gears of war 3 female armour?!!!

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Jr Member
ok so gears of war comes out in april and my sister is beging me to make her a realy good costume for her and i have looked for ether anya or the brunette's armour from gears of war 3 im am desprite to find the pep files for this and am will be realy greatfull if someone has them or if someone could make them high quality :D:D

i will be vary vary greatfull if someone does this for me ill be extreamly greatfull and so will my sister


and thanks again :cool:cool
I haven't seen Gears pep files in a long time; there are some older files of Fenix's and Carmine's armor, but you'd prob be best of scratch-building a set...
Rhinoc that would be awsome if you started modeling the armour for gears of war 3 i know you would make alot of gear fans happy.
And if i cant find a female gears of war pep file ill have to go with Purrie's idea and make it from scratch
thanks for responding and giveing me hope for a pep and an idea for the armour
I'd appreciate it along with Schoeber if you could. I was planning to make a chest piece, at least, for the midnight release. If I get a wild hair I'll probably try my hand at foam or some other materials and start from there, though.
im scared to use foam iv never tried it and i like building with pepakura but ill probably try foam down the road thanks for the ideas and lets get a lot of people on this gears topic so people will start makeing stuff from gears of war 3 woot woot
I have some Pep files for Carmine's armour (Which is pretty much the standard gear's uniform), Marcus' Armour and some weapons: Longshot, Torque bow, Lancer, Gnasher (shotty) and the boom shot. They're all crazy high deatail (except the sniper, which looks reasonable). They arent mine, and im not sure if the original creators would get mad for passing them on, but i dont remember where i got them so i'd have to email them to you, if you want them.
Oh man! I would TOTALLY be interested in having some GoW chick armor! :D I could easily be the blonde since my hair is currently dyed blonde and my husband could either be Markus or Dom! haha

Yes! Please! Someone get on the ball and get this armor made!!! :D
I would highly recommend you do the armor in foam.

It's fast, cheap, and can look fantastic.

If you decide to go that route, I would recommend one of two methods:

1. Use Pep armor to create templates
2. Make a duct tape mannequin and create the parts exactly to fit your sister.

I recommend #2. Here's why:
The Pep armor has to be perfectly scaled. If it's not, you'll have to start over, or your sister will have awkwardly-fitting armor. After all this IS for a girl. The men of GOW are ugly and heroically-proportioned. While a male figure can get away with that, a female can not. You will want this armor to fit your sister well so that it can not only be bad-ass, but also fit her in a more "graceful" way. -As shown in the screenshots.

With method 2, the duct tape mannequin is cheap and easy. Get a few rolls of duct tape and some form of stuffing and you're good to go. (Google "duct tape mannequin").
With a perfect torso of your sister you can size-up and adjust pieces so that they fit and flow correctly. Use sheets of paper for quick shape mock-ups, then when that works, trace it onto either poster board or card board. You'll use lots of scotch tape for this. Once you have all the armor made in card board or poster board. Take it apart, and use the pieces as templates for the foam pieces.

I'm using method 2 on my armor now, and I really like it. It takes the "chance" away from building some one else's pep armor which was created from video game characters that have extremely long legs, short torsos, broad shoulders and barrel chests. The amount of re-fitting it would take to fit a real male, let alone a female is not worth it. Best to create new pep files.

-just my 2cents
Good luck!
gears of war 3...... I... Can't... Wait. ITS GANNO BE EPIC GUUUYYYSSS... and girls... Oh ya and by the way SAVE CARMINE that is all
wow thanks for the helpfull info RSloan76 thats realy helpfull ill look up more info on this and ill probably try it and im sure that others will find it helpfull too thanks again
so i have gone into depth in finding info on this build and the different ways to build it and if your going to build it with pepakura there is a few things to be modeled then peped
first you'll have to make the torso (front and back)
boots and knees
a belt with the granade like canisters
forearms and shoulders depending on your preference
and then a lancer if you want a weapon

and then you will need to make an undersuit and other deatails like the utility belt bags and pockets or getting your own gears tags
i have gone over with my sister and what she wants to do and figured what i have to do ill probably wait and see what pep files you guys make in the upcomeing days to come well because she wants this for partys and for halloween next year and ill probably try to make a suit out of foam and try to sneek into the bars with her then too if i make them before the lanch day ill be really happy to show up and get my copy in my armour
so im now really stoked for this and i cant wait for gears of war 3 and its beast mode
and here are some good reference pics for female cogs that i thought are really good



  • 500full.jpg
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anyone else think its strange her armor dosen't have any under suit at the chest look at the one that looks like it was taken in game. oh and the concept art one is not a good picture of anya's armor if your trying for athenticity.
ya i know its not really good but it was the only view of her boots i could find
and they probably did that just because shes a girl and its a game made by men lol
ok yes Anya is "nice to look at" I'll put it that way. But thats not what I meen It's the same for all of the Gear's in this next game they all seem to be wearing less armour then they did in the second I can't figure out why I asked my friend who is a Gear Head till the end but he didn't even know. one more thing you would think fighting the lambent would cause you to want more armour not less after all you wouldn't want to become one, those things are creepy. oh and good point about the boots I had thought about that but I thought that the brunette that you had talked about (forgot die name) would have the same boots I was jut to lazzy to check sorry.
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