RTX 2022 Austin, TX July 1th-3rd

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Member DIN
RTX is back in-person this year. Who is going to be there?

Austin Convention Center
500 E Cesar Chavez St, Austin, TX 78701

I will be there with my ODST, and most likely premiering Echo 216 as well!

If you are traveling and need a place to stay while in town, PM me. I have two spare rooms and a couch up in Round Rock, 30-45 minutes from the convention center.
How was it? I have been out of the Con groove for awhile and my Master Chief armor desperately needs a re-fit...
Honestly, it is a different RTX than it was in the mid 2010s'. IT is much more anime-centric, and the Halo content was minimal. I think I saw one other Halo costume all weekend (plus one Destiny).
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