Project Odst!

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Heh sorry for any updates. I haven't been able to work on my armorz in a while. Hopefully, I get get my bum back to work on my ODST.

Take care everyone,

What do you guys do to add the detail to the side of the earpeices??

Here's a pic:


I know some of you guys use a dremmel, but i have seen others use material. If you all can be so kind of please telling me of what material you are using, that would be wicked!!

You mean the Teardrop shaped detail, or the curve over the Ear?

The curve over the ear. I want to know how some of you guys do it since it has to be deeper that the other places where you can just use a dremel. I haven't bondoed the area yet so, yeah.

I am less worried about the Teardrop right now.

HaloFreakX said:
Adhesive foam strips help I believe.

Yeah, I agree. You can get them in the crafts section of Wal-Mart. Just be sure to remove it before the bondo sets in or cures completely.
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ACDCrockr209 said:
Sweet thanks guys!! Guess I have to go to good ol' Walmart tomorrow.


If you check out my progress thread, you will see how I did it with copper. If you just do the same that I did, but with adhesive foam stips, you'll get the same result. Go check it out!
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