Map packs

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my rating on them new maps are 3 out of 5 i do not like them, all of them are big except foundry which is a clump of crates...what are your opinion's???
havent played rat's nest and standoff much, i played foundry a few times but i only like it for the soccer thing, not feelin the default map at all
All 3 maps seem kinda smallish..I mean its like one second your at red base...about 20 seconds of travel on foot and your at blue base...
foundy is barron because it is the best forge map ever. you can built stairs, bridges, and electric doorways. its like a canvas. make your masterpiece. don't bash it
Werd Nal said:
foundy is barron because it is the best forge map ever. you can built stairs, bridges, and electric doorways. its like a canvas. make your masterpiece. don't bash it

never thought of it that way
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Im very anxious to start forging. i love to forge, I remember my second forge was 2 basses tottally decked out and defence-ified on last resort.
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