HALO Reach Pre-Order

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Bungie and Microsoft are gonna be rolling in dough after this launch. XD

I'm slowly working to pay off my legendary edition. I traded in my wii to get some extra cash, and I've got exactly $50 to go. Problem is, since E3, I've been interested in upgrading my system, and now the Limited edition console is announced. If I come out of this holiday season with any monies intact, it'll be a small miracle.

Also, anyone considered getting the limited edition of the Reach strategy guide? It's running $35. If anyone here already has the console, legendary game, and limited guide pre-ordered, I will tip my hat to you, and send my condolences to your bank account.
LIMITED edition console!??!!!?! Limited edition Halo Reach strategy guide!??!?! I never even heard of either of these! Are they seriously making a limited edition of a strategy guide? That is the weirdest thing I ever heard! :p And what does this limited edition console look like?
i have the legendary, the console, and the limited guide preordered...i am not even sure what if anything extra comes in the guide...i just had to have it because its halo related
Here's some pics of the console, the controller.


I couldn't find a large pic of the strategy guide, but you can google it and see for yourself. I really want it because it's hardcover. :)
Yeah, I eventually saw a video before this comment and decided that I do not want the limited edition console. I was thinking that there might be more of a picture on it and maybe look a little more like the limited edition Halo 3 console. The Reach 360 console doesn't look as cool as I pictured it. :\

But if that limited edition strategy guide is hardcover, then I want that! :D hehe
For your dedication penutbuttrbandt, you earn a giant ice cream sandwich cookie pie.

I have 0$, seriously. But i have pre-ordered the legendary and im heading to EB today to work out something so i can get The new reach console. I plan to barrow the money and just pay it back because im going job hunting next week!

I hope by trading my old dying console that would cost 100$ to fix anyways, and my new box and maybe some games i can take a nice chunk off. Also trading back the copy of Reach that comes with the console should get me 45-50$ back. Should land around 250-270$ i hope.
I'm also thinking of buying the console. Dunno how I'll get it as I live in Norway, and there's no other option but to import it from the UK, currently, which might be very expensive. We'll see, I'd love to get it...
i really wish i could pre order but i'm broke right now. i'm debating on regular or heroic/limited edition. or maybe i'll get the limited edition if gamestop screws up my order again. for halo 3 i ordered the regular and the gave me a metal case and i just didn't say anything so i got it since i preordered in full
i am pretty much only getting the standard because all that really matters to me is that i get the game you know
I was going to get the legendary when i pre-ordered however, I figured the only reason to get it was because of the figures, and I can just buy them on ebay because someone won't want them. So i just preordered the regular edition.
I got the regular edition... The legendary pre-orders where sold out at my local gamestop and bestbuy. I was considering limited but I thought either go all out or just get game. Will see on release day maybe someone will cancel theirs so i can get it.

I am going to CHANGED MY PREODER THE Halo Reach Bundle was just announced a few hours ago! I was going to upgrade my 360 since I have the one with out the hdmi cable to the new slim this seems to be a great way! Check it out


i so want to get this new xbox 360 with halo reach and everything, but i don't have enough money :(
I just won a free copy of the legendary edition!!! There I was at the gamestop where they were doing the promo with what's his name giving Reach tips and strategies thinking "this is the worst use of my time I can recall in a while". Useless video. Nothing new, nothing else going on, but they were holding a raffle for a free copy of the game and I kept debating about whether or not it was worth it to stay.

Sure enough, they pull a name, and it's not mine, but no one answers. Call another name, no one answers. Call a third name, IT'S ME!!!!
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