simply replied to someones post and unintentionally broke a rule....Bungie messaged me saying if i did it again I would be banned from the site...since that day I never posted on forums. So please forgive my noobishness I will try to not post anything bluntly obvious or stupid. I hope to get to know this community much better and learn from the master craftsmen here. LONG LIVE HALO!!!!
Name: Tash
Profession: Process Server
Age: 22
Favorite Hobby: Sewing
Favorite part of halo: Playing it? >.>
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Zelda and Portal
Other Interests: Sewing, Dance, Flat Pattern Drafting
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Band: Daft Punk
Favorite Movie: Netflix?
Favorite TV Show: Full Metal Alchemist
Name: Charles
Profession : Student
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Boxe
Favorite Halo : 1
Favorite Vidéo Game : Counter Strike
Other Interests : Manga,Video Games
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite band: Sexion d'assaut (French Rap)
Favorite Movie: LOTR
Favorite TV show: Naruto

Other: I come from france but i live in Switzerland.I'm a begginer in this "world" and I hope that i could ask some advises to you for my first cosplay Thank you
Name: Ian
Profession:Current student of International Affairs
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Art projects and guitar
Favorite part of halo: The storyline and artistic vision. I definitely can dork out on some hero myths, and some subsequent analysis of plot devices.
Favorite Halo: Each of them bring back memories for me. Halo 1 and 2 were the game of choice for the first LAN parties I attended, which was just 8 of my best buds in one of their basements. Halo 3 was the first Halo I played on my own Xbox, and my first experience with gaming over Xbox Live.
Favorite Video Game: Mario Kart.
Other Interests: I can dork out on just about anything. I've switched majors 5 times because I can't decide, haha.
Favorite Food: Pizza.
Favorite song: That changes often. Currently it would be any of the fingerpicking tunes from the CandyRat record label
Favorite Music genre: Classic Rock, Bluegrass, Blues, Jazz, 90's rock, Early 2000's rock, some 80's tunes. Pretty much anything other than country, rap, pop, or dubstep/electronic.
Favorite Movie(s): LOTR, Star Wars, Matrix, Serenity
Other: I have been lurkin around this forum for YEARS! waiting for the day when I actually had some disposable income to attempt to create my own rendition of some of the awesome projects you all produce. I have my own project now going on, and I hope to get some pictures up of it soon.:cool
Name: Scott Higgins (but most people call me "Hoppy")
Profession: Sitting on my bum. and studying IT at TAFE.
Favorite Hobby: Cosplay.... and video games.
Favorite part of halo: When playing as ODST Buck during firefight and I stick a grenade.
Favorite Halo: Don't make me choose cause I love them all.
Favorite Video Game: Halo (of course), GOW, Almost anything Star Wars, Assassins Creed, MW series - and I'm talking about the original holder of that abbreviation and not Modern Warfare which I do not like, Battlefield Series, Mass Effect series..... really should I keep going cause this list could get long :p
Other Interests: Skirmish, 501st, Rebel Legion
Favorite Food: The Edible kind..... and Mexican
Favorite Finisher: Skyrim (taking down Dragons)
Favorite Band:
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
Name: Nick Barella
Profession: Time Lord
Age: 945
Favorite Hobby: creating/building/drawing
Favorite part of halo: too many great scenes
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game: Halo or GOW
Other Interests: nearly everything sci fi
Favorite Food: ribs!
Favorite Finisher: the 10th doctor says goodbye to all his friends
Favorite Band: Dead kennedys
Favorite Movie(s): other guys, ghostbusters (1), Dr. Horribles sing-along-blog, and serenity
Other: Im Batman
Name: Donald Corrigan
Career: 31 Bravo (Military Police) Florida National Guard
Age: 20
Location: Florida
Hobby(s): Tactical Airsoft, prop-making, drawing,
Music: Hail the Villain
Movies: Paul, The War Tapes, Fast Five
Favorite part of Halo: Dutch's reaction to crashing the Warthog in Uplift Reserve.
Favorite foods: C'mon... is this a dating site or something?
Favorite games: On a GOW kick, but Halo is at home in the heart.
Name: jeremy harvey
Career: transmission mechanic
Age: 35
Location: Indiana
Hobby(s): working on old cars and playing xbox
Favorite movies: anything with cars in it and sci fi
Favorite part of Halo: all of it
Favorite games: all of the halo games and the battlefield games
Name: Benjamin
Profession: I work in a warehouse. Usually driving a forklift or picking/delivering orders
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, ATV'ing
Favorite part of halo: The end of Halo 3. Dat cliffhanger
Favorite Halo: CE
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Other Interests: I llike going for rides on my king quad I have nicknamed the Mongoose, as she takes as much abuse as the quad in Halo does from me and keeps on tickin;
Favorite Food: Chicken
Favorite Band: Dethklok
Favorite Movie(s): Children of Men, Jackass 1, 2 and 3

I'm not entirely new here. I've been on this forum since 08 at least, but I slowly got too caught up in other things to focus much on armor building and I kinda forgot about this forum (and all my login infor haha). But now I'm hoping to be able to finally finish a suit this time.
Name: Steve
Profession: None
Age: 15
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, drawing, Forging
Favorite part of halo: the endless possiblities
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Other Interests: Drawing, Weight lifting, athletic training, learning all I can about halo
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Band: Linkin Park, The Strokes, The Killers
Favorite Movie(s): Star Wars I-VI, Transformers, Halo legends, Wedding Crashers
Name: James Wilson
Profession: Factory worker/ Guitar Builder
Age: 27
Favorite Hobby: Playing guitar, Halo, and now......... Building armor! WOO!
Favorite part of halo: The Story! Now if only it were real........... =(
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo series
Other Interests: Spending time with my love, my fiance, she also is a gamer..... so its nice to have a HALO BUDDY!!!!
Favorite Food: PASTA!!!!
Favorite Band: Cannibal Corpse, and anything death metal
Favorite Movie(s): Almost anything sci-fi, now if only the damn halo movie would be made......... =(
Other: I played in bands and have been coast to coast, you should try it!!!!
About Astia 317537!! <33

Name: Leslie Lawrence
Profession: Factory worker that dresses up as a Clown that does Porn on the side while building Halo Armor!!
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Playing The entire Halo game series and World of Warcraft
Favorite part of halo: The Storyline, Matchmaking, and the Elites!
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo / World of Warcraft
Other Interests: Playing Halo with my Fiance [= The love of my life && My other half <3 Playing with my dog Bella.
Favorite Food: Cheesy Fries & Steak!!!
Favorite Band: Hollywood Undead, Theory of a Deadman, Slipknot, Suicide Silence, Lady Gaga
Favorite Movie(s): Resident Evil Series, Transformers, Halo legends, Underworld Series
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