Rachciav's Boot And Odst Progress

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alrighty so i havent made much progress over the past two weeks because my work space was moved to the basement, so ive been setting up, ive also been busy with the holiday season, as well as not having clay. but i did get 25 lbs of clay for christmas! so i made some progress on the shin piece. also i resined my BR but havent sanded it, due to tons of snow and coldness. heres some pics.


my BR...aww isnt it cute


shin started


shin after fixing a few mistakes

i had more pictures, but my camera ran out of batteries while they were uploading, so ill have them as well as updates posted as soon as the batteries charge. please give me your opinion on the sculpting and tell me if you see anything wrong. thanks in advance. :D
thanks! yea i wasnt worried about smoothness yet, i was just getting the general shape. but lighter fluid sounds a little dangerous....like flammable. i dont want my shin armor to catch fire.

heres some pics of the progress ive made all day. i actually only left the basement to eat dinner. ive been sculpting, looking up reference pictures, and taking halo breaks all day.







i blocked in the details so far and started taking out the recessed areas.
It looks great! The only thing i can see is that the part that sticks up to cover the knee is a little close to the knee itself. You don't want it to scrape you up and dig into your leg when you walk
yea i never figured that part out yet. i accidentally had my knee bent when i made the tape cast to build up clay on. so thats giving me some problems
rachciav said:
yea i never figured that part out yet. i accidentally had my knee bent when i made the tape cast to build up clay on. so thats giving me some problems

Ok, I was just throwin it out there, didn't want you to finish and be like WTF?! I CANT WALK
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Air_Force_Spartans said:
no problem if you need a place to order it from, i know a few

mc hammer time said:
Ok, I was just throwin it out there, didn't want you to finish and be like WTF?! I CANT WALK
lol yea that'd be an epic fail and a total waste of money. im kind of avoiding that part until i can figure it out. thank you for the advise though it is always appreciated.
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Everything is looking great! I take it that the BR slice method works well? I'm going to try it on cardboard... What did you use (sorry if I missed it)?
thanks! and yes i have to say the sliced method owns. the only problem i had, was when i scaled it, i did it really weird and converted the files alot, so they didnt match up exactly. so just be super careful when scaling and cutting. i used foam core. the the ones i used were alittle too thick, so try to watch that. but over all i find this method much better than peping, because it doesnt warp.
rachciav said:
thanks! and yes i have to say the sliced method owns. the only problem i had, was when i scaled it, i did it really weird and converted the files alot, so they didnt match up exactly. so just be super careful when scaling and cutting. i used foam core. the the ones i used were alittle too thick, so try to watch that. but over all i find this method much better than peping, because it doesnt warp.
Hey, thanks for tips! And the slice method takes care of the age old question, "how am I gonna fill the inside of a pep weapon?" Can't wait to see this finished!
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no problem. that was my biggest problem with the assault rifle. its really wear no matter how much resin i put on it. i actually stepped on it when i was drying so its warped :/ i cant wait to sand the BR but its so cold out! atleast most of the snow melted.
Dayum, Rachel! Things are really shaping up well for you, from what I can see. Your Mk VI armour is looking good, the ODST armour is looking good, your first sculpting attempt with the shin is looking pretty kewl already, and I'm definately liking the way that BR's starting to look. All in all, everything's looking pretty slick there, girl. I'm going to have to get my hands on Bevbor's BR file and make myself one of those :D
why thank you :D i have to say this sculpting thing takes lot of patience, because whenever i think i finished a section ill look at it from another angle and have to redo the whole thing and i have to say Bevbor did make a pretty nice BR file. i might have more progress on the shin tonight unless i fall asleep early but in the words of FS "sleep is for the weak!"
well since i dont have anything better to do on new years eve because the people i usually celebrate with are visiting family in Australia, and it snowed again so i cant sand my BR, heres what i sculpted this morning.


side view.


front view

i decided that avoiding things was bad, so i started to fix the top part of the shin to make it more comfortable to walk. i also made it have more of an angle, and evened out some parts on the side. i will have more progress as the day goes.
Indeed. Comparing your progress pics from today and a couple days ago, I can already tell the difference in the shaping of the knee area. Looks better. Keep at it, and you shouldn't have any problems with mobility :)

Although I'd have the patience for what you're doing, I highly doubt I'd have the skills necessary to make it look good, lol. I mean, it's one thing to build something out of layered styrene, and something else altogether to sculpt it by hand. So, I think I'll stick with other more familiar methods for making my Mk VI armour :lol:
Overlord_Ian said:
Great work, looks like this is coming along nicely :)

thanks :D

Indeed. Comparing your progress pics from today and a couple days ago, I can already tell the difference in the shaping of the knee area. Looks better. Keep at it, and you shouldn't have any problems with mobility :)

Although I'd have the patience for what you're doing, I highly doubt I'd have the skills necessary to make it look good, lol. I mean, it's one thing to build something out of layered styrene, and something else altogether to sculpt it by hand. So, I think I'll stick with other more familiar methods for making my Mk VI armour :lol:

thanks! well im glad i didnt avoid the knee part any longer. and sculpting is definitely difficult but well worth it once i can cast thousands of copies!
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