Question Concerning Xbox Live online and off.

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Well-Known Member
If my account is about 2 end for xbox live,and i was wondering if i cancell it would i still keep my achievements for offline? Soon i might get a new xbox live account again and could i sign up and automatically have those achievement? Or would i have to recover my account and then change my gt.

Just keep it, when an XBL account runs out, it simply goes into a silver account, you'll still have your GT, your achievements, your friends, and everything you own. Just keep it.
Ironcobra3000 said:
Just keep it, when an XBL account runs out, it simply goes into a silver account, you'll still have your GT, your achievements, your friends, and everything you own. Just keep it.
i paid with credit though doesnt it renew?
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if ur live account is gonna run out, why not just charge ur card for another year.... why lose all ur progress from one acct to simply start over..... go buy some gamer points and change ur gamertag.... unless u only have an xbox not a 360, then just call xbox and complain alot to get urs changed...
You could just pay for a three month period for now till you figure stuff out, then cancel if you still think that's what you should do. If this is just to change you gamertag, I'd take W1D0MAK3R's advice and get some gamer points (800pts) to change your name. Trust me I let mine run out once and I had to pick a new gamertag cause I couldn't recover the old one and I lost my friends list. This was back when everyone was switching to the 360 and so it may be easier to recover gamertags now, but I'm not certain.
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