MLC's journey to becoming MC!

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THat looks awesome, I love how you added the details :D Now are those in the original pep files or did you add those form the references you posted? This looks so great! very inspiring :D
Motive8 said:
Thats looking great.Im always suprised at the speed that some people can move through the project,i guess it comes with experience.
Did you resin the outside as well or just resin and glass the inside.because from the pics. it almost looks like your adding bondo to the raw paper on the outside.Is it also possable to see higher resolution pics.I would love to see the detail of the mods.Thanks for sharing your skill :D

Good eye! :D
We didnt do anything to the outside - we just resined the interior & placed a single layer of fiberglass. I needed the outside to be pure pep cardboard so I could be guided by the lines of the Pep for doing/adding the mods. To add, if you resin the inside with a single layer of fiberglass - sanding the edges of the pep will yield a smooth surface.

Infact, if you resin the inside & probably add 2 layers of fiberglass - you could actually (maybe) sand the pep cardboard itself with minimal bondo - it will yield a lighter helmet to wear :D

Mardon (MLC)
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dannifood4less said:
im wondering what became of my poor helmet, your the only one i know of (besides me) that even built it.. you threw it away diddnt you.... :mad:
im still going to finish mine but i have started a custom high detail one for myself too, your helm is coming along nicely. looking foreward to an update for sure!

Oh no sir - infact I displayed it on top of the 1/6 scale Gemini Capsule I'm currently doing for a client :D
I really like the shape of your helmet file and I'm considering of doing something with it after I complete my costume. Trust me, it will be put in good use. :rolleyes
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Skullcandy Girl said:
THat looks awesome, I love how you added the details :D Now are those in the original pep files or did you add those form the references you posted? This looks so great! very inspiring :D

Thanks Ma'am!

I build the peps for the actual sizing, proportions & basic general shape, then I check my reference pics & add the details. If the detail is above or embossed - then I add the card on top of the pep itself. But if the detail requires cutting, then I place a card in the interior under the area I need to modify before I cut on top of the Pep.
Sometimes, due to the numerous mods you do on a Pep - it gets reinforced so much with the addition of card that sometimes you dont have to use resin or fiberglass anymore. Just slap some bondo & sand. :p

Mardon (MLC)
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MLC said:
Thanks Ma'am!

I build the peps for the actual sizing, proportions & basic general shape, then I check my reference pics & add the details. If the detail is above or embossed - then I add the card on top of the pep itself. But if the detail requires cutting, then I place a card in the interior under the area I need to modify before I cut on top of the Pep.
Sometimes, due to the numerous mods you do on a Pep - it gets reinforced so much with the addition of card that sometimes you dont have to use resin or fiberglass anymore. Just slap some bondo & sand. :p

Mardon (MLC)

Neat, it's kind of like sketching, but with card stock, just build details up as ya go. Phooo, well, I'll try to add details like this, granted it may not go as smooth as I'd like it hahaha. I can do anything digitally, my traditional skills in this area are rusty XD Thanks for sharing!
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Wow. That is jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring work. Can't wait to see your finished product.

In your other albums, is most of your work done with mat board, or is that some other sort of flexible board?
WOW :eek: Im amazed. Ive been looking for a whole armor set with the detailing that some people take on their helmets so I could have a reference for when I do my second set of armor. I cant wait to see the finished product.
wow! your work is amazing. Some of that makes me want to say "no more molding" and just into CAD and laser cut a suit. I only say laser cut because i cant bring myself to do pep. Dont know why.

Amazing work though. Amazing!
This is some inspiring work here. I was planning to do something similar to mine... I hop it comes out looking half as good.
Thanks for the vote of confidence guys! :D

Update 11/08/07:

We test fitted a test lens to the helmet to see any gaps between the lens & the helmet so we could properly bondo those places. The biggest gap is in the apex of the chin, so we need to properly position the snout greeblie & round the backside to properly sit with the lens.
I got an inexpensive motorcycle/kart helmet & gutted the interior for its padding as well as for its lens (test lens).

Mardon (MLC)
Ruze789 said:
Wow. That is jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring work. Can't wait to see your finished product.

In your other albums, is most of your work done with mat board, or is that some other sort of flexible board?

In our part of the world, its called "illustration board". Its white on one side & black on the other side. In my mock-ups, I use various thickness of cardboards. I also laminate multiple pieces of card if it needs to be thicker - then I grind it with a Dremel.
Finally, its slap with bondo, sculpt, massaged to its final shape.

Mardon (MLC)
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cool, id like to see a finished version of my helmet too, i was going to add the grooves on the top too, actually had them done, but removed them last minute thinking it would be too hard, now i can see that most people here don't care if the build is very hard, they just want a nice final product... but still for the difference in assembly level between models, i crammed alot of details in there with alot less work..

your work is top notch, lovin the new pics.
Mardon that is a wonderful job. It's so clean and well developed. When I first looked at the pics I was thinking...this looks so much like Chris Bryan's. Got all that great detail in there and you are developing this very methodically and carefully! I look forward to more progress photos.

Amazing, keep up the hard work, sir.

Lookin awesome, man! You sure do work fast.
I just started on my next helmet and was already thinking of doing something similar to this... and this just cemented it.
Out of curiousity, what type of adhesive do you use on the multiple layers of cardstock? I've used elmers glue and superglue so far, and don't like the warping effect they have.
Ruze789 said:
Lookin awesome, man! You sure do work fast.
I just started on my next helmet and was already thinking of doing something similar to this... and this just cemented it.
Out of curiousity, what type of adhesive do you use on the multiple layers of cardstock? I've used elmers glue and superglue so far, and don't like the warping effect they have.

I just use Loctite superglue - both for making Pep as well as any card mods to the Pep.

Mardon (MLC)
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