chest piece with scratches (pics)

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thanks to all for the help. could never had made it this far without this site and all the knowledge that people here have. get off work here in 30 min then going home and getting back at it. hope to have the chest painted all the way today. and most of the arms done. never realized the many many hours this project was going to take.
Grrr. well now peping the third freaking thigh. cannot get it sized right. was way to hot today to work out in this heat. just finished the third size of the HD Thigh by crackhead09, awesome piece and damn I am getting good at peping it out at this point. third one fits so now time to move on to the other side.
OK got the chest all striped up. took some time but got it done. here are some pics







with the helmet sitting on top just to get a fell for how the pieces will look together.


now headed back to the garage to paint the damage and rough it up a bit.
thanks for all the complements and support.

ok got the shoulders done sanded painted and was feeling good. then i tried them on. the good feeling went away. they fit good around my arm but ended up being too tall. so i am now cutting them in half and taking about an inch out of the middle. back to the old bondo, sand, bondo again. while i was sitting there pouting and frustrated over the amount of work i had done to have to fix it, i started thinking about the waist piece. and with my recent dismal failures with sizing was starting to get a little worried. i've tried the thread recommendation on sizing the pep files and it does not work well for me.

does anyone have a suggestion as to how i can try and be a little more accurate on measurements to be able to size the pep files so i can decrease the trial and error (too much error) and the waste of supplies? and is there a way to change the height width and depth separately so i can increase the width but not the height (like i said before many years for this sculpted body lol)?
those stripes look pretty damn awesome!
i generally do the 'measure yourself' technique, so for my cod i measured my waist from the hip to hip, not all the way around though.. then added about 10 to 20 mm for the padding etc, this has worked for me :D
thanks nat.. got the cod done. think it will fit. did the same with the thigh but to get the width for my larger thighs the hight is a little long... guess just trim it up a bit and try to blend.
dude that's pretty sick honestly, when you first made the helmet I thought with all the stripes it'd hurt my eyes but they go together great!
I think that the stripes are definitely different, in a good way. It would get boring if every one all painted their armor the same ole every day colors. Not that there is anything wrong with it, just nice to see a change of scenery that's all.
had to take a short break from body pieces and decided to make something else for a day. finished the UNSC Combat knife by Carpathiavh99 . after finishing and painting my son pointed out that the paint job i gave it a Zelda feel. didn't realize it at the time but he was right. oh well. lol.


now back to the main armor
dude that is some trippy armor. love how you painted it. it'd prolly be really crazy to look at with a strobe light or while in a club.
Love the armor so far, and the knife. If you haven't seen yet, I've updated the sheath for the knife, and it's much better than the one I originally released. You can find it near the end of my Carter thread (link in my sig). I can't wait to see this on finished.
wish i had known you had redone the sheath. i just peped it and then sanded it and cut it down to a shape i thought fit. knife is awesome though great job on that
been a slow night at work tonight, so i thought i would try to figure bender out because i have some things i want to do with it. umm dang. been playing / working / failing with it for a couple of hours now. (like i said slow night)I HAVE TO GIVE PROPS AND BIG CUDOS TO THE GUYS ON HERE THAT DO THE 3D RENDERING. this is going to take some time to learn. going to go back to old school make the stuff in the shop the old fashion way for now. will play with it some, but dang! get off work here in about an hour and in the shop and a fun filled day of bondo and sanding. have the cod, right thigh, and right shin peped. going to try and get them bondo'd and sanded today and prepped for paint. once i have some decent progress i'll get some more pics up.

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