The Hunter Costume: AKA Operation Cockpit

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My other thought would be a small electric motor hooked up to said cords, but I have no idea how you would control it.

Aside from LEDs, I'm gonna try and keep this as low-tech as possible. Because it's cheap and because I don't know anything about how to make motors work.

I'll find a way. :)
This costume sounds awesome! I had thought of what it would take to make that costume. Just picturing the giant shield would be intimidating!
i can help you with something. On august 18th there's a game convention in: Cologne, Germany.
I am going there with BobvDijk, maybe i can take some pictures of the hunter if bungie'll let me.
i'll ask them nicely and tell 'em what it is for. i mean, isn't the 405th BFF with bungie?

But i'll try to take care of the pics.

i can help you with something. On august 18th there's a game convention in: Cologne, Germany.
I am going there with BobvDijk, maybe i can take some pictures of the hunter if bungie'll let me.
i'll ask them nicely and tell 'em what it is for. i mean, isn't the 405th BFF with bungie?

But i'll try to take care of the pics.

be really nicey nice, and take a pic of noodles grunt and jackel costume as proof (if she doesnt mind of course :p )
i can help you with something. On august 18th there's a game convention in: Cologne, Germany.
I am going there with BobvDijk, maybe i can take some pictures of the hunter if bungie'll let me.
i'll ask them nicely and tell 'em what it is for. i mean, isn't the 405th BFF with bungie?

But i'll try to take care of the pics.


Yes, that would be excellent! If it's not too much trouble, that would help me tremendously. I especially need a picture of the back.

be really nicey nice, and take a pic of noodles grunt and jackel costume as proof (if she doesnt mind of course :p )

Oh that would be awesome. I would hope they'd get a kick out of it.
im going there in my grunt costume, ill just bring a picture of your costume with the text: "Have you seen this grunt?"

i can do that for you, but im not sure if the pictures will turn out nice, i'll try my best.

MY HERO!!!!!!


Thank you thank you THANK YOU.

A little update for you all: I finished scaling everything and looks like it's gonna be roughly 9 ft tall (an odd compromise I guess?). I'm sending the blueprints of the stilts to my dad who's good with carpentry (as I know nothing about wood and nails) so as soon as those are done I'll FINALLY have pics. Sorry for the wait, friends.

God, what a beautiful game Reach looks like it will be. <3
We'll have a the largest Halo gathering at SDCC 2012. ... just for you.

Haha! I love you guys. I love this site. Everyone is so helpful and kind.

My main concern will be shipping this beast over to Cali. And transportation. I'm hoping to be living in San Francisco but I have no idea how far away that is from San Diego. But I'm guessing it's not down the block lol. I'm hoping that by the time I move to CA for art school (next fall) I'll have made significant enough progress for me to be like, "alright, guys, here's proof I'm serious. Let's start some kind of donation pool to get me there." I wonder if anyone would help if I did such a thing.

And thank you, Shadow. Every little bit helps.
This is really shaping up to be something awesome!

A possible idea for the back spikes would be to use solid (as opposed to the ones with the hole in the middle) pool noodles. Shaping and painting them might be difficult, but they have that perfect fluidity that they had in the games. Usually after being used somewhat, they have a nice curve, too. Bonus: Lightweight and cheap.

Just my two cents. Best of luck to you!
A possible idea for the back spikes would be to use solid (as opposed to the ones with the hole in the middle) pool noodles. Shaping and painting them might be difficult, but they have that perfect fluidity that they had in the games. Usually after being used somewhat, they have a nice curve, too. Bonus: Lightweight and cheap.

Yeah! I know how you can cut them! Go to your local Joanns or Michaels and get a "Styro Cutter" -->
The needle heats up to 350 degrees and cuts through styrofoam pretty well. I've used it for both props and Sculpture 101 before. A helpful hint is to use it outside, because the fumes of melting foam is nasty, and probably toxic.
Best of luck with this build. If it turns out anything close to the others you have done, it will be top notch!
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