some of us need....

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I say do the age limit, and if anyone under the limit wants to join, they should put together a "portfolio," if you will, of what they could contribute or have already created which would be judged by the higher-ups, and approved or denied.

This way, the younger ones who have a lot to give (FS and Robo are great examples) could easily be let in, while the ones who aren't allowed to become members can still browse the forum and use it as the great resource it is. (It can be done. I've seen people with slim to zero posts come in here and show excellent polished pieces, and they did it without posting on the site at all.)

I've seen it done with other online communities, much less formal than this one.

Actually, if we wanted to be as 'official' as possible, everyone should have to be judged before joining. But that's not really an option for us right now, is it?

But really, this isn't going to happen until the 405th takes a few more steps towards 'officialism.' I'm willing to bet the 501st wasn't just a forum of costume makers before they were endorsed. They had officials and rules, and consequences for breaking those rules.

My two cents.
why does every one what to be like 501st? i mean not saying that their bad, but i dont think we have to be official.
I kind of agree with the age thing, but then I remember that I'm 15, so I'm not sure... Anyway, here's a couple of my thoughts.

1. FS (flying_squirl) is not really young. He's 23. That's a bit older than 16 or 18.

2. Examples of younger contributers that I can think of right now are Doom, supertaco, me. I can't think of very many at the moment though.
3. An example I can think of for people with few post that have great work is Thorssoli.

4. I am a member of a smaller forum (only around 500 members), and they have a system so that you have to first apply for the forum, then you have to read a sticky, then you have to take a test and PM a moderator with the answers. Then you can get approved to be able to post in the forum.
I think that if they can do that, we could at least make them take a test before being able to post in a certain sub-forum, or something like that. We could figure something out.

I think we need more moderators. We don't have very many for the 5,469 members we supposedly have. I know it's really less, like 1600 last time I checked, but it'd make it easier for everyone IMO.

Age doesn't necessarily determine maturity, or the ablility to figure out how to do something, post count doesn't determine that either, nor does IQ.
Example being CemreTas (who I believe was banned about a week ago :lol: ). He had over 400 posts, but he had ABSOLUTLY no knowledge of anything Halo related. He created so many useless topics, and topics that a complete noob would make. He made 3 topics saying "Tell me what I need and how to do everything", even though he had been a member for several months, he had over 200 something posts at the time, and a supposed IQ of 186.

There. I've pretty much said what I wanted.
I am currently 15. I recently joined the 405th after lurking for some time. On the topic of the age limit for the "official' 405th I believe it should be 16 and older. This is because many people get their liscenses then and most of them have jobs where they can get money for going to the meetings.
For the forums I think all people should only be able to access stickies for their first week on the forums and after their second they can create topics. Doing this will encourage people to read the stickies as most of the basic questions are answered there. Also after that they will be encouraged to read topics made by others which should answer just about all of their questions. Doing this will substantially decrease the number of questions already answered there and encourage more topic that are valuable to the community itself.
Almost every forum I have been a member of has had an age limit of 13. Not 13 and lie, your gone, very simple.
Durlaburban said:
Ok some of us on this site need attitude ajustments and the ban-hammer needs to be dusted. there are way to many kids here now days. I think at least a small age limit is required. I'm about sick of being yelled at and cotested by some idiotic, imature 12 year old. I thnk we should have a 14+ age limit as a minimum. I have never been yelled at or threatend by anyone 14 or older so i see that as a good age. I mean if we want bungie to oficalize us we cant look like a bunch os kids but then again we cant look like a bunch of old weirdos either.

Theats are illeagal and quite frankly stupid. all they do is provoke 12 year olds to come flying out of the woodwork and contest eachother. This is a site for community and armor. This is not a popularity contest or a shouting match

- This has been another rant by your friend Durlaburban who would lke to say "Thanks for listening"

LOL, you are requesting to put the age limit to 14+ since you are 14... you would probably say that if you where 13... And you are under age to play halo LOL...
I think this website should be age limited according to the halo's PEGI or ESRB rating according to the country.
Example: The ESRB rating in the US is M for MATURE. meaning the age of 17. And the PEGI RATING in europe is mostly 15, So the people from the US should be atleast 17 and europeans (15-16 according to theyre countrys pegi rating) i dont know about australia or japan...

"I am currently 15. I recently joined the 405th after lurking for some time. On the topic of the age limit for the "official' 405th I believe it should be 16 and older. This is because many people get their liscenses then and most of them have jobs where they can get money for going to the meetings.
For the forums I think all people should only be able to access stickies for their first week on the forums and after their second they can create topics. Doing this will encourage people to read the stickies as most of the basic questions are answered there. Also after that they will be encouraged to read topics made by others which should answer just about all of their questions. Doing this will substantially decrease the number of questions already answered there and encourage more topic that are valuable to the community itself. "

I agree with the above
We could just put the age limit to 16, (nooo that means i'm dropping of the list too!)


The group of people who age here are mostly 15 and the amount decreses when people get younger/older
we could chop off the list from 15-18 downwards.


PS: rBut i think this site is more like for the fun of making the armor.
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There would be no point in an age limit, it would be totally impossible to enforce anyway. It really dosn't matter, in time the members who arn't in it for the long haul (i.e hobby/aspiring/pro prop builders and collectors) will fade away as something else grabs their attention and their half completed projects will sit and gather dust in their bedrooms, most likely along side the electric guitar they begged their parents for but, never learned to play. Just wait, the community will simmer down in time. I have been a hobby prop builder and sculptor for around 8 years now, and in this short time I have seen a few fads come and go, only the truly obsessed will remain in time.
well the word obsessed has morfed into upset for me. Im 14 with an IQ 140+ Im just sick of 12 and unders.

Maby an IQ test for entering would suffice. or just some general knowledge questions to create an account?

mabey it would look like this. (EXAPMPLE)


President of the U.S. : George Bush
Englands form of government : Parliment
Who Wrote cat in the hat: Dr. seuss
Sigma-LS said:
I still think that the best examples of young people being valuable members of this community are folks like fs and Doom.

AoBfrost said:
I do agree doom and FS are our most valuable younger members.

Nicktendo said:
I say do the age limit, and if anyone under the limit wants to join...

...this way, the younger ones who have a lot to give (FS and Robo are great examples)

wtf is going on? you all know im 23 right? how old is every ones else?!!!

EDIT: ok so im not goin mad

Robogenisis said:
1. FS (flying_squirl) is not really young. He's 23. That's a bit older than 16 or 18.

thank god for that.

bdw, yea, i think more mods would be good to keep things tidy but how on earth would they go about choosing them?!! theres alot of people here!
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flying_squirl said:
wtf is going on? you all know im 23 right? how old is every ones else?!!!

EDIT: ok so im not goin mad
thank god for that.

bdw, yea, i think more mods would be good to keep things tidy but how on earth would they go about choosing them?!! theres alot of people here!

Rofl... I love how people "assume" things. FS is indeed 23.. No offense FS, but guys, I think 23 is a bit over "young".
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I keep seeing this word "official" being thrown around, what on earth are people talking about? The 501st is not "official" anything.

Please read this, and try to understand what it means
The 501st Legion is a worldwide Star Wars costuming organization comprised of and operated by Star Wars fans. While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd., it is Lucasfilm's preferred Imperial costuming group.

pay special attention to this part

While it is not sponsored by Lucasfilm Ltd

Lucasfilm allow us (the 501) to exist solely because we're a useful marketing tool, and some of our members charity work makes them look good by proxy. Its not like we get to do what ever we please, and get to say "no, its fine, we're "official" Lucas' lawyers will still take down a vendor, TK or not. For the most part when there is a 501 presence at an event, it has nothing to do with lucasfilm, we organize our presence at events events ourselves, that is why we have our heirachy. so there is someone to organise things, and make sure the costumes are up to standard. There have been rare cases when people have been invited to attend events by Lucasfilm (like the rose parade), but its certainly not the norm. This is not likely to happen with the halo franchise for a couple of good reasons. 1 its pretty much finished, so does not need further promoting, and 2 Microsoft have licensed a company to make armour, they are not likely to look on a bunch of people with bootleg kits kindly. Instead of trying to be "official" just make armour. the 501 started in one guys garage when they pulled a few TK suits for fun.
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NZ-TK said:
I keep seeing this word "official" being thrown around, what on earth are people talking about? The 501st is not "official" anything.
... the 501 started in one guys garage when they pulled a few TK suits for fun.
*edited for space* VERY good points.

personly ide rather this place didnt become official. if it did there would most likely bring a BLAM load of very strict regulations and rules and that would make this hobby seem more like work. and we all know what happens then.

on that note, why do people want to be official?????? what do we have to gane from it???? im mean come on! searisly! if we became official we most likly wouldnt be alloud to make below par armour. that means no low poly pep for parties or the like. we would probibly have to buy the propper stuff which we probibly wouldnt be aloud to customise. nothing good will come of becoming official. sure we might get a link on the bungie site but that'll only bring more "iI WANA BE TEH MISTA CHEIFZZZ!!!" to the site. if people are genuinly intrested in this they WILL find us. i mean, what do you want official-ness for? so we can see '' burried in the credit of the next game?

sorry, rant over.

oh and thanks for the complaments eirlier, nice to know you think im a good member.
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I think the main problem is that, there are too many people who want all the information on a plate.

They dont read the stickies, then they think no-one is helping them then others get irritated because theyve done the research, and then people start Flaming..

I am almost 17, there are lots of teens on this site, infact i think the majority on this site are teens, putting up an age ristriction is poinless.

What we need are people who are commited, and willing to do the research.

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I think 18+ should be the flat rate, not because I am 18, but because when you are 18, you have car, job, money, and more knowledge on this stuff, we dont need to become official, But I am just saying, if we did, to look good, you gotta take the best, and toss away the rest.

It's like a high school football team, they wont let you in if your in 3rd grade, you must be the age/grade for that highschool team, plus, even though you may know how to play football being in 3rd grade, you're not strong enough and dont have enough skill to compete with the older kids. gotta wait many years before they let you in/
flying_squirl said:
wtf is going on? you all know im 23 right? how old is every ones else?!!!

EDIT: ok so im not goin mad
thank god for that.

Dude, I'm so sorry. I can't for the life of me remember why I though that. You're actually older than me :lol:
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We may never have an age limit on anything for 405th, but right now, I think we need to suspend people constantly if they cant read the stickies or follow the rules.
haha, no worries dude.

theres no point in an age limit. for all you know i could REALY be 8, female and living on the moon (hence the bad connection) but i just lied when i signed up here.

"on the internet no one knows your realy a dog"
Dispite arguments I think some good points are being made here.

Maybe enforcing an age limit isn't the route needed. You might, and probably will still get mouthy annoying over 16's/18's or whatever.
Attitude is the thing that needs to be addressed here.
Some people on here are so quick to put down and flame or have a dig at people for making small mistakes. Fair enough if people are not reading the stickies or are being offencive, action should be taken to sort these ones out and correct them. But it should be done in a controlled manner and sorted by the mods. THese kind of situations don't need people, young or old, flaming. It pulls the site down and makes it look like we're all imature kids.
The point is we all just need to be a bit kinder when dealing with each other and polite, regardless of age/IQ.
Red is right, along with many of you. Attitude is the thing that needs addressed. Problem with that is that many teenagers, trust me I was one once, think more often than not they're in the right. Most of the time maturity comes with age. I admit, I've come dangerously close to flying off the handle at people about silly unimportant things. Bringing personal feelings to arguments or disagreements that aren't even related to this site has been my downfall of late. I digress though, I do agree with a few of the people here that said we need a couple more active mods to police this sort of thing. Adam and Sean have been doing a great job as of late, I see Link on occasionally, but I haven't seen Doom around for a few weeks now. He's usually always on to deal with this sort of thing.

Age limits won't work for the reasons stated before. There are ways around those sort of things. Now if something like that could be enforced, I would say make a section, sort of like the Noob section, where people under a certain age could only post there and nowhere else. Sort of a carbon copy of the current forum where everything is arranged the same way, just for the younger generation. This would keep our current setup intact, but limit the number of useless topics and posts asking the same questions and replied to with the same responses. Sort of like a kids table for the forum where members of age could come over to check on things once in a while and see if anyone needs help. The only problem with this is that someone would need to host something like this and I don't think Adam would have the resources or willingness to do such a task as he's busy with this forum.

The easiest solution still seems, to me, to be a few more mods. When the citizens start to get unruly, the city hires more police. Lame analogy I know.

I know it's hard sometimes, trust me I do, but if you have doubts about posting something because of it's content or whether it relates to someone on the forum, try to refrain especially if it's negative in anyway.

I'm not accusing anyone of anything as I'm no a saint in this matter either. Live, learn, and let it be.

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