SquishyShoes's Suit

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*KSPLOOSHBLURGNARGKIRRR*.......That was the sound of my mind blowing up......cuz of this :|
You should probably see a doctor about that or something.
I've been really busy of late, and will be for the next couple of weeks, so I will try and sum this up shortly for you.

I have a lot of schoolwork to do.

So, progress has been slow. I am currently working on the helmet instead of studying for a test tomorrow and writing an essay due in tomorrow.
Oh well, I have deadline now - Aug 26.

Thanks for the interest, Squish
Here's the results of last night's pepping attempt (the ab plate was already done, just wasn't in the last lot of photos)


There probably won't be a huge amount of updates again for a while, because I have mid-year exams in a week or two and I'm trying to focus on those.

Later, Squish
Thats some supre sweet peping there $_$ Im in aww how did you get it looking so well. I mean mine a little off. It was my first pep. A high def pep file on Kats helmet
There probably won't be a huge amount of updates again for a while, because I have mid-year exams in a week or two and I'm trying to focus on those.

So much for that, huh?

Thats some supre sweet peping there $_$ Im in aww how did you get it looking so well. I mean mine a little off. It was my first pep. A high def pep file on Kats helmet

Hey, I checked out your thread and subscribed, I'll put some comments in their later, it's looking pretty good.

And now, without further ado, the pics:




And of course, you can't resist a photo, or two, like this:


Hmmmm, I really should be doing more homework, huh?
nah man you dont need no stupid homework. Helmet look great you did a great job at pepping, i dont see any warpage.
nah man you dont need no stupid homework. Helmet look great you did a great job at pepping, i dont see any warpage.
Hey, thanks. Two things though, I have exams in about five days, don't have the weekend to study and REALLY should be doing homework, and two, I quite often find bits and spots of warpage which I then usually manage to hide while taking pics (not on purpose though, just trying to show the most of my work).
I now pep using CoolC's method of pepping by looking at the 3D model when building to see what needs to be folded and what needs to be bent. So that's why so it looks so good.

Oh well, I think I'll take the night off and not do homework, just pep and play video games (hopefully), Squish
Got exams done! Yay!
Resinned the outside of the helmet and ab plate this afternoon, after spending the morning working around the house and setting up a makeshift bench in the shed out of some step ladders and an old door (really proud of it too, 'cause it works great, ha). Working tomorrow and the day after, but if chances allow will get some more work done and some pics on the second day.
Nice pep work man!!! I see one great looking suit in your future!
Suddenly I'm not so sure of this.
Here's what happens when you leave an unresinned piece in the shed overnight:



Such is life though, huh? I think I can salvage the back of it. What should I do guys?
Do I:

A) Try and repair all the joins and folds and see how it looks? or
B) Salvage what I can and rebuild the rest?

Will try and get pics of the resinned helmet and ab plate later.
Later, Squish
Wow, nearly 70 views and no comments? I'm disappointed. Oh well, such is life, besides I've decided I can salvage most of it.
Here's a picture of it last night:

and here it is now:

I have the sheets of paper printed and ready to cut, line, fold, etc. so will start work again soon.
Later, Squish
Dont get disheartned about lack of comments, its the views that really count.

My wip thread has 6400+ views and 110 replys. If people are looking, it means they are intrested but may have nothing to say.

Remember your building for you, not us ;-)
Dont get disheartned about lack of comments, its the views that really count.

My wip thread has 6400+ views and 110 replys. If people are looking, it means they are intrested but may have nothing to say.

Remember your building for you, not us ;-)

Yeah, I know. And normally that would be the case.
It's just that I was asking a question last night I felt that a quick response was necessary for me to continue working.
In the end, I figured out a solution to my problem and will hopefully get some real updates/progress reports up soon.

Thanks for the reply, Squish
Oh man, sorry that you had all that trouble with the torso. I have had that happen and it sucks. If a tall possible, try not to leave anything outside like that without having at least resin on it. Moisture is very cruel to pep work. I hope everything goes better from here on out. And don't give up. As active said, this is your suit. Sure, it is fun to show off your projects and get feedback, but at the end of the day, as long as you are happy with it, doesn't matter what anyone else thinks. Now get back to pepping and get those updates flowing!
Oh man, sorry that you had all that trouble with the torso. I have had that happen and it sucks. If a tall possible, try not to leave anything outside like that without having at least resin on it. Moisture is very cruel to pep work.

Haha, Yep, I've learnt that one (fingers crossed anyway)

Now get back to pepping and get those updates flowing!

Yes sir! Squish
Sorryto see such fine pepping get mangled by the harsh elemsnts : (
But you did it once, im sure it'll look just as good second time round. Keep at it!
I would have given a response, but I didn't know what to say. I've had the same thing happen with projects of mine that happened to warp and make me cry. Oh, if you work in Sintra, don't let your wife move your WIP project off the table and next to the heater... A Mandalorian helmet became an Escher by the next day.

However, my wife looked over my shoulder and asked if you couldn't simply detach the paper from itself, iron it flat, and reattach it (she does lots of work with costuming sewing patterns and does this all the time). It might save some time.
However, my wife looked over my shoulder and asked if you couldn't simply detach the paper from itself, iron it flat, and reattach it (she does lots of work with costuming sewing patterns and does this all the time). It might save some time.

Just remember to be careful, you wouldnt want to iron Hotglue into the ironing board or the iron itself.
Sorry about my last couple of posts guys. I apologize for offending anyone.

Here's the last couple of weeks (or however long it's been) of progress:

The helmet has been resinned, the chest piece "fixed" and a shoulder pepped.
The red circle shows a little bit of where I accidentally left the helmet leaning on the heat lamp (I realised luckily before it caught fire or something) and the blue circle shows where I forgot to resin a bit.

Will hopefully get some more updates for you soon, Squish
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