Ultimate Airsoft Thread

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sorry, but any AS gun that costs $100.00 will never be able to compeate on any level, accuracy, quality build, etc) compared to a real Airsoft AEG.

my TM m4/203 is all metal, and has upgraded interiors. only thing it doesnt have is an upgraded barrel.
Jax Archillies said:
sorry, but any AS gun that costs $100.00 will never be able to compeate on any level, accuracy, quality build, etc) compared to a real Airsoft AEG.

my TM m4/203 is all metal, and has upgraded interiors. only thing it doesnt have is an upgraded barrel.

He said above 150 and below 300. That leaves a decent gap. I think we decided on the King Arms FAL. Anyone got some reviews of that? aka personal experience?
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silvercookie said:
i need an opinion from spart270 and 117 or any highly knowledgeable airsofter.

need help with a setup.
it would be greatly appreciated.

the only guns i am considering buying are either:

rifle( will be turned to sniper most likely.
new SKS
possibly scar
it has to be above 150 and just at or below 300(will go higher if extremely good)
can be electric or spring. but preferably electric.

Desert Eagle. .50cal version not 44mag version.
glock 17 or 18
hk usp
something very similar to the Springfield xd-45
try no more than 150.

not too sure on what brands are good when it comes to the rifles.
i can help you out with sniper rifle's here's a link to a good one http://www.airsplat.com/Categories/AR.htm

and abandonship here you go :) http://www.google.com/products?sourceid=na...=1&ct=title
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abandonship said:
Does anybody have any suggestions for a decent M1911?

I recommend the TM 1911. It is awesome. In fact, any TM 3rd Generation gas blowback is awesome.
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silvercookie said:
wow that was really helpful :cautious:

all those guns are pieces.
i settled on the KA FN FAL
it was :D those are alot of good sniper rifles
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ImaGonnaGetYou said:
I wish I was in shape enough to Airsoft.

Sounds like I'm missing out on some serious fun. 'Cause guns are cool.
play some football it will get you into shape or jog 3 miles every day like i do it's a great way to stay in shape
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Shriven said:
I recommend the TM 1911. It is awesome. In fact, any TM 3rd Generation gas blowback is awesome.

yesssssss. I was going to reccomend that as well. I actually have not been able to have one. But I hear it is like. The best airsoft pistol ever. And I want one :( I just can't bring myself to paying 300 for a full metal one. But one day...
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Now that ive got my m4 i would like to know if anyone knoes any good sniper rifles that actually get out there with accuracy
i was looking for a bolt action to be more specific(oops)
i might have a look anyways since they are used in the real steel for anti terrorist
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