The zombie plan

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thoren said:
zombies cant operate vehicles can they? cuz then theyd just follow you. and wouldnt the zombies just try to walk right through the water u know kinda like the undead pirates did in pirates of the caribean (the first one)? and then ud be stuck on an island with zombies on it =/ and that is just as bad as being stuck in the middle of a giant horde of them
As I said, humans are the only things with high enough brain size to have any left when reanimation occurs. What I didn't say is that this leaves very little cognitive ability, and they would have a pretty hard time even doing a simple thing like climbing a ladder, and driving a vehicle is far more sophisticated than their "sense food, go eat food" thought process. As for walking on the bottom of the ocean, there's no possible way they could deliberately do this, so there would only be a few stray zombies who fell off a dock wherever the outbreak started.

One very real possibility, however, is that an infected, but not yet dead, person may be in your group. this is dangerous. Run thorough checks on everyone before leaving, starting with those showing symptoms like aching joints and headaches, through those with visible wounds, checking every person who will be with you. If anyone dies, it's one bullet through the head to destroy the brain and end possibility of reanimation.

Zombie survival isn't about having fun, it's about staying alive and staying sane. For those who've seen I Am Legend, it's Robert Neville's mental state times 3 or 4. So while entertainment is a necessity, what the heck, we'll bring some solar panels, 360s, tvs, and Halo 3.
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Sean Bradley said:
Zombie Plan?
The Winchester!

Just have to steal Petes car, pickup Mum, kill Phillip, get Liz and we'll settle in at the Pub for a couple pints until this blows over.
How's that a piece of fried gold!
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Unique Name said:
One very real possibility, however, is that an infected, but not yet dead, person may be in your group. this is dangerous. Run thorough checks on everyone before leaving, starting with those showing symptoms like aching joints and headaches, through those with visible wounds, checking every person who will be with you. If anyone dies, it's one bullet through the head to destroy the brain and end possibility of reanimation.
yea, thats what happened in 28 weeks later, stupid multi-eye mum.

new zombie procedure... kill all with different eyes.
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I would jump into Halo 3 and jump back out into the real world wth Master Chief with him thinking the zombies are all flood. Either that or ill go to Adams house...
Panton6 said:
I would jump into Halo 3 and jump back out into the real world wth Master Chief with him thinking the zombies are all flood. Either that or ill go to Adams house...


But not JUST Master Chief, but all of the spartans
from the UNSC Forces! :lol:
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That all depends on the zombie, is it the fast kind like in 28 days later? The slow dumb kind found everywhere? Or the kind that can use firearms like the flood? (Still have nightmares about the ones with rocket launchers XD)

Island would be ruled out, no escape rout and zombies can't drown, so if you're found then you're as good as food. However the water idea is definitely a good one... since zombies in all likelyhood can't swim worth beans, a decent boat would be suitable in keeping one alive, just stop by a marina every so often to pick up more gas and food. Unless they have some sort of hive mind and know you're alive you could probably hop from one to another without much, if any, resistance.

Shotguns are a must, and thankfully they are pleantiful just about everywhere, and incase you lack a sword, then a bat would work fine too I should think ^^

Screw looking for hard to find things like gattling guns or quality katanas, you can survive just as easily on the cheap without having to play relic hunter in a zombie infested world.
Zombie plan [254]
1. Grab the first blunt object i see and kill any zombie thats in the house.
2. get the car and drive.
3. pick up any friends that are not infected.
4. stock up on weapons, ammo, and food.
5. find a secure place [ wal-mart lol] and hold up.

If all else fails i will blow up the state of florida
cuz who wants old people zombies they suck
C-Merc said:
If all else fails i will blow up the state of florida
cuz who wants old people zombies they suck

but there are fellow spartans in florida! like me i dont want to be blown up!
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Hey all those who read the Zombie Survival Guide! If you enjoyed that you NEED to pick up a copy of World War Z.....another novel by Max Brooks. It's a huge story on how the zombie outbreak occurs and how us humans worked to stop it. Not only does it provide a great story, but also some very interesting types that the survival guide doesn't cover. Just thought you guys might be interested. World War Z is sold on the Internet, Borders, and Barnes and Nobles
Dark Anubis said:
Hey all those who read the Zombie Survival Guide! If you enjoyed that you NEED to pick up a copy of World War Z.....another novel by Max Brooks. It's a huge story on how the zombie outbreak occurs and how us humans worked to stop it. Not only does it provide a great story, but also some very interesting types that the survival guide doesn't cover. Just thought you guys might be interested. World War Z is sold on the Internet, Borders, and Barnes and Nobles

Nice, yea I read this first book all the way through. I will have to pick this one up. I used his first book as a reference when I was still in school. The last speech of my collegiate career was how to survive the undead apocalypse. To the joy and bewilderment of all, I stood in my nicest suit and discussed the firearms most appropriate to arm your children with and why you should destroy your staircase. After my speech concluded, one of my peers stood up and said, "Did anyone else just get a Resident Evil orgasm?". Our generation rules :D

Btw if you haven't picked up the Walking Dead graphic novels, I strongly recommend them.


It's not the zombies you have to worry about, it's the people. Quote from Sartre: "Hell is other people." hehe
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After watching rvb, I can't stop myself from starting this topic. How many of you guys actually have a quote "Zombie plan" un-quote? Mind sharing it?
Why Yes we do. Blast our way to the docks get a 54 foot+ sail boat and off we go. There are some other bets but there Supper Top Secret.

Why do you ask, Do you know some thing We don't? :D
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