Introduce Yourself

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Name: Frank Hansen
Profession: i go to School :)
Age: 14
Favorite Hobby: Building stuff
Favorite part of halo: i don't know i don't have a halo game but i have tried it before
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Minecraft, portal
Other Interests: watch TV. play badminton
Favorite Food: Lasagne !!
Favorite Band: does Beethoven count as a band?
Favorite Movie(s): ER, AI, District 9, A Beautifully mind
Other: I come from Denmark but now i live in Sweden
Name: Aaron Murdorf
Profession: Maintenance/ In college
Age: 21
Favorite Hobby: Video Games and Drawing
Favorite part of halo: The Story line and also the online multiplayer
Favorite Halo: Reach
Favorite Video Game: WoW, For the Horde!
Other Interests: Drawing,
Favorite Food: Sushi, BBQ and brains lol jking
Favorite Band: hmm thats a hard, one don't really have a favorite band, i do listen to rock tho
Name: J
Profession: In college
Age: 20
Favorite Hobby: Drawing i guess. And collecting comics
Favorite part of halo: The clusterfuck that is Free for all. Sorry, i enjoy the chaos
Favorite Halo: 2
Favorite Video Game: Always been a metal gear fan. Halo was my favorite encounter with FPS. A bit of COD. Some fighting games like MVC3.
Other Interests: I'm an electronic nerd. Love doing mini projects i find online.
Favorite Movie(s): Devoted marvel fan here.
Other: Filipino that moved to bangkok
Name: Sander
Profession: Software Engineer
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Programming and electronics
Favorite part of halo: Everything!
Favorite Halo: storywise Halo:CE and multiplayer Halo: Reach (Although HALO:CE was more systemlink and fun when playing)
Favorite Video Game: multiple
Other Interests: Programming and electronics
Favorite Band: mainly rock/hard rock bands
Name: Alex
Profession: Student in high school
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Airsofting, Drawing, and stuff of that nature
Favorite part of halo: Driving the Warthog at the end of Halo 3
Favorite Halo: Yes ;)
Favorite Video Game: Halo series , Mass Effect and COD series
Other Interests: Messing around with electronic gadgets.
Favorite Food: Fried foods
Favorite Band: Incubus
Favorite Movie(s): The Hangover
Name: richi
Profession: bartender
Age: 26
Favorite Hobby: making things, prop making
Favorite part of Halo: just about everything
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite comic character's: cable, morph, warmachine, iron man, spawn
Favorite Video Game: prototype, halo, mirrors edge
Other Interests: music, parkour, tv, films, fx make up, prop making, aromur, weapons and military exuipment
Favorite Food: just about anything spicy
Name: Sami
Profession: I study now graphic design second year.
Age: 23
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, cosplay, tennis and sometime lifting tree trunks.
Favorite part of halo: my favorite part is that co-op is fun to play with my brother, when he stop by.
Favorite Halo: 2, well haven't try reach yet...but tomorrow i buy it :)
Favorite Video Game: World of Warcraft
Other Interests: I like drawing and photographing some times.
Favorite Food: Noodles and sausages...mixed with sweet thai chili. poor man food, but good
Favorite Finisher: Predator
Favorite Band: Turmion Kätilöt
Favorite Movie(s): Inglorious Basterds, Desperado, 7 years in tibet, Fight Club, Troy, Predator, Avatar, American Gangster, 300, MR. & Mrs. Smith, Don Juan De Marco, RockNRolla, Snatch....there are some :)
Other: I'm pretty good at melbourne shuffle.
Name: Dale Burden
Profession: Disabled
Age: 40
Hobbies: Prop making, movie making, gamer, models
Favorite Movies: 28 days later, Night of the living dead, R.E series, Ironman, Batman Begins, The Darnk Knight, Rampage, I sam ledend, I robot
Favorite books:The incarnations of immortality by Pierz Anthony
Favorite video game: World of Warcraft
Favorite halo: 1

I'm here to learn more about making intersting props for showing and possibly for future videos with family and friends. Being disabled it is hard to find things for me and my kids to do together but building props and making short film is something we can do. I hope to make new friends and learn some new skills over time and hopefully make a few things worthy of showing.
Name: Zachariah, E.
Profession: I play violin.
Age: 14
Favorite Halo: Reach, 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo Reach
Other: Well I made my first helmet, but it's lumpy so i need to sand it more :p
Name: Thijs (probably hard to pronounce if Dutch isn't your native language)
Profession: Currently none
Age: 15
Favorite Hobby: Gaming and fishing.
Favorite part of halo: The splitscreen matches with friends through the night!
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Gears of War, closely followed up by Halo
Other Interests: Bass guitar and building guns out of legos!
Favorite Food: MEAT! Especially BBQ meat.
Favorite Finisher: Gears of War 2 Torque Bow extended execution.
Favorite Bands: Slipknot, Lamb of God, Amon Amarth and Korn
I'll have a go too! :D

Name: Jason a.k.a TsunamiX146
Profession: None
Age: 14
Favorite Hobby: Building props, Gaming, and Drawing (that's a lot...)
Favorite Part of halo: Insane glitches and coincidences!
Favorite Halo: ODST
Favorite Video Games: Mortal Kombat and Gears of War as long as Halo!
Other Interests: Boxing and Figuring out how things work
Favorite Food: I'm like a goat... i eat anything edible...
Favorite Finisher: Halo Reach Elite Roundhouse kick (if that counts as a finisher)
Favorite Bands: Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, and etc.
Favorite Movie: The Hangover
Name: Joshua
Profession: IS\IT Big Oil
Age: 27
Favorite Hobby: Video Games
Favorite part of halo: The Story and how it unfolds
Favorite Halo: 1
Favorite Video Game: Both Halo & COD
Other Interests: Texas Holdem Poker
Favorite Food: Sushi
Favorite Finisher: Spartan B**** Slap
Favorite Band: Smashing Pumpkins (Dont Hate)
Favorite Movie(s): The Hangover

Other: It's simple, I am here becasue I want to buy halo armor. I know this is a resource on the "how to" and I can fully respect that. I would like to be a part of the economic side of in that you have a good or service that I want so in return I would like to exchange cash for it. I am sure this question is asked HUNDREDS of times a day so thats why I picked the name.
Lets make a deal

Hey everyone, I'm completely new to this kind of work, but I'm really looking forward to doing this! My self and three of my friends are planning out a rather ambitious project which I'll post when I get to the right rank :)

Anyway, here's the info..

Name: Sean
Profession: College Student (UK) in IT Software (Hoping to get into the games industry)
Age: 18
Favorite Hobby: Video Games, Computing and being a geek ;)
Favorite part of halo: Halo CE? The massive universe that has been created by the Halo franchise is a real marvel and a great inspiration. While I find the recent games have been a bit of a let down, the content and material they both deliver is fantastic :)
Favorite Halo: Combat Evolved :p
Favorite Video Game: I can't honestly answer this question, but I do believe Battlefield Bad Company 2 has one of the best Multiplayer experiences I've ever played, while Mass Effect is a real inspiration due to it's really well thought out universe :)
Other Interests: I spend a lot of free time designing video game concepts. These aren't just barely thought out ideas, I pay attention to storylines and balancing issues and I'm constantly thinking about what modern games offer and what gamers want and will play. It's really difficult coming up with original ideas or features that most players will actually engage in.
Favorite Food: Uh, easy stuff. Like pasta, or pizza :)
Favorite Finisher: Interesting, I can't say I really have one. Not to say I don't love fight scenes :p
Favorite Band: Too many to number, I have noticed I'm listening to Celldweller and Foo Fighter a lot recently though.
Favorite Movie(s): Hmm, I don;t think I've watched any really good films recently, so I can;t think of them right now. I saw Thor and Your Highness recently however, and they where both pretty good :)
Other: I can't say I've ever done anything of note. I've always had trouble getting things done and I have a nasty feeling it'll be the bane of me, despite my capability.
However, I'm hoping a project like this will be the first of many and I am determined to get this done!

Also, my two friends haven't currently registered, but when they do, chances are they'll be HyperNinjaBagel and IAMDIZZYONFANTA. As for the last one, I'm not sure what her name will be...

Anyway, I'll see everyone about the forums :)
Okay, ill jump in on this

Name: Brad
Profession: High school student
Age: 15
Favorite Halo: I love them all equally
Favorite One Liner: You just got Sarged!
Hobbies: NJROTC, video games, the whole shebang
Favorite Movies: Hmm, where shall I start?
Favorite Food: Pizza

Plan on starting ODST armor ASAP, but it will have to wait till school gets out

Name: James D. Myers (J.D. for short)
Profession: Student/Server
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Music
Favorite part of halo: Gameplay and plot
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Probably Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening or Mass Effect 1
Other Interests: Music, Art, humor
Favorite Food: Sushi!
Favorite Comic Book: Stranger in Paradise
Favorite Band: Maylene and the Sons of Disaster/Between the Buried and Me
Favorite Movie(s): Immortal Beloved
Other: I love to learn, I love going taking classes.
Name: David Smith
Profession: None, unless delivering papers for 20 quid a week counts :p
Age: 17
Favourite Hobby: Games, reading, sleeping, breathing, gym.
Favourite Part of Halo: The music, and the Spartan-IIIs
Favourite Halo: 3
Favourite Video Game: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and any Halo game other than 2.
Other Interests: Drawing and sleeping a bit more
Favourite food: Chargrilled rump steak with a slightly crusty surface, but not too well done on the inside so its still juicy and a little but pink :)
Favourite finisher: They energy sword assassination on Reach
Favourite band: Red Hot Chili Peppers
Favourite movies: Enemy at the Gates, Star Wars saga, Iron Man 1 & 2
Other: rehtO
Profession: student
Favorite Hobby: cosplay, drawing
Favorite Video Game: Mc gee alice or DMC3.
Favorite Food: everything that isn't made by me
Favorite Finisher:
Favorite Band: Skyforger
Other: I'm just starting to explore ^^
Name: Dillon Sylvester
Profession: Self employed computer tech
Age: 19
Favorite Hobby: Fabrication
Favorite part of halo: the suits of course ^^
Favorite Halo: 3
Favorite Video Game: Halo 3
Other Interests: Target Shooting
Favorite Food: homemade bacon cheese burger
Favorite Finisher: Head Smash Assassination from Reach
Favorite Band: System of a Down
Favorite Movie(s): Bad Santa billy bob FTW
Other: video game development
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