Kamen Rider And Guyver

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McCaboose said:

But i did think up something cool.

you know that thin black line that's in the silver dividing piece on double?

what if you made 3 suits, and if you wanted to mix and match, you unzipped the suits and the zipped them together.

Like, make a full suit, with all attached arms and legs and torso, then after you zip them together throw on a chest and helmet and voila, Heat joker, or cyclone trigger.

ill make a pic to illustrate what i mean.

I think I know what you are trying to describe; would it be along these lines?


(bottom part of pic shows chest halves held with what appears to be Velcro, or some really strong magnet strips)

you could do that, and it would probably be the easiest way to have all 9 standard forms...now to wait for his own game to come out (hopefully with WAY better renders) and hope it has the FangJoker, Xtreme forms, and KR Accel's forms.
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Yeah something like that.

God I hope there is another double game, or a new version of that ps1 game that had ichigo v3 black and agito, but with all the riders.
Are there any plans for saban's kamen rider? The only aesthetically decent one, imo.


And what's the progress on the guyver files?
Michalanthropos said:
Are there any plans for saban's kamen rider? The only aesthetically decent one, imo.



Don't call him that, Call him




if we can get an files for him sure, but It may be a while
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McCaboose said:

Don't call him that, Call him




if we can get an files for him sure, but It may be a while

Eeeeeeck! Stay back. STAY BACK!

Alright, Kamen Rider Black from now on. I was never a kamen rider fan, so I don't know any versions other than the one made for the american and europian market. Aaand, like I said, the other ones are ugly.
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Michalanthropos said:
Eeeeeeck! Stay back. STAY BACK!

Alright, Kamen Rider Black from now on. I was never a kamen rider fan, so I don't know any versions other than the one made for the american and europian market. Aaand, like I said, the other ones are ugly.

It's Black RX......... and you dont like any other rider designs?
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Michalanthropos said:
Are there any plans for Kamen Rider Black RX? The only aesthetically decent one, imo.


quote fixed. I wish I had files for Black RX, but sadly I do not.

I'm late on the Decade batch upload, but I was able to use the extra day to finish all his stuff; post will be edited with files in a bit.

I did my best with the chest and helmet, so please bear with me.

EDIT: fixed versions now up.

KR Decade Helmet(without bars)

KR Decade Thighs

KR Decade Shins

KR Decade front ab plates

KR Decade back plates

KR Decade Chest

The remaining pieces can be printed out twice and be used for both right and left:

KR Decade arm plate

KR Decade hand pad

KR Decade Gauntlet

KR Decade Knee

currently working on the helmet for Decade Complete, and just finished Den-O Liner Form(this one I will be building after Faiz is done)
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McCaboose said:
It's Black RX......... and you dont like any other rider designs?

Well they are not horrid, they are just...unintresting. Black RX has a more serious look and more fiting dark colours. The others are like a rainbow parade (happy and colourful, not ghey).


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Michalanthropos said:
Well they are not horrid, they are just...unintresting. Black RX has a more serious look and more fiting dark colours. The others are like a rainbow parade (happy and colourful, not ghey).



You should really watch Decade. try and get a feel for all the newer riders, and not base them off of their suit colors. but if you want something super serious and kinda grimdark, Go watch BLACK, the show before BLACK RX. most of it is subbed on veoh.

And OxA,

Sir I cannot tell you how much this helps me! I'll have all the unfolds up as soon as possible!

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McCaboose said:
You should really watch Decade. try and get a feel for all the newer riders, and not base them off of their suit colors. but if you want something super serious and kinda grimdark, Go watch BLACK, the show before BLACK RX. most of it is subbed on veoh.

I was never a fan of all the fake bravado the japanese seem to love so much. It was the second main reason I grew out of super sentai (the first being Beast Wars. Eff yeah.). "Hoo! Hah! Evil begone! We are awesome.". They are trying too hard.

Btw, I'll probably give guyver a try, but I have a problem with mesurements. Guyver's limbs are a bit longer than a man's, but if I use them as the standard scale, then the rest of the body will be too small. Any suggestions?
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McCaboose said:
Oops. OxA you put two links for the chest and not for the arm pad.

Fixed; all links go to where they need to.

As far as which of the most recent riders have that old-school feel to them, the ones that hit the top of my head are the base forms for Kuuga and Agito; Kabuto has that simple design to him, and so does Faiz. Kiva Emperor Form and Blade King Form are examples that just have way too much detail.

Hibiki......well, he just speaks for himself.

Progress right now: should have mentioned earlier, both Kick and Punch Hopper are close to being finished; still working on their respective Anchor Jacks(the jump/punch mechanism that is either seen on their leg or arm)

EDIT: Den-O Liner Form is pretty much done.

EDIT 2: I will be putting out the weapon files for Blade, Den-O, Zeronos, Kiva Emperor, IXA, and Double if they are requested; current weapon being worked on is the DenKamen Sword for Den-O Liner Form.
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So, I should have the Unfolds for Decade soon. Just making sure they are clean. I also got the Iso for the PS2 game

Kamen Rider: Seagi no Keifu

it has riders 1,2,v3, BLACK, and Agito.

Let me know if you want it so we can get the Models!
McCaboose said:
So, I should have the Unfolds for Decade soon. Just making sure they are clean. I also got the Iso for the PS2 game

Kamen Rider: Seagi no Keifu

it has riders 1,2,v3, BLACK, and Agito.

Let me know if you want it so we can get the Models!

I can get the following ISO's if your interested ..

Kamen Rider 555

Kamen Rider Blade

Kamen Rider Hibiki

Kamen Rider Kabuto

Kamen Rider Climax Heroes

I would love to see any and all riders come to life.
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JEStudio said:
Any Chance of Zeronos helmet or amor?

Are you looking for Altair/Zero Form or Vega? Because I have both.

*drops everything else and gets to work on Altair/Zero helmet*

But since we are on the topic of ISOs, the Kabuto game has one of the riders I really want to build: TheBee. If the ISOs were available, unfortunately I can't rip them, and I can't separate the models from said rips(that requires either Maya or 3DS Max, both I do not own/have).

I will see what I can get done from my end of the web.
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I would be interested in whatever i can get... if I had to choose Altair/Zero :eek)

I will go ahead and get these iso's anyway just incase .. I have 3ds but I dont really use it much or not good with it at all..lol need to get to work and learn the program. Like a 3ds for Dummies..lol
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