Just finished playing TimeShift

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Well-Known Member
Don't worry I'm not going to give away anything from the storyline what little of it there was. That was the only really draw back I had to playing this game, very little done with the storyline, but I still want to see a TimeShift 2. They definitely left it open for some sort of sequel, and like Master Chief, they never showed his face.

All in all, gameplay was fun, weapons and time abilities were pretty even, and the game was pretty lengthy even on the easiest setting. Took me about 10 or more hours to finish. So final opinion is that it was awesome.

Now I want to try out what they have for the multiplayer and see if it lives up to the single player gameplay.

I definitely suggest that if you love Halo, you must at the very least rent this game to try it out.

By the way, I'm still looking for the Beta Suit reference images. I have a few of the actual suit that someone seems to have already made and images from the official site. I plan on making a better one than what was in the clip from the movie and the photos of the suit and some con. If, you've seen these pictures, you'd understand what I mean by better. Then are in fact good productions of the suit, but there are some minor issues I have with them.

Keep your eyes peeled and let me know if anyone comes across anything they think might be useful. What I'd really are high res views of the front, back, side, top, bottom, etc. as many as I can find to make this as accurate as possible.

Thanks ahead of time to anyone that helps me out.

Lengthy....10hrs..... I don't know about you but 10hrs in a game is no time at all for me.... Thats like one day of playing.

gamerguy55 said:
Lengthy....10hrs..... I don't know about you but 10hrs in a game is no time at all for me.... Thats like one day of playing.


I go to work for eight hours or more a day, but yet compared to the 4.5 hrs it took me to bet Halo 3 on Normal, it's quite a bit longer.
When I buy a game, I expect to get my moneys worth so the longer a game is to me the better.
That's why I love Oblivion, the original Final Fantasy games, and the like.

Does anyone remember how long it takes to beat the first Final Fantasy game? Seemed to me like weeks.

Edit - So, I did a little multiplayer TimeShift and holy crap is it nuts. It's so much faster pace then Halo 3 and much harder with trying to get use to the time bubbles. Those time bubbles make it so much more challenging and give TimeShift's multiplayer so many possibilities.
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I would be playing TimeShift, but for some reason it won't start on my comp... ******* ATI Card....
Zyclone said:
I would be playing TimeShift, but for some reason it won't start on my comp... ******* ATI Card....

Make sure you downloaded all the patches from the site, otherwise you may need a new Graphics Card.

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