Weird Looking Mark V Armour

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That was the first gen prototype. The original Halo armor before they finally came up with the Halo CE armor. As bad as it is, its very nostalgic.
That was the first gen prototype. The original Halo armor before they finally came up with the Halo CE armor. As bad as it is, its very nostalgic.

Yeah, back before Microsoft was involved:

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Belakor said:
Yeah, back before Microsoft was involved:


Thank god Microsoft got involved.

Thats bloody awful.

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yes thank GOD that microsoft stepped in... because it wasnt Bungies desire to better their game and do everything possible they could, but it was Microsofts godly power... that is the only reason that we have the great halo games we have now..

believe it or not but that was good for what 1998? they stated its a WIP, that was early stages of development... if halo had come out on the mac or Apple made some gaming counsel Microsoft and Xbox wouldnt be poop today. Microsoft didnt make Bungie/halo better its the other way around.

so before you dis early renders, and concepts for Halo 1 let us remember that Halo is the soul reason that Gaming and counsels are where they are today... Bungie still brings brand new ideas/technology in gaming to the table and are still raising the bar.
I think that it's unfair to attribute the Halo's graphical improvement over the one in the video solely to Microsoft's involvement. Back in 1999, it was arguably the most anticipated game and everyone was salivating over its graphics. It's just the natural evolution of its graphics, just as one might say that Halo 3 looks better than Halo 2 and Halo 2 looks better than Halo 1. And the game in the video predates Halo 1.
Nugget said:
Am I the only one who absolutely loves that design?

no your not the only one :D

i would loved to see thier original plan to make an rts would have looked like. Maybe somewhat Myth like...

I loved the fallen lords.
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