Member Of The Month

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since wer listing unknows id like to mintion MoonWildFlower. she put out a nice little tut on making a neck peace that looks good, and i know she would appreciate anything from you guys.

Seriously, she's done a shedload of stuff for this forum, including starting up the 405th Q&A Team itself. Though I'm not sure if she qualifies since she's not been here in a long time...
Crucible said:

Seriously, she's done a shedload of stuff for this forum, including starting up the 405th Q&A Team itself. Though I'm not sure if she qualifies since she's not been here in a long time...

I'm pretty sure the reasons you list - i.e. being a senior member within the forum - rule her out of the running?
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I would like to nominate Nightshade for the first MotM. He really did put a lot of effort into the new in-game ODST files, and he made countless revisions simply because people asked.
So instead of letting the new folk learn the art and techniques of armor building, we're just going to give them free stuff. Sounds like a great idea Ithica. :rolleyes

Now I'm not one to crap on an idea just for the sake of it being ridiculous, but rewarding folks that already have shown an aptitude for the craft by giving them your own hard work ? Their success should be their own reward. If you were looking for ways to generate more members / revenue / participation in the site, you might consider a monthly raffle? Members donate armor to be raffled off? 5$ an entry? I dono.

But since you guys have pretty much already decided to go ahead with this silliness, I nominate Nugget. Sure he's not a noob, but he has been incalculably valuable to the site through his 3d modeling and pep conversion skills. He is fast, efficient, and goes out of his way to make sure the community is supplied with the most accurate badassery the halo universe has ever seen.
Peter Cooper said:
I'm pretty sure the reasons you list - i.e. being a senior member within the forum - rule her out of the running?

I'm fairly certain that 'senior member' was given to mean 'staff members' - members who actively run this site and have administrative powers over standard members. After all, it would be pretty unfair for the moderators and staff members to keep getting elected for their armor input, given they've risen to their status through that very same method (IE, ranks for armor).

As far as I'm aware, BRI doesn't fit that criteria. She's not a staff power, she's just a normal member who contributed by giving the forum its Q&A team.

EDIT: At Yoda:

I'm fairly sure this little award ceremony is meant to target established members who've already contributed to the forum in outstanding ways - such as Nugget, Hunter or Rundown for their 3D modelling input for other members to enjoy and use. It's not meant to pamper to new members who're struggling with their armor, it's meant to reward the members who've shown an aptitude for serving the forum in special and unique ways that everyone's benefitted from.

That being said, a raffle might not be a bad idea, especially if you put the proceeds towards funding the 405th itself. However, I'm diverging from the topic and blatantly disregarding Ithica's request to keep it on topic, so I'll close it at that.
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haha fight the power Crucible. :p

I'll add a supplementary nomination for Kelly. She is letting me crash in her room for Dcon. +1 internets for her.
Hope I'm not cluttering up the thread by posting this. This idea is absolutely fantastic Ithica. I'm really hoping I can become a donator when some of my projects get a bit further along in the molding stage. I'll pm you in time. ;)

I'm gonna go ahead and nominate OrrionCarn. He's been active for a good while, and has made some awesome stuff. He's written some great fan fiction like "Operation Prometheus" and has some other writings going as well. He's been nothing but a friend to me and others throughout his experience here. ;)
Ithica, you are always putting new a better things out there. (This being one of them) I think this is a great idea. Why not show some appreciation to members that work there butt off and better this site. I know i wouldn't be here if this site didn't have some amazing people running it and helping people along the way. Good work Ithica and whoever else got this idea started.
Yodajammies said:
So instead of letting the new folk learn the art and techniques of armor building, we're just going to give them free stuff. Sounds like a great idea Ithica. :rolleyes

Now I'm not one to crap on an idea just for the sake of it being ridiculous, but rewarding folks that already have shown an aptitude for the craft by giving them your own hard work ? Their success should be their own reward. If you were looking for ways to generate more members / revenue / participation in the site, you might consider a monthly raffle? Members donate armor to be raffled off? 5$ an entry? I dono.

But since you guys have pretty much already decided to go ahead with this silliness, I nominate Nugget. Sure he's not a noob, but he has been incalculably valuable to the site through his 3d modeling and pep conversion skills. He is fast, efficient, and goes out of his way to make sure the community is supplied with the most accurate badassery the halo universe has ever seen.

No raffles, this is a free giveaway. It's really simple, we're giving away free props to people who will appreciate them, and who deserve them. Lets not over complicate this.
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roguespartan said:
I am voting for Harding29. He has only been a member since march and is already making really nice stuff and letting us members enjoy the progress he is making.

WOW i totally didnt expect me to be up here but thanks rouge,and im goin to nominate Nightshade for his amazing ODST files,and constant updating and making them perfect,and guys remember what Ithica said about keeping the chat down on this thread
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what you guys are doing is really great, nice one guys!

Well I vote for Dogwizard, he has been a big help to me with answering my questions and helping with strapping my armor, I think his tutorial also benefited a lot of people.

If Ithica wasn't the one running this, I would vote for him as well. He really brought people together and showed people that sharing is caring lol.
ok that opens it up for carbear jokes...lmao. Great people are being recommended and this is going to be tough.

are we going to do a list of donators names to see what the people are going to expect
care bear stare!

I would nominate Ithica, but since he's a mod... :rolleyes

So I'll go ahead and put up a nomination for Ral Partha. He is probably one of the top unfolders here at the 405th, and he's a great dude in general.
Adam said:
care bear stare!


I'll see your Care Bear Stare and raise you a Cousins Call! ROWR! :lol:]

Now getting back on topic- I think this is a great idea Ithica, and while there are lots of people that I feel are worthy of a nomination, this month I too would like to nominate-

Kaya Tetsu

Kaya came up with a great idea the other week that was unfortunately a bit too spontaneous and there for flew under most peoples radar. She started a thread in the General Discussion section entitled: Let's Stave Off The Shindig Blues, and the idea of it was to basically have a pep party over Stickam. This, I think, was a fantastic idea and goes exactly with the sort of community vibe we're starting to generate here. Shindigs, while starting to spring up everywhere, aren't on all the time and aren't easy for many of us to get to (It's probably going to be a while before I get to one over there with most of you guys :p), especially many of the younger members. Things like Kaya's idea can help to bring groups of us together more often and help us to learn off of each other from the convenient location of our own homes. And with today’s technology there's no reason why we couldn't. ;)

So, um yeah. That's my nomination. :)
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Yes I am posting a list on the first post. I need a list of what these people will be donating please.

Alright, I was going to Nominate for MoonWildFlower since she made a great tutorial and also a very nice armor set but she already got nominated so I think Ill post a new nominee

I nominate SPARTAN-Mills117

Reason: He has been here less then 3 weeks and has already she the enthusiasm it takes to get stuff done around here. He has the ideas and the questions that he posts when he needs answers. He may be new and post stuff that shouldnt be posted but who hasnt done that. SPARTAN-Mills117 has earned my Nomination as a member of the month because his dedication to the forum and he has been here slightly longer then me and has 4 times the amount of posts! Just my honest opinion from what I can see!

I would also like to make a suggestion. I saw that Adams donation is a full suit of armor, I would first say WOW! and second I would like to say Adam and Ithica you should arrange that particular Member of the Month award to be some special occasion. Because that shows true dedication and true heart to donate something so big! So in truth please make sure that the person who deserves that truely deserves it! Adam you have all the respect in the world from me!

Ithica this idea is a great plan and I hope that it blossoms with great results! As soon as I get a few more peices and more experience, Ill donate something!

With mad props to this community!

Chris Gold
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