Why do YOU build armor?

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I was blown away by CE, have been playing halo like its the end of the world ever since :)
Building is relaxing and fun
I would like everyone to watch their jaws drop in my (in the works) mirrored visor
It is a refuge from the drama and boredom of daily life

that is why i build

Thank you everyone for your replies. It's nice to get some insight into how other people got started. I'm loving all the comments and I appreciate the time people are taking to leave them.
I will buy about anything Halo if it's in my budget and the armor happend to be. Heck I plan to buy a cast of every helmet type out there eventually :)
I think it is a dream for anyone to be someone other than yourself. It just being cool. When I was kid I constantly have this dream of flying in an Iron Man suit.

Well, that was then. Now I'm married and have kids, my priorities changed. My main reasons are:
1) Once my kids are in bed, I like to relax and do the things I like to do. I don't surf internet that much because I've done enough at work. Working on the costumes does relax me a bit.
2) I like to challenge myself. I have the "can do" attitude.
3) I want my kids to be cool. Instead of buying the crappy costumes from WalMart, I decided to make my own. My kids had so much fun last Halloween that I decide to continue with armor making.

My wife never disagree with me working on the armor. Now my wife encourage me after seeing my kids wore their costumes last Halloween. I guess she thinks that they look really cool and the attention they get at the mall really worth the effort.
I've been making Star Wars related armor for quite some time.
last year my girlfriend and my best friend thought it would be cool to have spartan armor. i then started making 3 full suits. At the time, i was supporting both of them. found out later that while i was at work to pay everyones bills, they were banging eachother in my house.
now that i've gotten rid of them both, i focused all of my efforts on one badass suit of Master Chief armor. I made sure that i posted plenty of pics where they would see them so they can kiss my ass!
now i'm in love with the pepakura style crafting and it's become a hobby i take seriously.
Been going to a local Anime convention since 06 thought built props for my other costumes but never armor. Decided I wanted to start working on some other methods (was primarily working with wood) so I thought Ironman and found the pepakura files and somewhere along the way I remembered hearing about the 405th and the rest is history.
Well, it's fun. It's frustrating, it's a creative outlet, it's an ever-increasing challenge. It's definitely a balancing act. It's learning new tools and methods that can apply to many different situations, hobby or not. It's the occassional head scratcher and the personal push to become better.

Once the costume is done, it's a way I can help with charities (and I've been able to help raise a whole lot more money that way than I could ever give on my own) or just go out randomly, turn heads, make kids smile, and have fun. There's also a brother/sisterhood to these costuming communities and we really do gain extra families and an extra support system.
I like working with my hands, I enjoy creating things and it's fun to wear what I've created. I was celebrating Christmas with my wife's cousins and I showed them my Reach UNSC Troooper progress. They were impressed that I could make something out of foam using a 6.5 inch figure as a reference. So, now they want me to help them make a UNSC trooper costume for Halloween 2011. New recruits! lol!
i like building armor because its fun and teachers you things you dont find out in school this is 1 of mine
I started building little pep models ages ago to try and excercise my hand a bit, found a pepped helmet online and that led me to the 405th. I started pepping a helmet as a challenge, sort of "Can I do this one handed?" Found I could, that made me do the whole suit for a local event and now I'm doing a second and rebuilding the first as a challenge to see if I can do things like the EVA to do a Meta cosplay.
I build armor cause its fun, it passes time at home when everybody is at work on my days off, and it is just awesome! A year ago I had a memory of Nightmare Armor's MC armor I found online back when I was in college and searched for it online, then I found some home made Halo armor pictures, then I found the 405th and its Pep files. Gave it a shot and I love it now!! MUCH more fun than just buying a costume! The satisfaction I felt the day I finished padding my armor and strapped it all on for the first time.... was AWESOME!! Wanted to pat myself on the back, but unfortunately my armor isn't flexible enough to do that :p I've only made one suit, but I will probably do a suit or two per year from now on cause it's just that fun!!! Cheers guys!!
Well I haven't even started yet. I found the site while looking for something else, releted to how to do customer fiberglass. I work on my car allot during the spring and summer. Winter leaves me a bit bored. So I think I may start doing this. Plus, I want to quite smoking. I find that when I am very focused on a mindless task I don't think about cigarettes. So I am thinking this may be my outlet for that.
Many moons ago when I was a wee one my mom thoughad issues because I made swords out of wood, added thimb tacs to gloves and used her steak knives to make a Freddy Kruger glove. Later in life when Mortal Kombat was cool I did a Scorpion costume. We here we are years later and I cam across 405th and decided to give it a try. I learned fast and built faster. Halo was just a start for me t not an ending. I have many suits and many props. Check out my website to see more or look through old threads.

I took a year off from school to try and get my brain back in order and my priorities straitened out. Very shortly into my first month at home, I started going stir-crazy for not having anything to do, and I had always wanted to build an Iron man suit to begin with, so a little searching later, I fell upon the 405th. I have yet to actually build a full suit yet, but I have pepped out (and subsequently thrown out) roughly 3 full suits (Practice practice practice)... I love working with my hands, and if I'm not building something, I'm usually taking something apart. This time around, I am gonna try to actually see this suit (Reach build) all the way through. At this point, it's mostly to prove to myself that I can see a project all the way through with-out getting distracted. (I'm highly ADHD) lol
I have always enjoyed making things, I forget how I exactly found out about this site, but last year after haloween I decided to make a costume of the the H3 Marine after awhile I changed to the Fallout3 T45-D. Finished it on this HaloWeen it turned out great(But really heavy). Now I'm working on the next suit.
I build halo armor because i really like halo and i went on the computer one day went to youtube and searched how to make halo armor and it said in the video go to halocostuming or 405th and told how to do all this stuff so i started building and know i like it and i do it on all free time, this was all because of halo, youtube, and the 405th that started me in making armor :)
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