chest piece with scratches (pics)

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Nice work..I really like the paint job. To be is hard for me to focus on the piece as the paint is paint job is successful it throwing the eye off :)
HOLEE SNOT! Dude, when you started the paint job did you realize how labor intensive it would be. Nice zebra stripe. It looks like you're avoiding a repetitve pattern. NICE

OMG!!!! I did not realize how labor intensive the paint job was going to be.. learned that the hard way.. figured it would be tape and paint. crap taping is taking forever. ispecially trying not to get the repetative pattern. but only a couple more pieces to go then done to the point of strapping and padding. then time to freak out the neighbors.
You're chest looks like it would actually fit me. What were the sizes you scaled it to? And what file is it?
By the way, the idea for the extra carry case is great. For anyone who has had to spend time out and about in a full suit for a few hours, being able to store your id and creds, and get to it easily, is a huge thing.

ok made it home from work.. the file is the mk VI chest by robogenesis (low res) is my first build so started with the low res since i am learning but now that i am getting better at pep i have started making some of the high res stuff. the size i adjusted it to to be able to fit was changing the height to 506 mm. this ended up giving me the width for my shoulders and depth for my finely sculpted gut. (i like food) took 3 tries to get one the right size.
ARGGGGGG!!!! screaming at myself and anyone in the area. i didn't listen to my own freakin advise or mantra. take your time. soooo freakin close and got cocky. i didn't take my time resining the left shin piece and warped the holy hell out of it. warped it so bad that it would take a a whole gallon of bondo to straighten out. starting over. well there went about 9 hours of work down the drain.
thank you for the encouragement. after i got all my screaming done and smoked half a pack of cigarettes trying to get the drive to dive back into it.. i determined to work on something else to ease my pain. so i started on the handpieces. ouch that is rough. i think that after making one i am going to make a mold so i can easily make the other. figure i can use the mold later for other projects..

here is after about 2 hours of work. have some small detail to straighten out..

ok mold made.... first pull done.. need a little clean up but i am really happy with it.

was wondering one of the local craft stores looking for ideas and inspiration when i ran across this scotch quick-dry adhesive. was curious and stopped to check it out. from what i could figure out it was similar to the old fashion white Elmer's glue we all used in school and what allot of people here use. i had been using the hot glue method and the glue strings get on my nerves not mention the occasional burnt finger. i was curious and so i picked up a bottle for $4.55 (us) for a 4 oz bottle. i figured if it didn't work to my liking the kids just got themselves another bottle of glue to use. i tried it out on a piece of paper and it seemed to work and hold really well. didn't have time to try it out on any pep. i am going to try it out in the morning when i get home from work (yes at work again... shhh) and i will let you all know how it works out. i have not seen anyone talking about this stuff on here (i could have missed it) so if anyone has used this in the past let me know how well it worked for you.


ok got home and got right on peping out my other shin. this stuff worked great. took a little more time than using the hot glue method but also allowed me to be able to make sure the piece was in the right place and position. some of the smaller peices were hard to work with. i used some hot glue in areas for ease of construction. but all in all i am hooked and going to most likely use a combination of this and hot glue in the future.

5 more off days till halloween. i think i am going to cut it close. and i know my son is. honestly can't wait till this is over and i can take my time on the next one and enjoy the process. lol.
well not as much done since my last post. had a bike rally i went to (good times) i have the left thigh done. and the left shin painted. still have to pep the left boot and i am going to re-make the cod piece. started putting padding into some of the armor. still have time but i think i am going to cut it close.

trying on the chest after padding:


my son is getting done with his. he is going to join here soon.

my son's armor:

its coming along great. really like the storage box idea. But not A huge fan of the paint job.
your son's is looking good to
Nice Progress!!! Your Sure kicking my butt at this. I screwed up on my first helmet so i have pepped another one. Finished today. Also your son seems to be farther than me. Haha. he's probably as old as me to.
Nice Progress!!! Your Sure kicking my butt at this. I screwed up on my first helmet so i have pepped another one. Finished today. Also your son seems to be farther than me. Haha. he's probably as old as me to.

well he is getting along due to my peping stuff in it being two small for me and ironically fits him. so far i have just about peped half of his armor for him due to my mistakes. lol. he is lucking out.
its coming along great. really like the storage box idea. But not A huge fan of the paint job.
your son's is looking good to

ahh the paint job was a night of inspiration and i am here to tell you with all the work with the paint job.. i am starting to get tired of tape paint peel.. crap messed up a part. tape repaint peel.. be glad when it is done. my next one is going to be a cannon armor. but gotta get this one done first.
OK got the cod piece peped and rhondoed and fiber glassed. i went with the low res cod piece due to the time crunch i am now on. i got hammered at work on Friday and had several Subpoena for court on my days off. figures. so i lost work time. i found i can actually put the cod on and squeeze it on (suck it in). was wondering about how others had made the cod for putting it on and taking it off. i was thinking of just padding the thing up and step into it and slip it on... but this would make me have to put it on before putting on my legs and was wanting to be able to take it off to sit. any suggestions?


OK i realized that after posting this there is a picture earlier with a hd cod on my mannequin. yes i had made one. no it did not survive. i had straightened out the warping and fiber glassed it and set it out in the yard to cure on i piece of cardboard. my son came flying around the house on his dirt bike and was not paying attention. see where this is going. needless to say it did not survive. but the man child and bike did. so i had to start over on the cod.
well I am 99.9 % done. have 1 boot to finish painting. now i have to figure out how to attach my boots to my boots.. ok that didn't sound right but either way you get the idea.. i have looked and have ideas but does anyone have any solid suggestions on the boots. help would be greatly appreciated.

here is a pic of where i am:

Awesome work!

I don't know if its the best way, but the method I used worked well! Made me taller and the boot has some flex to it so its not like walking on skis.
does anyone have any solid suggestions on the boots.

I am not quite that far yet, but I've been thinking about using wire or maybe some kind of really strong fibre to strap the pieces to my boots. They can't become a permanent part of the costume, so I can't use glue or modify them in any way, but they have pretty deep treads that should hold the straps and thus the boot pieces in place. That's the plan, anyways. I haven't tested it, so use it at your own risk :)
That paint job looks awesome. As for the boots, I am still trying to think of a way to redo mine.
I took and old pair of Nike's and resined them to wooden blocks, that I custome made for the treads. It was a great way to do it, but there is no flex in it, so it makes walking in them akward. I have also considered using rubber instead of wood, so it would flex, but I haven't really looked into it yet.
ok did some playing with the idea of the boot. decide to just go for it. what i did was cut out the bottom of the boot so the my boot would stick out about 1/4" (so i was walking on the actual shoe. then i stuffed extra foam around the inside of the boot to basically wedge the shoe in the boot. i then used a combination of shoe goo and hot glue to attach the boot to the shoe. used some stiff 1/4" stiff foam which i had laying around to fill the gap. did one and have been walking around in it for about 30 minutes now. can't run that is for sure but seems to be holding. really makes the boot heavy.



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