Project Odst!

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Sorry to hear about your grandfather.... ....I hope nothing but the best for you and yours.
Thanks bro :) but the one that should be really be getting that last part would be my mom, she was soo torn up. She went to go see him at 12 and came back at 2 in the morning.

you are such a smokin hottyyyy and the fact that you make mjoulnir armor makes me itchy down there
Lol thanks?? lol Can you even say that here??

What are you talking about. geez spammers, buch of immature 11 year olds.
LOL Totally.

what the hell my freind used my profile stole my laptop sorry guys
Then I hope it was a chick friend cause I don't accept comments like that from dudes.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
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Hey everone I finally got some progress done!!

My half-way done sliced BR.




I plan on adding bondo to the body and adding in the detals, as well as a scope and the long barrel.

i'll get more pics of my ODST armor soon.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
ACDCrockr209 said:

Does anyone know the length of the barrel that should be in the BR??

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
hm well going over a picture in photoshop-
proportionate wise the barrel should be the length of the back of the gun to the tip of the 3rd spike *see uploaded file*
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hm well going over a picture in photoshop-
proportionate wise the barrel should be the length of the back of the gun to the tip of the 3rd spike

Thanks, but I just need to know how much of it is actually sticking out of the rifle.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
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ACDCrockr209 said:
Thanks, but I just need to know how much of it is actually sticking out of the rifle.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
Hm, meh iz teh confused but meh iz halo nub so meh shuts up now ^^
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What do some of you use for a barrel on a BR??

I'm going to go shopping for a Wood or PVC "barrel" soon so I need your help.

gonna show some pics of my torso as soon as my hpone get some more juice in it.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
looking very good, a very awesome build, keep up the good work! oh, could you direct me to the file for that sliced br? looks superb!
Ok time for and update.

NOTE: No pics today feeling kind of lazy lolz

Right now I have:

*Finnished fiberglassing my helmet from the inside.

*Bought the 7 pound bucket-o-Bondo(I ain't wasting 10 bucks on 1 bloody pound).

*Bought some brushes and some more liquid hardener(damn little tube had a little rip in it).

*Finnishing up my torso (just a few more peices and BAM!!).

*Finnishing up the scaling for my shoulders (going to do that next).

Now I have some questions:

*What do I do about the inside full of spikey fiberglass strands?? I cut alot of them out but what do I do now?? Do I add padding or what??

*Does acetone(I think thats what its called) remove cured fiberglass resin. I want to make sure because I don't want to spend 5 bucks on something that won't work for dung.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
Got an update with Pics!!

Here ya go:

Going to try to get the whole thing bondoed by this weekend.

I'm also going to get the Main chest plate and left thigh plate resined and glassed.

P.S. I got my hair cut!! So much for my mane lol!!

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
Looking good

Heh heh thanks!! I got some smoothing done to it. Now I know how you guys feel when you smooth out your armor :rolleyes

I'm going to get some more done before I get another update up so stay tuned ;)

-Pony (y) (y) (y)

P.S. I didn't really get my hair cut. i ain't that stupid :p .
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ACDCrockr209 said:
I finnaly found my camera!!!

Here are some pics of the helmet along with 2 freshly made armored boot tips.



-Pony (y) (y) (y)

Did you scale the helm? if you did what size? sorry im a noob :whistle:
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Have you seen my NEW ODST SHOULDER ARMOR (*clicky*) I posted in the noob forum? You might be interested, if you haven'y already built the shoulders. I'm the first to make a model of the new ODST shoulder armor, as I've been told. I'd LOVE to see it built. I'm just busy with other pieces at the moment ...
That helmet is looking real nice. I'm in the process of putting the Pep pieces together. I hope it comes out as good as yours. It's my first time. :D
Hot damn!!

Time to dust off this thread with a written update!!

*Got dremmel!! Woot!!

*Working on an ODST chest plate made by good ol' Nightshade.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
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