Since I know many of you have questons about how to resin and fibre glass your pepakura costumes I will explain to you the process that I use with my costume. Hopefully these tips and instructions will help you out on your road to completion. For the time being I will start you off with the Resin application part of this tutorial. (this is my first tut so let me know if i miss anything)
----------Resining with "Resin"----------
STEP 1:Get Materials Together
Liquid hardener
Brush(s), reallys it's personal preferance
Container(top of resin can)
Tinfoil(to put inside container so it can be reused)
Mixing stick or the like
(Self Explanitory)
Stand(to hold work) i think it's wats left of Lopez
Piece(the most important part)
Before you jump into any thing you first want to make sure you're in a well ventilated area and you have a large enough work area for the piece you will be working on.
The first thing you need to do is clean the surface of the object that you will be resining. Make sure it is free of debris and foreign objects.
Next you want to place you piece one your stand, in this case it is the master chief helmet.
Now you are almost ready to resin your piece.
Before you do make sure you read, and re-read if necessary, the instructions on the back of the can.
The first thign you need to do when mixing the resin and hardener is to line your container with tinfoil.
Next pour in the desired amount of resin.(Pour an amount that you think you will use in 5-10min as it will be unusable after that.)
Next add the correct amount of Liquid Hardener. (READ DIRECTIONS!! Too much will cause the resin to harden within a couple minuets.)
Mix the two together for 10-15seconds and remove stiring stick.(wipe off excess resin on stick.)
>>>WARNING: Never mix a new batch with an old one, the onld will start to harden the new one instantly<<<
Now dip your brush into the resin and load it up with a moderate amount, not dripping off. If there is excess just wipe it on the edge of the container so that it flows back in.
Apply the resin to your piece starting at the seams first and the working your way around. You start at the seam to make sure it gets a healty amount of resin to give it support.
Remember to work quickly as the clock is against you, if you're too slow your resin will end up like this->
At this point ti is too bad too use, sorry, just throw it away.
After you have used the desired amount of resin on the piece let it dry. it should start to look something like this.
I reccomend doing your pieces in sections so as to not "water log" your medium. This also ensures you'll have a dry spot to get a firm grasp on.