The Makyr
Active Member
Halo Infinite Trailer was shown few hours ago at E3 and revealed master chief's new look. I personally am equally a huge fan of both Halo 2/3 and Halo 4/5 Master Chief armor designs (not counting lore bs explanations). Last year we had a glimpse of chief's suit returning to the classic mark vi design, but it was made clear that the design would change. BTS footage also showed how 343 were using the design of halo legends/ forward unto dawn master chief. In some way I expected it to look like this, and I am very happy to say the least about his design. I'm glad a spartan is now shown to be a 1000 pound unit, and chief's overall look (in my opinion) looks like a good mix between classic and modern design. He looks like a beast, but if I could still change it I would at least give the paint a darker shade, maybe make the arms slightly longer (make his arms look like he can move in it at least hahaha....) and make his shin SLIGHTLY longer. But those suggestions are just my preference.
Other than that, I would've wanted to see gameplay but I'm pretty pleased with E3, I know I've seen many are disappointed. It be a great discussion about all your thoughts about this trailer, and hopefully whats the next step to make this a costume.