Introduce Yourself

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Name: Linus
Profession: Student
Age: 19
Country Of Residence: Sweden
Favorite Hobby: Video games, reading and movies
Favorite Part Of Halo: The story and the fact that those sneaky bastards at Bungie succeeded with Reach and made me want to replay the series.
Favorite Halo: Reach, probably.
Favorite Video Game: The Halo series.
Other Interests: Music, video games, movies and some novel projects.
Favorite Food(s): Pizza.
Favorite Movie(s): The Young Guns movies, Starwars and Fight Club.
Other: I'm friendly and Open for discussion.
Name: Shaun
Profession: Student
Country Of Residence: New Zealand
Favourite Hobby; Collecting Comics and watching anime and movies
Favourite Part of Halo: Halo ODST as your a normal but skilled human.
Favourite Halo: ODST
Favourite VideoGame: Batman Arkham Asylam
Other Interests: Music, videogames.
Favourite Food (s): mince pie.
Favourite Movie (s): Star Wars, Hot Wheels Acceleracers.
Other: im wanting to make the first full feature halo film using green screen.
Name: Shayna
Profession: College senior in the lit department, barista, freelance writer ( and hobbyist filmmaker.
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Bikram's, Interneting, Reading, Epic RPG (
Favorite part of halo: I love the exponential epicness of the plot, and I'm a sucker for Swords. (Total lady-parts things, I know.)
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Gears 2, Mass Effect 2
Other Interests: I play the ukulele, bellydance, and really like bikes, motorcycles, and music.
Favorite Food: Potatoes.
Favorite Finisher: Assassinations all the way. Or anything with ripping out a spine. Maybe the occassional teabagging, but only if you talked smack to me for being a lady.
Favorite Band: Atmosphere, The Roots, Kid Cudi, Kanye
Favorite Movie(s): Empire Strikes Back, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Predator, Battle Royale, Army of Darkness
Other: I gave up video games while I'm in school. One month left... one month left... one month leftttttttttttttttttttttt

You guys run an awesome forum, glad to sift through a bunchof knowledge. I'm home from classes today with some nasty cold thing. I'm going to troll alllllll day. ON nyquil. Sorry. In advance. I'm working on a couple of cosplays right now. Definitely looking to level up my skills this summer when I have a bit more time and disposable income. (Hopefully.) This seems like the right guild to drop some knowledge on me. Thanks for existing 405th.

Name: Doden Eidin Stjerne Mane
Profession:Stident at Ai art institute of Indianapolis for media and animation, Blacksmith, Laborer, soon to be working on games
Age: 20
Favorite hobby: Reading
FAVORITE PART OF HALO: That the stuff they do like the augmentation to the spartan body there trying in real life
Favorite Halo: Halo Reach good story
Favorite video game: tie between Lair and Dragon age(for ps3) and Halo's(for 360)
Other Interests: Reading, drawing, football, hunting, fishing, outdoors, sniper rifles
Favorite food: Pastas
Favorite finisher: Assassinations
Favorite halo armor: Odst shoulders, commando helmet
Name: Chris AKA Mantis
Profession: Computers
Favorite Hobby: Computers, Si-Fi, LOTR, Comic Book art, Video Games.
Favorite part of halo:
Favorite Video Game: halo 1
Other Interests: Surfing
Favorite Food: Turkey
Favorite Finisher: Grenade Stick
Name: Josiah
Favourite hobby:collecting swords
Favourite video games: halo 3, halo odst, halo reach, star wars force unleashed 1 and 2 and starcraft 1 and 2
favourite movies: starwars saga, RED, Star Trek(the new one)
Favourite part of halo: The amazing dramatic ending of halo 3
Favourite food:home made pizza with bacon!!!
Favourite finisher: assasinations all the way!!!!
Favourite helmet: EVA (p.s. I liked it before emile wore it, he just made it better!!!)
Favourite halo character: tie between emile and MC!!!
Name: Erik Martin
Profession: Unemployed at the moment
Favorite Hobby: Hmm, too many to choose from, but at the moment video games and making armor and weapons
Favorite part of Halo: The various options for "loading out" your character
Favorite Halo:Hmm, not really a favorite, but the Original started it all
Favorite Video game: Kind of a love-hate relationship, but I'd have to say WOW (ugh, just spent more time in that one than Halo is all)
Other interests: Dagorhir (hey, you get to kill your friends with foam weapons, win, win), Music, being a Dad and husband, WH and WH40K (FOR THE EMPEROR!!!)
Favorite food: Peanut butter and jam (GRAPE AND ONLY GRAPE)
Favorite finisher:Hmmm, gotta say the TB...(ask me in PM if you don't know what that is...heh heh)
Hey guys, here is my first post
Name: Matt
Profession: Sales
Age: 24 (25/1/87)
Favorite Hobbys: Making things
Favorite part of Halo: story
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Game: i'll got with the COD games
Other Interests: Snowboarding, fire twirling/fire breathing, video games.
Name: Cathal (its irish)
Profession: Permanent student
Age: 18
Favourite Hobby: Xbox games, scuba diving, kenpo
Favourite part of halo: The Storyline i love the concept, and the gameplay plus online I'm totally addicted
Favourite Halo: Reach
Favourite Video Game: Halo, Ratchet And Clank series (the original PS2)
Other Interests: I play guitar, love long distance hiking, anything scouting
Favourite Food: Meatloaf
Favourite Band: Rise Against or Red Hot Chili Peppers
Favourite Film: Jet Li's Fearless, Shawshank Redemption, The Illusionist, Fight Club
Favourite Tv Show: Firefly or Battlestar Galactica
My first post!

Name: Geoffrey Page
Profession: Retired police officer. Currently own a mobile DJ business, a photo booth business and work part time.
Hobbies: Xbox, camping, computing, mixing songs, running, lifting weights
Favorite Halo: Combat Evolved
Favorite Band: The Art of Noise
Favorite Movie(s): Raiders of the Lost Ark
Other: Coach a soccer team for children with disabilities
Alright, first hello to everybody from Argentina, I'm pretty new on this forum and from a start i must say you ppl have done wonderful works, on peps files, 3d modeling, and recreating a full Halo armor.

Name: Augusto Fox
Profession: Right now unemploye again
Age: 29
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and comics, drawing and more video games
Favorite part of halo: can't tell, All is good.
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Dead Space, Armored Core, Ace Combat
Other Interests: Music, i play the saxophone
Favorite Food: Pasta
Favorite Finisher: Zero Marvel vs Capcom 3
Favorite Band: Monoral
Favorite Movie(s): To many
Other: Making a master plan to destroy the earth.

Name: Jayden Adams
Profession: School
Age: 13
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of Halo: Whenever Arbiter says, "Get Up and I Will Kill You, AGAIN AND AGAIN."
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Other Interests: "..." (Has no idea)
Favorite Food: Chicken
Favorite Finisher: "...." (Still has no idea)
Favorite Band: Powerglove
Favorite Movie(s): Grown Ups, Tron: Legacy, All of the Final Fantasy Movies
Other: Had a Twelve Grade Reading Average in the Fourth Grade
Name: Sean Gilpin
Profession: Amway Independent Business Owner
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Reading
Favorite Part of Halo: The immersive storytelling styles of the games and expanded universe
Favorite Halo: All
Other Interests: Multitudinous
Favorite Food: Pasta in a combined alfredo and meaty tomato sauce made from scratch.
Favorite Genres: Sci-Fi/Fantasy; Action/Adventure; Role Playing - Will essentially read, watch or play anything with sufficient Plot Progression and Storyline Development and likely enjoy it
Name: Frank Bello
Profession: College
Age: 20 going 21
Favorite Hobby: making different things everyday and expanding/learning new things
Favorite part of halo: the whole story line
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Game: Halo
Other Interests: i love art in anyway it comes.. so just that lol
Favorite Food: Cheese Burgers, pizza, tacos mmmmm
Favorite Movie(s): Way to many to put on here but some of them would be.... iron man 1/2, incredible hulk, twilight (lmfao jk), where was i oh yeah, sweeny todd, dragon ball z, avatar last airbender, shrek quadrilogy, ect....
Other: ask me please
Name: Eric 'Big Mitch' Mitchell
Profession: Ex-Millitary (british army) now unemployed
Age: 25
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Sports, Gym Building papercraft and warhammer.
Favorite part of halo: The whole wide scope of the halo universe in all its complexity.
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Game: Halo, Gears Of War and the COD series
Other Interests:Music and art
Favorite Food: Seafood
Favorite Finisher: Curb stomp.
Favorite Band: Theres so many to list. lol
Favorite Movie:again theres so many

If anyone wants to know anything alse letme know.
Name: Benjamin Yong Seng Fai
Favorite Hobby: any game with the name 'GUNDAM'
Favorite Part of Halo: wth is halo?
Favorite Video Game: any game with the name 'GUNDAM'
Other Interests: Music, i play Chinese drum and guitar(learning)
Favorite Food: EGG
Favorite Finisher: green vest like Heero Yuy in W Gundam (if it count as Finisher)
Favorite Movie(s): anything with the work 'GUNDAM'
Other:$ne word 'GUNDAM'
Name: Michael
Age: 16
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Guitar
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Band: System of a Down, The Prodigy
Favorite Movie(s): Donnie Darko, Se7en, Godfather, The Usual Suspects, Pulp Fiction

Mostly here to work on Fallout Stuff and to see some of the cooler helmets and such.
Name: Matt
Profession: Student
Age: 17
Favorite Hobby: Mountain Biking, Video Games
Favorite part of halo: How expansive the Halo universe is
Favorite Halo: Any ones that aren't blown up or Flood-infested I suppose. Or did you mean the games?
Favorite Video Game: Halo series, Battlefield series
Other Interests: Music, Dirt Biking, Architecture
Favorite Food: Soup
Favorite Band: Not really "bands", but: Deadmau5, SebastiAn, Shinichi Osawa
Favorite Movie(s): Can't choose because I only really have two ratings for movies: "I loved it" or "Meh".
Other: My two favorite brands are DC Shoes and Rockstar. I. LOVE. Rockstar.
Hey all,
Name: Tony Kim
Profession: Student
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Games, Collecting toys, Crafting
Other Interests: Pretty much into anything, really.
Favorite Food: I like them all
Name: Frankie Miranda
Profession: Work at a Car shop
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Hopefully this will be
Favorite Video Game: Fallout
Other Interests: Music, Working out
Favorite Food: Italian
Favorite Movie(s): The hangover
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