New Unfolded Patterns For Smoother Pep Builds

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Nice work. These PDO's will not only make it faster to build testers, I also plan on using them for an armor set for my son. I don't want to build the HD models at his tiny scale (he's six), and these are a little smoother than the original testers. Thanks and keep it up.
Thanks for taking the time to make these for us, mate. Gonna whack a few pieces out as testers before using the Hi-Defs for final work. You've made my life much easier. Many thanks!
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Nirvana said:
One very bad problem.

When you fiberglass the paper is very weak :(

And its less sturdy, but you know...

Good job anyways!
why would it be any weaker then any other pep?
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Check it out!
I made one for a sizer and made it just a wee bit too small..
So 2 hours ago I downloaded the files and pepakura made me update before I could view them. Now I can't figure out how I scale the files. Somone help? I've looked around,but I can't seem to find anything on pep viewer 3.

I'd hoped to have been started by now,but now its time to get some rest. Maybe I'll fit some work in between studying and homework tomorrow...
Kaya Tetsu said:
So 2 hours ago I downloaded the files and pepakura made me update before I could view them. Now I can't figure out how I scale the files. Somone help? I've looked around,but I can't seem to find anything on pep viewer 3.

I'd hoped to have been started by now,but now its time to get some rest. Maybe I'll fit some work in between studying and homework tomorrow...

I'll give you a lead: Go to the "2DpatternWindow" Tab, and head down until you see "Change the scale of development". Then you click on "Specify the scale..."
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I must be blind, because I can't find it....

Menus in pep viewer 3:


Baka! *Head on desk*

I downloaded viewer and I needed
Nirvana said:
One very bad problem.

When you fiberglass the paper is very weak :(

And its less sturdy, but you know...

Good job anyways!
I forgot to respond to this issue that's been brought up a few times before, now that I've finally resined my helmets. If anyone is still using my modded peps, they resin just fine. No warping or collapsing or anything.
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Sorry for the double post. I decided to post my version of DF4L's helmet (check the first post). I hope he doesn't mind (I'll take it down if there's a problem). Full credit goes to him, I just re-unfolded it. Only 52 pieces vs. 50 for Robo's. Not bad, eh?
for your robo helmet can i just change the hight or do i have to change the scale and the hight, or the scale, im lost. i really want to build this helmet.
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