Nerds with Girls???

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The problem is, 96% of the female population is taller than me, and 90% of those would rather a guy taller than them. Thus, there is no fit yet. I'm still working on that.

See, I'm an engineer. Problem-solver. I solve problems.
I'm 5'4" if I stand real straight. The 2 girls I know who are shorter than me are an Asian and a girl I just hooked up with my friend.

Im that tall too.
Majority of the people around where I live are around 5'2-5'10. Male and female.
Its all about location, location, location. Haha, some areas are taller, some shorter.
If worst comes to worst... date a midget! or a dwarf!
just trying to let you know that life is better when you look on the bright side of things. if you look for something thats wrong you'll find it. and from my experience it just makes life suck. so i choose optimism
Not all nerdy girls are nice; one of them bit me. Plus, with my depression and self-confidence problem going on, most girls don't talk to me. Although, maybe I should just try talking to them.
Im not one to talk about rejection and asking out girls though, im like Rajesh Koothrappali in Big Bang Theory.

Ah, yes. Poor Raj, he has to play his clarinet all by his onesie.

We are the 405th! We have a duty to show the world that we are not like any other "nerdy" group who goes goo goo over any female with similar interests! We are military nuts where guns and armor comes first and girls 2nd.

Hey, everyone! "Goo goo!"

Alas, instead of going to the local barkeep to tell of our woes, we go head to our keyboards and go online. And the advice is just as good as a barkeep. Good job!

Seriously, though. I've never had much luck with women (Dancing: yes. Dating: No). I haven't tried anything (date-wise) since Freshman year of high school, 4 years ago.
I've always felt out of place among people...
The trick I suppose is to be comfortable being around yourself, then work on being comfortable around others - especially others you like *wiggles eyebrows*. To be comfortable with oneself, and to be able to live with the decisions you make is a crucial step into gaining confidence.

When it comes to armor... I made a pvc stand for mine -still made out of paper, not "F-ondoed" yet (A WIP will be posted when finished) - and I occasionally leave my dorm door open. Usually it's to combat the rap others play outrageously loud (Anyone listen to The 69 Eyes?), and occasionally people stop by to oogle at it. More girls than guys. Curious, isn't it? :3

Anywho, I'm probably around 5'11" (never measured myself recently), and I noticed I would look a little like Tesla if I had the mustache and hairstyle. I think that word of me is spreading around campus... also the fact that I wear a suede coat, tie and homemade matching hat helps.

I digress. The thing is you never know until you try... speaking of which... *lapses into reoccurring deep thought*
I find this thread very amusing, hahaha. Even though this is aimed towards guys, I thought I'd share my view.
All the gamer "geek" guys I know found a strange liking to me for being a gamer, a hardcore gamer, nonetheless. I mean, I don't even spend my time on guys who don't game. There's something about gaming that just makes the relationship interesting, know what I mean?
I don't know why so many girls pass up geeks. I find it totally ridiculous.
Anyway, I don't know about you guys, but I find it easy to spend my days playing Xbox and working on armor or doing whatever the heck I want, not having to worry about playing a role in a relationship. If you build it, they will come ;)
Oops, i forgot about this thread.

Funny enough, since i last posted in here, i got a girlfriend :D yyeeewww!
True enough, she does like playing video games and making costumes (slightly different ones, but still costumes none the less)
However, i dont think by traditional standards either of us would really qualify for nerds. Most of the time we spent together these holidays
involved either going to the beach or Longboarding around some local hills (on that note, if you ever want to see how fast your heart can beat, try teaching a grommet how to skate...i think my life is now shorter by 5 years)

Anyway, enough ranting.
I think that finding someone doesnt really have much to do with nerd-dom or not. Granted, similar interests help, but ultimately if someone doesnt like you because you Have a wonderful imagination and like a good storey, then they arent the one for you.
i am a Nerd and here is a Pic of me in my half Armor (spartan summer suit)
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