Kimset's Cardboard Markiv Armor Thread [image Warning]

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New Member
Hey everyone! I'm a bit new to the community, I'm making MarkIV armor for this years Halloween. I'm doing something most aren't, I'm making it entirely from cardboard instead of the Fiberglass Bondo method. My mom wouldn't let me do the Fiberglass Bondo method, its a bit expensive lol. What I have noticed previously, most people who make cardboard armor just throw it together and say complete, what I'm doing is trying to make it as accurate as my armor making skills go (which isn't much). I have printed out the pep files on normal paper, no need for cardstock when I'm making it from cardboard and not fiberglass. I have already completed the helmet, and I'm layering the paper with cardboard which is something I haven't seen anyone else do. Its coming out fantastic, I'm half way done with the layering of the helmet. A few questions though, water destroys cardboard... is there a way to put a water proof sealant on the cardboard to protect it? Also, any suggested methods for fans? I have a lot of spare computer fans, just no idea how to wire them into the helmet. You can see the top half of the helmet is not done yet, but I just started yesterday layering the helmet, so I'd say I'm doing good.

Note: My camera sucks lol

Front View Helmet:

Side View Helmet:

Back View Helmet:

What do you think? Crits and comments are well accepted!
Nice Job, it's ALL out of cardboard? I can't even do the brim without a template, Nice Job I'm looking forward to seeing your finished suit.
Hey dude. A word of advice for you, I have done done experimentation with cardboard, and let me tell you, putting it on the outside probably isn't the best way to go. For detailing the outside yes. But for reinforcing the piece, I would recommend trying something different. I tried cutting the cardboard exactly like the pep pieces, minus the flaps, and then folding them into shape, and hot glueing them to the inside of the helmet. It worked out really well for the marine tester I made, and the glue+ the cardboard made it really durable. It's just like peping it, except with cardboard. For the outside I would recommend using thinner layered cardboard for the detail. Cereal boxes and packaged product boxes work really well.
Wow... thanks! That is a awesome idea! If you use a thinner material like that from cereal boxes, when panted will show a more glossy finish and will paint easier I believe. Then reinforce the inside with cardboard. Thanks!
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