My Assualt Rifle

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New Member
My AR is made out of card baord and is spray painted like the halo 1 AR. I am going to fiber glass it, put a removable clip, a LED screen, and i am going to spray paints it like the halo 3 AR with gloss. I might also put weights in it and blank bullets in the clip.
Its pretty sw33t, keep up the good work.

By the way, make sure the cops dont find you holding your AR
poppin' off fake rounds lol!

wow it looks GREAT, good job!!!! :lol:

JOtheHOBO said:
My AR is made out of card baord and is spray painted like the halo 1 AR. I am going to fiber glass it, put a removable clip, a LED screen, and i am going to spray paints it like the halo 3 AR with gloss. I might also put weights in it and blank bullets in the clip.
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nice...glad to see peeps and their AR's...i wish i could see a couple of G Hammers here and there...or is it just that they are too complicated???
cool! but you kno what would be really sweet i did this with my armor (still workign on it)
take really i mean really strong magnents and put them in your gun and the bacj of your armor so it (clips) on your back get at wall mart pet section (i have no idea y in pet section)
damasterchief said:
cool! but you kno what would be really sweet i did this with my armor (still workign on it)
take really i mean really strong magnents and put them in your gun and the bacj of your armor so it (clips) on your back get at wall mart pet section (i have no idea y in pet section)

That idea has been thrown around a bit. Some people also suggested using the magnets in hard drives, or getting small/medium rare earth magnets. I'm going to try that, put the magnets under the armor/shell, or just drill a hole and glue it in. :)
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