**Carpathia's Mk VI Armor: Master Chief Going into Cryostasis!

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Quick update. Just to fill everyone in on what all the PVC and dowel rods were for, they're primarily for the Battle Rifle. More specifically, the scope and the barrel.

This weekend I got a lot of the pieces needed to build both cut, enough to build three barrels and three scopes to be exact. Here is the first scope prototype...


Obviously, there is a bit more detail to add, but this was more of a test to see how construction would work. I'm not disappointed. What do you all think?
That looks pretty darn good to me. Add in those details you're talking about and I bet it looks like the real McCoy all painted up. Good job, man!
Thanks everyone.

I got a lot of work done on the armor tonight. First off, I fixed the issue I was having with the magnetic connection disengaging when I moved my arms forward. Here was my solution...


What you're seeing there are buckles with elastic bands that apply a little compression on the magnetic connections. The elastic bands aren't strong enough on their own to hold the top of the torso closed, but work VERY well at pulling the chest plate back so the magnets reengage when the connections initially break. So, there's that problem solved.

The second thing I did was a very small adjustment. I sort of finished the torso...



Yup, got the lights installed. So... it's done. The armor's complete. Wait, what? The armor's complete? How'd that happen?

(Pictures coming soon)
Great fix for the chest piece :)

oooooo lights! lol

Wait, your done?? like done done?? oh no! no what will we get to watch you work on?? the horror!! lol
Congrats man, cant wait to see you suited up for sure :)
Done? are we ever really done working on these suits? lol

Get some pics up. We want to see, and see you moved to the Elite section.
Done? are we ever really done working on these suits? lol

Get some pics up. We want to see, and see you moved to the Elite section.

You are both very right. In fact, I have no immediate plans to really be "finished" with the armor as I have already planned the first few permutations that I will build for this. I've even updated the title to reflect that.

However, for the purposes of the Halo 4 launch at my local Game Stop, I'm done with the armor.

Edit: Also, I just read back through my posts, and I don't think I mentioned this before (at least I can find no mention of it), but I was approached by a film student from the University of Iowa who is getting ready to shoot a short, halo-based film. He asked if I'd be interested in a small role, in my armor. I read over what would be involved as I obviously cannot perform any major stunts in this, and it was doable, so I accepted. So, the weekend before launch, I'll be heading up to Iowa to do a film shoot. I'll see what I can do about getting pictures of everything that day.
Edit: Also, I just read back through my posts, and I don't think I mentioned this before (at least I can find no mention of it), but I was approached by a film student from the University of Iowa who is getting ready to shoot a short, halo-based film. He asked if I'd be interested in a small role, in my armor. I read over what would be involved as I obviously cannot perform any major stunts in this, and it was doable, so I accepted. So, the weekend before launch, I'll be heading up to Iowa to do a film shoot. I'll see what I can do about getting pictures of everything that day.

Send us a link to the video when you get it done man. AND ALSO PUT THE FULL SUIT ON!!!! (we can't keep holding our breath... it's... getting... hard... to... breath!)

Send us a link to the video when you get it done man. AND ALSO PUT THE FULL SUIT ON!!!! (we can't keep holding our breath... it's... getting... hard... to... breath!)


I'm not sure how long it will be until the film will be finished, probably something like the end of the year, since I believe that this is being done for school and it will probably be due by the end of the semester. I'll have more details on when it will be released after the shoot. In the mean time, here is another halo-based film that was done by the person who contacted me...


Honestly, the acting leaves a little to be desired (they're all pretty young and the fact that the girl portraying Halsey mispronounced the name kind of bugs me), but, overall, I think it's very well done. The fact that this was done last year means that he's only gotten better. So, we'll see how this pans out.

As far as putting on the armor, I know, I know. It was late last night when I finished up the lights and buckles and was too tired to lug all of the parts out. Also, I want to debut this thing the right way. So, keep an eye here. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
I'm in the same boat as everyone else, can't wait to see it all on. Good luck with the short-film, hope it turns out well!
Hey all. Still here. I'm putting together the final touches of the armor reveal as I type this. You're all probably going to be ticked, but I wanted to do something a little more memorable than a few pics, so stay tuned, it will probably be done tonight.

In the mean time, here's what I've been working on this weekend...




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