A general warning to those attending Comic Con on the 22nd...

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This group really gives Christianity a bad name..I'm a christian my self and i don't hate people like these guys hate people...they are I'm sorry to say...E-V-I-L!!!!!

That is true!

Nerds tend to be nice people.

Except that WoW kid XD

1.Picket stuff with signs saying "God hates (Insert current hate figure)"
3. Profit

Seriously these guys are so warped in there sense of righteousness that it borders on comical.

Incidently here http://www.youtube.com/user/Linette1997#g/c/EDD7147DE19F8FCA is a rather interesting bbc documentary about them. The best bit is the interview with the leader at the end, Spoiler warning the guy cant explain or rationalise there actions.

That newscaster called that stupid woman a "twisted, soulless human being" and she said Thank you ._.
I wanted to go to Comic-con for this very reason.

I would dress in a Super man costume, but replace the "S" with a Cross. And have Cross-shaped shoulder pad things.
The cultists didn't use the word fornication correctly...

a Fag is actually a bundle of sticks...

soldiers are not people who should be sent to hell like the cultists say they should...

They are probably the 21st century's version of the Jones cult, minus the coo-laid part...

They are a cult...

Our soldiers are not bundles of sticks A.K.A. Fags...

405th members who are in the armed forces......WE SALUTE YOU!!!

These guys think they are religious zealots......they are wrong...

Being married is the whole point.....it's not silly.....it's for love.......it's what the theme of the bible is about...

they are under the influence of a drug.....hypothesis...

They are the degenerates of society...

They aren't Christians at all!!!

God is loving not hateful...

Have a nice time at Comic-Con and ignore them...

idiots like them will exist for as long as our species exists
None of their women want to get married and NONE absolutely NONE of our men want to marry those bitches.
Which means that in a hundred years, THAT filth will no longer roam on our earth.
They make me facepalm.

405TH members in the armed forces, we love you and be careful out there in hostile territory. Come back to us in one piece.

Man I feel like crying....
Yeah, all organized religions started as cults my friend.

Sorry if that bothers anyone, but it just reads like the pot calling the kettle black to me.

I'm not sure if we should be talking "religion vs. cult" even on these forums. I thought there was a rule against that?

When someone can prove to me that one group's spiritual views are truer than another group's, then maybe I would be inclined to agree with you.
I don't understand how they can be a religion.....

there is no such thing as a religion being "truer" than another religion, but they(the cultists) aren't believing in God in the sense that god is loving which other recognized religions believe....This is because it has been taught for almost 3,000 years now that God is loving and not what the cultists think he is.

BTW they aren't baptists because baptists done believe what they believe....

IDK what religion they should be called......

They definitely aren't any protestant religion I've ever heard about..........not that they say thy're a new religion it's just fact that they aren't baptist.
Meh, Sorry I didn't want to derail this thread. I'm not going to debate this stuff on here. But for anyone interested I'll talk with you offline.

I actually can't comment on Islam and middle eastern religions because I know very little about them...I know about Judaism which the roman catholic church got most if not all of their traditions and such from.

as far as a right or wrong way to worship God the right way is any way really except you can't just going about like they do...

I mean yes it's okay for someone to say they're blankeity-blank but not believe the religion that they say they're apart of but don't go spew hate like what the WBC or no one's gonna be nice back.

Like how that WBC kid got hurt in that BBC video...if your gonna spill-it.......you might as well take it, though hitting a kid isn't the way to go about telling people to GTFO of society.

and what's the seniority rules card??????? I'm not slow but I sure don't know all of these things I see people say on the internet nor understand them.....

And the God I believe in a lot of other religions and people believe in..........IDK what Islam believes but the Islamic terrorists have misconstrued the Koran......not all terrorists are from Islam however.

I think Islamic people are nice just like other people but don't piss them off.......like extremely traditional Islamic people say we have. I.E. the americans have blobbity-blobity-blob our country talk.

And the religion (or might just be that the people from my church) I'm in that's a christian religion accepts people very openly.
Nice try, Nintendude, but they don't listen to anyone. People have sent them all kinds of well-thought-out emails, and their responses are things like, "No, you're all wrong, God isn't loving and merciful, he's actually an angry and jealous God! rawrrr."

I think it's a shame that good Christians or even religious people have to be lumped in together with people who hate like the WBC. Personally, I believe in a godlike force or entity, but I'm not of any religion. I don't believe in organized religion, but I'm cool with people following whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt people. And unfortunately, that's what the WBC does. They say things and they do things that I am very much against. They hurt a lot of people. Unfortunately, they have freedom of speech on their side.

But, man oh man. I wish, I wish wish WISH I was making my Prophet costume and could run into them. Oh, how the lulz would ensue!
Nice try, Nintendude, but they don't listen to anyone. People have sent them all kinds of well-thought-out emails, and their responses are things like, "No, you're all wrong, God isn't loving and merciful, he's actually an angry and jealous God! rawrrr."

I think it's a shame that good Christians or even religious people have to be lumped in together with people who hate like the WBC. Personally, I believe in a godlike force or entity, but I'm not of any religion. I don't believe in organized religion, but I'm cool with people following whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt people. And unfortunately, that's what the WBC does. They say things and they do things that I am very much against. They hurt a lot of people. Unfortunately, they have freedom of speech on their side.

But, man oh man. I wish, I wish wish WISH I was making my Prophet costume and could run into them. Oh, how the lulz would ensue!

truth vs WBC......hmmmmmmm...kind of ironic in a way.........
Haha. Seriously. I wish I could build one right now just to go troll them. I would make a sign in the style of theirs saying halo-related humorous stuff. Ohhhhhhh...someday. Someday I will. :)
Haha. Seriously. I wish I could build one right now just to go troll them. I would make a sign in the style of theirs saying halo-related humorous stuff. Ohhhhhhh...someday. Someday I will. :)


they'll really be flabbergasted
Ugh, I want to go up to each one, shake their hand, and then say I'm a nerdy jewish gay boy. (I'm a nerdy jew, but the gay part would make them sh*t a brick) Actually, I'll give someone 5 dollars if they hold up a sign that says "God hates WBC" right next to them when they are protesting. That would sure do wonders.
Actually, I'll give someone 5 dollars if they hold up a sign that says "God hates WBC" right next to them when they are protesting. That would sure do wonders.

Lol, if I were in the area I would do it for free to be honest. Well, the 16 year old idiotic thrill-seeker part of me would.

Those people have crossed the line numerous times, its a shame nothing can be done.
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