Back In Black!

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Well-Known Member
Well, peeps and cronies of the 405th, Since i have gotten so far on my progress, I decided to share with you what i have done so far.
Really, i havent the time yet or the cash to fiberglass or paint my armor, so its just raw pep models right now.
I PROMISE it will be semi-done this year :p maybe next......but i do have my work cut out for me.
Just so you know, I am not in these pics. This is my brother, he is 12 and is in no way able to fit my size. Dont make fun of him, I do on a regular basis.

Please give me some constructive criticism, I hope this is enough to grant me a hayabusa model (NZTK) :D

Recon Helmet

Scout Helmet


Syflo EOD helm

Syflo MK VI

Robogenisis Left Arm

Robo Right Arm

Robo Left Leg

Robo Right Leg

Robo HD hand plates

AR and Pistol

I hope the links work, Tell me if they dont.
GREAT work! :D Everything looks clean and well done :D

One question, the search button in the sucks, where is the Magnum Pep file??
Uh, oh jeez, I found it in the pep database, its just a model from halo 2, so it has parts like the bolt and stuff (crappy job on it)
Nice work.. you are almost as kool as a ninja now :ninja:

I was just wandering about the helms. are they lopsided or is that your brother s head tilting to the side?
oh, those helmet are barely fitting him. they are GIGANTIC compared to him (he dosent have a brain in his skull, thats why its so small :rolleyes )
Woah, who added the pics? i certainly didnt.
I kind of did that to avoid clutter.

And Thanks SKG, I have been doin this since Halloween, i am a busy bee.

Next: HD Torso
Very nice progress so far! Never seen anything of yours until now, and it looks amazing! Keep up the good work!

Gonna work on a FS torso?
Really nice. I made a pep MkVI helm, but not near as good as you. I guess it shows the longer you work on it, the better it will be. Keep up the awesome work! (y) :lol:
@Last Spartan- I dont have enough money yet, and my whole freakin town isnt hiring at all :cautious: so i have to wait until the summer (or at least until i can start mowing lawns)

@AoB- Actually, i have been workin on this whole set since i joined, but i have tons of experience with paper modeling (at least 5 years) and yes, im currently workin on the FS torso

@Solstice-Thanks a lot man! Wait...which one are you referring to....the HD one took like....5 hours total, its way too easy for me

@Roodkill-We'll see if I have enough paper for the perms....but the shoulders i seriously doubt i can pull off....but i will try the chest ones when im done the HD torso and can size them up.

The AR is Robogenisis' model, its in letter format since i live in the states and nobody knows what the heck A4 is

Im eyeing Nugget's beastly Spartan laser as my next weapon to do...but i already printed out the SMG, so i need to take my time on my torso, wouldnt wanna shame FS with a pile of folded junk :)
Wow... rvb, nice work. I can definately tell you've been quite a busy l'il bee with this, lol.

Btw, I love the fact that you've put together all those different helmets. Most people either go with the classic Mk VI or choose ONE of the variants, but not that many. You clearly have plans in mind for many different permutations. Good for you, dude.

Nice, clean folds and all, too. You resin/fiberglass this thing over, refine some of the details and it'll look damn awesome. Keep up the good work! :cool:
@pinkmasterchief- No job and not caring about schoolwork makes a lot of free time for me (unfortuatley no GF does too :cautious: )

@kerotan- Thanks!

@SPARTAN II- the only reason is because i really dont want to do the torso, but im gonna have to, so im kind of putting it off....yeah im lazy, but its spring break! I cant wait until i can get the cash to get fiberglass, but its gonna have to wait.

Thanks everyone, glad everyone likes my work! unfortunatley, my money is gonna have to go to a BIG PB game in west point in april, and theres gonna be no money towards this :cautious:
I am gonna try the NZTK rogue helm and the nugget spartan laser, also trying the FS torso now, gotta cut it out before my school gets off from break!

I noticed a lot of people love how i am so good at this. before i joined, i was a master at paper models (spacecraft and cars and junk) and it was all before pepakura, but i love this, and aint lookin back.

if you want some practice (and braggin rights) go to and look at the models they have. its free and its all in .pdf form, so even apple users can make them.

its good practice and will get in good with the parents, since you dont need fiberglass or resin, just decent glue and cardstock!
rvb4life said:

SPARTAN II- the only reason is because i really dont want to do the torso, but im gonna have to, so im kind of putting it off....yeah im lazy, but its spring break! I cant wait until i can get the cash to get fiberglass, but its gonna have to wait.


Well, considering the great work you've done on folding all of those Pep helmets, I don't doubt you'll do just as good a job on that part of it! Hopefully you'll be able to get your hands on the necessary materials soon enough to do more work on this. I for one would like to see what you come up with, dude! :D
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Is that all you do? I just got new stuff for my pc so all my progress in pep is stop until i can get my old hard drive unblocked! :(
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