Mountain Regiment Roster

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Hey there, might be a little late but I'm fairly new here. Names James located in the Denver area. I built my first suit (Halo 4 MC) about two years ago and currently working on a new one. I love working with foam and am just really interested in getting involved with the community and learning everything I can!
Great to have you aboard, James! Take a look around, see what we've got brewing and jump in with both feet! If you have any questions, feel free to ask, that's what we're here for.
Boy am I late to this party,
Hi I’m Riley out of Fort Collins Colorado. Did the Andrew dft ODST build for Comic-Con last year, met mistress chief, and she showed me this wonderful amazing sight. slow slow slow work on a reach Spartan 3 build, not sure what variant yet. was trying to write a halo fan film for a while might pick it back up when life calms down. None the less I’m happy to be here and would love to be more active!
Hello! I just wanted to get out there and figure out who all is active.

Let's start out by saying who we are (internet name or real name, I don't care) where we are geographically, and something about ourselves.

I know facebook is grand, but let's try to reel everything back in to the; that'll help the Division keep better track of everything. It's great to use facebook, but please don't forget to post on here.

Sean Anwalt (real name: Aaron)
I am in the Ogden, Utah area. I am decent-ish with pepping things, ok with fiberglass and bondo, but suffer with patience and waiting for the stupid things to dry before I smudge them. I am just starting exploring foam smithing.

I was recently assigned as RCO, and am looking forward to getting things rolling officially here in the Mountain regiment! *woot woot*
Hi I know I just posted here but I took a look through the objectives and I’ll try to help with anything I can if need be, still getting used to using the 405th but I’ll gladly help!
Welcome aboard guys! Its never to late to say hi and enjoy the 405th! We are glad that you guys are on! Im Shadowshail and im glad that we are seeing more people pop in from the surrounding areas. Hopefully soon we will have a pretty strong presence in the midwest.
Hello I hope I ain't too late to join this forum but Im chief not really a creative name but ive stuck with it for a while now im in the nevada area, currently building my custom commando spartan-III armor and would love to be more active and help out in any way I can even though im currently in progress to join this regiment if I dont end up moving soon. If theirs anyone in the nevada area who would want to meet up in any upcoming cons it would be cool to tag along.
Hello Chief1343! It's great to have you up and around. I'm not sure we have that many people active in the Nevada area. I know we have one in the Vegas are, but not sure how active. Mstruvmgc, I beseech thee! RISE!!!

Says they haven't been active since April... not sure how quickly they'll get that...
Hello Chief1343! It's great to have you up and around. I'm not sure we have that many people active in the Nevada area. I know we have one in the Vegas are, but not sure how active. Mstruvmgc, I beseech thee! RISE!!!

Says they haven't been active since April... not sure how quickly they'll get that...
Thank you though im in that area of nevada acrually but im just glad to be able to speak with others who have the same passion I have cant wait to be part of this regiment
It looks like all you need now is 50 posts. If I read correctly you're working on a suit right now? If you start a build thread, that'll get you your posts in no time!
Hello! I just wanted to get out there and figure out who all is active.

Let's start out by saying who we are (internet name or real name, I don't care) where we are geographically, and something about ourselves.

I know facebook is grand, but let's try to reel everything back in to the; that'll help the Division keep better track of everything. It's great to use facebook, but please don't forget to post on here.

Sean Anwalt (real name: Aaron)
I am in the Ogden, Utah area. I am decent-ish with pepping things, ok with fiberglass and bondo, but suffer with patience and waiting for the stupid things to dry before I smudge them. I am just starting exploring foam smithing.

I was recently assigned as RCO, and am looking forward to getting things rolling officially here in the Mountain regiment! *woot woot*
Does Kansas count? We're really flat I alot of places..
Does Kansas count? We're really flat I alot of places..
Hey SteelWolf! Super happy that you are interested in hopping into a regiment but Kansas is the Midwest Regiment. If you hop on over to their part of the forum im sure they will add you in! Welcome to the 405th!
Hey, pretty new here but figured I'd drop in an say hello on the Mountain Regiment. I'm Miles, Denver area Lakewood specifically. Currently working to make a full spartan build finished my ODST helmet just a month or so ago, currently working on a Locus helmet as well. Hoping to make it to DPCC 2020 with my a full suit, fingers crossed.
Hey don't know if this is the thread to ask but I've been wanting to join this regiment but can you switch regiments if you move location? Like say you move to a a region that the Midwest regiment covers or do you have to stick the one you join even if your out of the location it covers?
Hey don't know if this is the thread to ask but I've been wanting to join this regiment but can you switch regiments if you move location? Like say you move to a a region that the Midwest regiment covers or do you have to stick the one you join even if your out of the location it covers?
You can switch regiments, pending you're not doing it frequently, but before you can join a regiment you must have 50 messages on your account (posts)
You can switch regiments, pending you're not doing it frequently, but before you can join a regiment you must have 50 messages on your account (posts)
I'm not planning on changing regiments frequenly just once I may or may not move in the next few months to a different location and didn't want to join and end up leaving so early but since I know now I'll post some pics of my Spartan 3 to join this regiment thank you RandomRanger
Random nailed it on the head. 90 days and 50 meaningful posts (not just "looks good" or "lol".) Then just reach out to your Regiment Commanding Officer (me for mountain regiment, unless I'm voted out, since that time is upon us) and tell them you want in. Then RCO forwards the request up to Division and they make it official.
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