The zombie plan

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ok, if you don't know what a zombie plan is then ill tell you, its a plan for the forthcoming zombie apocalypse of coarse! if you don't have one then get one, and if you do post it! ok heres mine,
1.dig trench
2.fill trench with kerosene... or fermented vegetable products
3.put my neighbors in as bait
4.wait for maximum zombies
6. if all else fails lock myself in a safe and wait for everything to be sorted out!
whats your zombie plan?
a. bulid armored car
b. get weapons and ammo, shotgun, sniper rifle, LMG for armored car 2 m1911s for back-up
c. MRE's, flashlights, gasoline, matches, sleeping bag, etc...
d. find surviors, hopefully build a convoy, and keep rolling away from infection site, shooting anyone with bite marks.....
e. survive.....
1. Hide in corner
2. Camp with shotgun
3. Scream "BOOM HEADSHOT" when they walk by and get shot
4. Do this until all are dead.
5. be a hero.
build a cast iron suit that covers my skin completely.
run around snapping as many zombie necks as possible.
and maybe eat a hot pocket or two
Falling_Jihad said:
build a cast iron suit that covers my skin completely.
run around snapping as many zombie necks as possible.
and maybe eat a hot pocket or two
Best plan ever.
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I say we get all the 405ers to go balls to the wall shotguns on the zombies (of course in our spartan armor!!)
Pshh i have 37 zombie plans
36 of them i use your guys' flesh as bait
but the last one i infect my self with the zombie virus just so i can devour you
gamerguy55 said:
The most important thing to remember is that swords don't run out of ammo.
you mustve read the zombie survival guide (yes its a real book)
and thats the number one rule. and ive thought about my zombie plan alot.
id probably take my sword, travel light, meet up with 2 other ppl, kill as many zombies as i can, and if i get cornered and death/infection is inevitable, im taking as many zombies down with me as i can....hee hee
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Spartan_D32 said:
Pshh i have 37 zombie plans
36 of them i use your guys' flesh as bait
but the last one i infect my self with the zombie virus just so i can devour you
I guess the 37th is you being eaten too xD

There is no zombie virus, just a cure for cancer, and that makes you into a skinny blood sucking omg bring back nightmare freak. (I couldnt sleep for nights after seeing I AM LEGEND)
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rachciav said:
you mustve read the zombie survival guide (yes its a real book)
and thats the number one rule. and ive thought about my zombie plan alot.
id probably take my sword, travel light, meet up with 2 other ppl, kill as many zombies as i can, and if i get cornered and death/infection is inevitable, im taking as many zombies down with me as i can....hee hee
ha ha ha! You have it too? I love that book!
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gamerguy55 said:
ha ha ha! You have it too? I love that book!
well technicaly borrowed from my friend. but i memorized like all the important things. i have to say its one of my favorite books! i could read it over and over again it never get old.

nooo Frost now im never gonna be able to sleep tonight........darn zomibes *puts sword next to bed*
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Ironcobra3000 said:
1. Go to wallmart.
2. Get 2 Machetes, knives, a shotgun.
3.Grab beef jerky and monster energy drink
4. have a ball.
I'd rather be iron man eating hot pockets while snapping zombie necks.
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hack pentagon, download all of the latest and most bleeding-edge weapons and powered exoskeletal research and blueprints. Find several survivors with special training, go to a facility where blueprints can be rapid-prototyped, set machine to mass produce weapons and powered exoskeletal armor suits, also create several nuclear war heads. Arm bomb and escape infected area, go to other areas and set up war-heads, key trick is to escape before nuclear weapon goes off. Set for 5 hours to achieve this.

Plan two: take my playstation three, and use it to beat the **** out of the zombies.

Plan three: get an x-box 360, set it to play for several hours, let it get red ring of death, but keep it running. lure zombies into building with 360, escape out the back door and watch as 360 has a massive failure and blows the place up.

plan four: get my nintendo wii's remote with nun-chuck attachement, and use it to go all martial-arts on the zombies.

plan five: according to chuck norris there are over a thousand ways he can kill someone using objects found in a common living room, including the room itself. I will simply do the same as chuck norris.
AoBfrost said:
I'd rather be iron man eating hot pockets while snapping zombie necks.
...i agree, iron man FTW!

que: iron man song

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gamerguy55 said:
The most important thing to remember is that swords don't run out of ammo.


my plan

2. pack food
3. jack a RV or other huge car for family or neighbors [of course 405th members]
4 .pack swords, guns, ammo, security cameras
5 . make napalm [i know how to...]
6. go out and be a hero
7. after over, eat dinner and burn all the zombie bodies with napalm
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