I'm seeing constant repeats of the same questions over & over & over... For God's sake, READ!!!!!
The posts stuck above clearly spell out just about every step & question you have, plus a whole bunch you haven't even thought of...
You're on a computer, open up what ever 'notepad' program you have & set it to the side...
Now, READ all the stickies, & any other thread of interest... Read the whole thread! Not just the first or last posts... Lots of info in there...
When ever you see the info you want or need, or a neat idea, copy & paste it to your notepad.... In an hour or two you should have several pages of great stuff you can print out & have onhand throughout your creative proccess!!!
All us 'old timers' are here to help, but we can't do it effectively if we're answering the same questions over & over...
& yeah, I mean old timers... I'm probably old enough to be the father of 75% of the kids here...
The posts stuck above clearly spell out just about every step & question you have, plus a whole bunch you haven't even thought of...
You're on a computer, open up what ever 'notepad' program you have & set it to the side...
Now, READ all the stickies, & any other thread of interest... Read the whole thread! Not just the first or last posts... Lots of info in there...
When ever you see the info you want or need, or a neat idea, copy & paste it to your notepad.... In an hour or two you should have several pages of great stuff you can print out & have onhand throughout your creative proccess!!!
All us 'old timers' are here to help, but we can't do it effectively if we're answering the same questions over & over...
& yeah, I mean old timers... I'm probably old enough to be the father of 75% of the kids here...