Project Odst!

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Well-Known Member
Hey guys and gals I've been working on and off from my ODST project and im barely getting done with the helmet.

I did get both knees (one needs to be redone) and the groin plate.

The good news is that that knees look great in all but the groin plate looks HUGE!!.

I only have one pic right now of the knee that is messed up but I will trash that one and make a new one.

I am 5' 5''. Can someone please do the math thing so I can print out the peices in the right size.I read the whole thing but still didn't get it lol.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
If I recall correctly, all of the pieces are scaled to a person's height of 5'8". You say you are 5'5", I wouldn't scale it down too significantly, if at all. No more than about 5 or 6 cm's on the assembled height.
I agree. You shouldn't really have to scale down at all. but if you really feel the need, there's a sticky that shows you how to do it but he shows you how to scale Master chiefs. To everyone that reads this, please read the stickies. :lol:

The helmet is complete. I will post some pics as soon as I find my bloody camera.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
I finnaly found my camera!!!

Here are some pics of the helmet along with 2 freshly made armored boot tips.



-Pony (y) (y) (y)
Great work so far, you're really good at pepping. I hate scaling it stinks.

Gracias mi amigo.

I was on and off on the helmet for about a month so the work paid off.

I am currenty decideing on which peice to do next...hmmmm?

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
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Wow your helmet looks pretty good I am not sure but isn't there a ODST Chest to pep?

Thanks and to answer your question, yes there is an ODST chest piece to pep.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
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Hey your Odst is awsome!... i have also started with an odst armor as well. Hope yours turns out great. What scale do you recomend for the torso??? i already built mine, but what are your suggestions???
I listen too death metal Ha!
First off, Welcome to the forums trooper. Now on to your question.

Hey your Odst is awsome!... i have also started with an odst armor as well.
Cool, Glad to see another Helljumper in the the ranks.

Hope yours turns out great.
I hope so too dude. Gonna be rockin' all the way on this project.

What scale do you recomend for the torso???i already built mine, but what are your suggestions???
I haven't even built mine yet, so I have yet to say how big or small its gonna be on me.

I listen too death metal Ha!
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Heys guys, I have a 2 updates.

First off, I finnished peping my main chest peice(its been done for a while).


And I finnally got me some fiberglass resin and fiberglass!!!.


I also bought me a respirator and I have a couple of questions about it.


*its says its a paint respirator. Can I use when I fiberglass my peices?

*its says its an OV/P95 Respirator. Can I use it for fiberglassing?

I haven't opened it yet just in case.

-Pony (y) (y) (y)
That's the respirator you want, it's marked as paint/pesticide because those are the most common organic vapors people are dealing with.
ACDCrockr209 said:
*its says its an OV/P95 Respirator. Can I use it for fiberglassing?

Yes, the P95 indicates that it is Oil resistant, and will filter 95% of Airborne particles. It will work good for sanding body filler and fiberglass.

It works fine for paint as in Spray paint, house paint, etc ... but not paint sprayed out of a professional Gun.

- Dan
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but the groin plate looks HUGE!!.

That's what they all say!!!!! :p

Your pepping looks good! just take your time with the helm... It's the most visable and recognizable piece.
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