New Here

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New Member
Whats up Guys! I'm AlphaXero, but most people online just call me Alpha, or Xero, never both. I'm new here, but not to the world of cosplay, I've been make costumes and props for three or four years now. But I've never tried something like Spartan Armor, but ever since I found this site about a week ago, I've been planning my own suit. I'm planning on making an Emile Armor set. A couple of noob tips would be appreciated, but for the most part, I've got the general idea. But anyways, just thought I would swing by and say hey, and that I hope to become a very active member in the Halo Costuming Community.
I have actually been to your thread before, your really good. Your videos have actually already helped me, lol.
Welcome to the site! Be sure to read the stickies, they're very informative.

Goodluck with your costume. Hope you enjoy your stay!

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