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Ares said:
No, and it's a bad idea.
If you want, I'll post the many reasons.

While, as a previously avid paintball player, im sure I could conjure up the many reasons myself, curiosity dictates that I ask you to post them :p
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NAS(nightmare armor studios said that they tested their armor and made it custom to fit the movements of humans better, for paintballl.
1. Paintballs exert more energy when compared to Airsoft, as they create a more blunt impact than other weapons.
2. The motocycle face masks are far from paintball proof
3. Most armors are not flexible enough
4. Cleaning it?
Ares said:
2. The motocycle face masks are far from paintball proof

Don't they have the same ANSI rating as paintball goggles?
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Ares said:
I doubt they fall under the correct ANSI ratings.

i disagree, a motorcycle helmet can withstand a rock hitting it at thirty miles an hour, i doubt a paintball hits with the same force.
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but would fiberGLASS armor survive, running, jumping, sliding, falling, and running into other players? (my friends and I play a very "rough" version of the game)
Well I have to say there seems to be pros and cons to this so I would sugest that you list them and if the advantages outweight the risks the you sould go right ahead.
i would imagine fiberglass can withstand a paintball. depending on the temp outside tho, if it was cold then it might have a tendency to crack or shatter, but in warmer conditions iam guessin it would be fine. heck, a bb gun somtimes wont break it.
allot of people think frozen or cold paintballs wont break as easy and i tested this and the ones in the freezer for 5 hours were brittler! but it may have been the ball make.
do i hear BTB in real life? that would be an awesome video, put spartans with paint ball guns disquised as assaultrifles in the arena then put some mini camreras in the corse and you would get on the news
my opinion on this is that it depends on how you want your armor to look. you could use original paintball armor, and just mod it enough to look like a spartan, but still meets safety standards for paintball.
Idk if u guys have ever heard of skirmish usa, the largest woodsball field in the country,well i work there and one of our fields has bunkers made entirely out of fibre glass. These things have been there for years and have taken a lot of paint ball abuse. As for applying that know how to a suit I would recomend 2-3 layers of fibre glass on your suit to make it more durable and i would also make sure the size of the armor plates doesn't restrict your movement on the field. Another thing is to make sure you have some good padding on the inside because if you fall on bare fibre glass it will hurt and you are liable to cut yourself.
well I make my stuff out of high impact plastic and it hasn't broken in paintball matches so far, will take some pics the next time we play in it. I do suggest that if you guys play in armor to wear painball goggles under your helmet, the only problem I had with my armor was that the hjc lens popped out with a direct hit. It didn't break but the glue couldn't hold it in place. Lucklily the ref wouldn't let me out on the field without painball under-armor and goggles on.
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