Halo The TV Series Master Chief full build


I recently embarked on this new build after completing a 3 year build of a full size, operator-on-the-inside, motorized, fully electro mechanical Dalek. I done several other cosplay builds - 10th Dr Who, Mandalorian including Amban pulse rifle, Bo Katan (for my wife), an original character I call 'Future Man' and a bunch of additional sci fi weapons: DL-44, DL-17, Westar 35s, heavy infantry tri-barrel, Callahan full bore auto lock ...

While aware of the game I had no knowledge about the universe until I saw the TV show which is when I got inspired for my next build. After a bunch of research I settled on a sewn version of the undersuit like in the show. I've looked at those doing cast silicon versions but that seems to me to be going to be extremely uncomfortable to wear for long periods of time

In order to be able to size the base armor correctly in ArmorSmith I need the undersuit done so that is what I'm working on first. Like the show my undersuit will be a pair of pants, long sleeve top and a flak vest. I'll be ignoring all the details which are not visible since I don't plan to walk around in just the undersuit like John 117 does ...

I've completed the side panels for the pants. I wanted them removable so the pants could be washed. My research showed that the ones from the show are actually velcroed on to the pants as well. I tested several different methods and finally settled on using 1/4" OD medical tubing glued to the back of the Velcro.
My brother's wife is a seamstress and is sewing the pants for me so I provided her a sewing pattern, material and a bunch of reference images to see how the ribbing pattern is done. Similar to how those Star Wars ribbed neck seals are done will be how I'm doing my neck seal, elbow sections and shoulder sections. Each will be with Velcro closures to go over the long sleeve Lycra top.

I'm waiting for my new PRUSA XL to arrive since my beloved PRUSA Mark 3 i3S won't cut it for this build ... I've also printed is magnum pistol which fits on my Mark 3 and will be finishing that in the mean time.

My target for completion is MegaCon 2025, 6-9 Feb 2025 so currently I think I am on track ... we'll see. During the year I do need to do one system upgrade to my Dalek and I'm also putting the finishing touches on a full Jayne Cobb cosplay outfit complete with a screen accurate Callahan Full Bore Auto Lock, modified LaMatt revolver and Bowie knife so I have no shortage of stuff to do ... lol


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Here's a few pics of some previous builds ...


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Oooh so cool! I'll be following this thread to see how it all comes together!

....... any chance this is your build?

Absolutely! Mine (Dalek Nim) is the one on the right, the one on the left is currently just a static display but we are helping the builder to motorize it which will take a little engineering to beef up the bae to be able to handle a wheelchair motor assembly plus an operator. Here's a pic I took. I assume that's you? Were you in the Halo booth next to us or just an individual wandering around?


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Here's a peek inside ... that's an F-15 flight control stick that controls everything: driving around, eye stalk up/down, eye iris blink, dome rotation, extension/retraction of 3 segment plunger arm, gun sounds and LED light saber effect, hot mic connected to voice modular so I sound like an actual Dalek and blue LED anti gravity lights mounted under the skirt.

I may have acquired that stick while on the staff at the USAF Test Pilot School or when I was a student - things are somewhat fuzzy from that time frame ... lol.


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Absolutely! Mine (Dalek Nim) is the one on the right, the one on the left is currently just a static display but we are helping the builder to motorize it which will take a little engineering to beef up the bae to be able to handle a wheelchair motor assembly plus an operator.
Here's a peek inside ... that's an F-15 flight control stick that controls everything: driving around, eye stalk up/down, eye iris blink, dome rotation, extension/retraction of 3 segment plunger arm, gun sounds and LED light saber effect, hot mic connected to voice modular so I sound like an actual Dalek and blue LED anti gravity lights mounted under the skirt.
WOW that's so cool! Sounds like there's a LOT that goes into that. Awesome job man!

I assume that's you? Were you in the Halo booth next to us or just an individual wandering around?
That's me alright! I was able to attend MegaCon in Orlando and be a part of the 405th booth down there. Being a Canadian I don't ever really get down to Florida, so it was a real treat.

I'm hoping this MC build won't be quite as 'involved' ... lol
Yes I doubt a Spartan build will require such extravagant electronics lol. That's one of the things I really liked about making my Spartan. It's relaxing at times just crafting away, not having to worry about too many different components.

Hey where did you source your gloves? They look like what I'm looking for.
I bought mine from amazon. You can find them here
WOW that's so cool! Sounds like there's a LOT that goes into that. Awesome job man!

That's me alright! I was able to attend MegaCon in Orlando and be a part of the 405th booth down there. Being a Canadian I don't ever really get down to Florida, so it was a real treat.

Yes I doubt a Spartan build will require such extravagant electronics lol. That's one of the things I really liked about making my Spartan. It's relaxing at times just crafting away, not having to worry about too many different components.

I bought mine from amazon. You can find them here
The undersuit will be the most challenging relatively and i need that complete first in order to size armor correctly Luckily my sister in law is a seamstress so i sent her some sewing patterns, material and ref images. You planning to come done next year? I've had sizing issues with gloves before ... what size did you get and if you get a chance can you tell me with your palm circumference is?
The undersuit will be the most challenging relatively and i need that complete first in order to size armor correctly Luckily my sister in law is a seamstress so i sent her some sewing patterns, material and ref images. You planning to come done next year? I've had sizing issues with gloves before ... what size did you get and if you get a chance can you tell me with your palm circumference is?
I don't think I'll make it back down to florida any time soon, sorry!

I believe I got a medium, I'l ltry to measure my palm later today. Though, Amazon gets free returns, so just get s m and l and just return the ones you don't need. That's what I did
Hey I just realized you're the one who did the visor dying and caroming tutorial? Any tips I need to know since this looks like the perfect method for my MC visor?
Hey I just realized you're the one who did the visor dying and caroming tutorial? Any tips I need to know since this looks like the perfect method for my MC visor?
Not really besides anything I mentioned in the tutorial...

Although something that can't hurt is try to place your visor in the dye in such a way that it does not touch the edge of the container. Some folks make a little hanging system with a wire and binder clips to keep it from hitting the edge.
Sounds good. I've heard different color dyes being used? The Galactic Armory guys said they used yellow and I see you used orange?
The Galactic Armory guys said they used yellow and I see you used orange?
I see you already replied in the other thread but for anyone else that may be following this conversation, there are a few posts in this link that show the different colours
So while I wait for the sewing to be finished on my undersuit I figured I should get started on the weapons since they don't depend on any other pieces of the build. First up is his magnum pistol. Got it printed, prepped and then the base colors were air brushed on, then the pistol was assembled.

Tomorrow I'd do the weathering which will complete this piece and then I'll get started on his rifle. The rifle is where I plan to add my usual one 'cross universe' piece to the costume ...


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