My Thinks My Boots Are Too Big...

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New Member
Built a tester using Robogenisis' HD files, and the scaling method from teh sticky. They turned out a bit big, I think. Used a scale of 74.5 and they ended up about 14.5" long. My feet are about 10" long. I can work out the re-scaling, but I'm wondering how big the boots should be if I wear about size 10.5 shoes/boots? Like how much extra room do I need between my feet and the inside of the boot?

I would get a pic, but Camera is MIA, so pics in the morning if ya'll insist.
Usually when boots are made, some people scale them very small so they will "hug" a specific shoe rather well. Others however, prefer to have the boot piece very big so they can accomodate ascetic attachments, like plunger pieces for the connector, or other things like latches. I would get a pair of shoes, and see how the boots look over them.

But keep in mind, pictures will help people determine what you should do. Good luck! ;)
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