My Elite Build. Pic Alot

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Well-Known Member
ok im off to collage in like 3 weeks. and MissingSparton7 have the Elite files. so i wus think. can i make a Elite intime for collage and take him to my collage :p

just this meany pages just for the head :(. but im going to use Wood to make it strong so i think i can make it in time. all have more pic.
head is almost there :). cant wait to show my friend next door.




lol if feels like im wereing a dogs cone.
ok, it wus my b-day a few days ago. my day got my a lil cheap vidoe cam. Seeing that i can put the elite head on my head lol. i wus that i'll put that cam in there so i dont have to puta big hole in it, and it will be cool.

i'll have some pic later today.
i think it would be better if you made the elite body out of foam, because i think you couldnt turn your head and do many movements
and the EVA foam already has a nice elite skin color :p
the armor can be made of pepakura and resin
just my 2 cents
so it wus my first day of hurt. and im in akransas, i want looking around to i see a big old Elitle and i wus think man i need this now. so i shot it and it wus a hit :)
now time to maint it to my wall :p
Sorry man, I really didn't understand a word you said, but good job on the elite head, hope you finish it, it would be really cool to have one of these standing in your house
You don't have to be sorry, I understand now, I wasn't trying to cut you down, I thought you were typing on a cell phone, anyways still great job so far
srry man i have Autism. thats why. the pic should tell the story.

Finally someone else. I actually have very rare high-functioning Asperger's syndrome, which causes me to be incredibly intelligent, but have a hard time understanding emotions.

also just puttin this out there, the guy's last name is a**burgers! that makes it hard to take seriously.
Well I was kinda already going to take it over before I was diagnosed, but now it just seems easier :D

@tankball: The pep work looks very nice! I've been tempted to do an elite, but the sheer amount of work/money involved makes me shudder. Looking forward to some more updates!
EDIT: oh, and are you planning to do it "taxidermy" style like a deer head on a wall? That would probably look pretty awesome!
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