ODST Bomb Squad Build


New Member
Hello everyone, My friend and I are attempting to construct ultra-accurate, ULTRA-REALISTIC odst armour.
Our main design inspiration is @dat_boi_builds on instagram (pictured below). Primarily the hazard tape.


We will be basing our builds off of 343's odst cosplay guide. Using 3D renders to be as accurate to the source material as possible.
Feedback and constructive criticism will be an integral part of this project, so any and all is welcome.
Autodesk SketchBook - sketchjunk2.tif @ 347.9% 9_11_2023 11_57_07 PM.png

This is a rough concept of what we're going for right now. Again, constructive criticism is going to be a big part this.
I absolutely love the idea of some form of EOD unit with an ODST unit. Maybe some attachments like an energy shield similar to MJOLNIR (less powered, but enough to sustain some chance of survival.) would be a good thing, potentially like a backpack attachment?

I absolutely dig the hazard tape. I think it’s nice!
Any progress on this? Very intrigued with the idea.
We took what's known in the procrastination community as a "holiday break". I'm the friend mentioned in the post btw. My friend isn't currently working on the odst, and opted for a metrocop for the next con. I've recently started working on it though, and cranked out a shin.


First time working with foam in a few months, so it probably wasn't a good idea to start with such a difficult piece. I think it came out alright though.
I'll be posting more updates at least once a week (hopefully).
Looks pretty good!

I would like to give you a tip: sharpen your blades! I think you will find you have an easier time getting clean cuts if you replace and sharpen your blades often. Foam will dull your blades very very quickly, which is why this edge here is a bit rough.
With a fresh blade, the cut will look as smooth as the factory edge.
Looks pretty good!

I would like to give you a tip: sharpen your blades! I think you will find you have an easier time getting clean cuts if you replace and sharpen your blades often. Foam will dull your blades very very quickly, which is why this edge here is a bit rough.
View attachment 340574
With a fresh blade, the cut will look as smooth as the factory edge.
Thank you for the feedback! I'm working on the knees today and I'll be making sure to keep that in mind.
Been a hot second.

I kinda forgot this thread existed for like 3 months, but I'm back. Gold coast Supanova was just yesterday and I am super proud of how it turned out.


Gauntlets and helmet were both 3D printed, and everything else was made out of Titan AV and Lumins Workshop foam.
It ultimately took around 4 months to fully put together.
This thread is more than 9 months old.

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