Video - OOH He's got a sword!

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OMG dude! Now I'm jealous! When's my suit coming lol :mrgreen:

Thanks for the video man its entertaining! Haha I've watched it like four or five times now. I think I'm gonna watch it some more!
dude, thats amazing!

Btw how is the manuverability in your suit ? Is it feasible to run in this armor ? Or just walking/troting.
drgon47 said:
dude, thats amazing!

Btw how is the manuverability in your suit ? Is it feasible to run in this armor ? Or just walking/troting.

It looks similar to a scout trooper suit. So I'm willing to bet he can sit if he takes off the crotchpiece. And I bet he can run as well. But not at the speed of an olympic sprinter ;-)
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honest_insanity said:
seeing his armor in person; its pretty amazing! lol
adam tell them about that one jeep.... haha

Yeah man, I can't wait for my "loner" suit : P
I wanna hear about the jeep! (jumps up and down! Like a kid on christmas!)

:mrgreen: This is how I feel like right now : :birthday:

MUST REFRESH PAGE!!!! :wowie: :wowie: :happy1: :whoa2: :whoa2:
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We finally get a chance to see the face behind the Chief's mask, but unfortunatly, the camera cuts out as a gauntlet, weathered by years of lossful battles, reaches for the helm.
actually it's very unawesome editing, I just took out some crappy stuff, and got this. We gotta do more, and I can make a decent vid and not just edit random clips together. Next time, there will be a story/mission to tell.
jamie is talkin about some funny things we could do lol. next time i should bring my armor and we can figure out some stuff and make it much better yah :) i got like 2-3 digital cams here i might be able to bring, she volunteered to record us haha
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