Post pics of your pets!

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Sooo... I'm a really big animal person, I love animals... and so I have quite a few non-human friends living with me, and I thought I'd share (I love showing off my pets!)

I currently own:
(breed - type - name)
Shiba inu -dog -Kiba
Cockatiel - bird - Diamond
Brazilian Rainbow boa - snake -Hades
Albino boa - snake - Zeus
Hypo Nicaraguan boa - snake - Arbiter
Blizzard corn snake - snake - Echo
Normal/wild corn snake - snake - Delta
Anery corn snake - snake - Kilo
Amel corn snake - snake - Aphrodite
Snow corn snake - Charlie
Red eyed Crocodile skink - lizard - Erebos
Haitian Curly tailed - lizard - Helios and Rapebite
Tropical Gridled - lizard - Nubblet
Veiled Chameleon - lizard - Dingo

So yeah.. Totally gonna splooge photos of ALL of the above in due time... But to kick things off: Kiba!


Kiba's 30lbs, so he's not a tiny a dog, but apparently he can fit perfectly in my garbage can:

Post your pets! :D
Here are my three
Wrex- my 6mo Savannah Monitor (biggest pain in the butt, but very tame and lovable)

Wrex being a loch ness monster

Godzilla- my oldest bearded dragon ( he wasn't too happy when i took photo)

Kaki- my youngest bearded dragon (she's a bit obsessed with her plushie)

Those are my dawgs yo!
. . .

seriously though, Sunni, her auntie Kira are the two cocker spaniels.
And Gert and Betty are the papillons

XD lizard, lizard, lizard snake, snake,snake,snake,snake. . . bird. . . dog. . . Odd one out anyone?
Despite this seemingly happy snake, Zeus didn't enjoy his bath, he was hissing and had his mouth open. I think it's cause he swallowed some water when freaking out

Arbiter on the other hand, LOVES bathes. He just curls right up and has his nose sticking out.

Hades enjoying his first rat, from when I switched him over a few weeks ago.
LINK - view at your own discretion

My fav pic of Dingo to date

I even did I drawing of this photo of Dingo. :3 CLICK
-_- your drawings makes my art skills feel weak. . .
XD love the snakes, Defanged? or devenomized?
Awesome pets Hyo! Zeus looks really cool. The only reptile I have is a Leopard Gecko, but I don't have any pictures of him.

Also, nice drawing, very impressive.
-_- your drawings makes my art skills feel weak. . .
XD love the snakes, Defanged? or devenomized?
It's illegal to own any vipers or venomous snakes in canada; all pets in the trade are constrictors. (thought I'm sure there's a couple vipers being owned by some people...) Also if you remove any vemon or fangs from a viper you'll just kill it. It can't live without them; the venom sacks are located just behind the jaw muscles if I remember correctly.

And thanks guys!
My turn? I own 3 animals, a cat, a german shepherd, and a chinchilla. Right now I only have pictures of my chinchilla though.



I am totally gonna get a ferret when I move out (hopefully next month). I've always wanted a ferret.
Did someone say ferrets? I have always wanted one of those :D And that chinchilla looks like it could weight the size of my obese cat xD
Here’s a picture of my ferocious guard dog twilight a miniature lab ..



During the Christmas season she has yet to be kicked out of a store when wearing the appropriate attire for the Christmas season


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I am totally gonna get a ferret when I move out (hopefully next month). I've always wanted a ferret.

I owned one when I was still with my parents. They are FANTASTIC animals. Really playful and absolutely hilarious when they are excited. My advice is to always own two though. They are naturally social animals and are healthier when they have a friend. Also, if they aren't de-scented, then they will have a VERY strong odor. But if you have them de-scented and bathe them once a week you won't have any odor issues at all.

Hope you get to own one soon and if you do please share the pics. :)
I owned one when I was still with my parents. They are FANTASTIC animals. Really playful and absolutely hilarious when they are excited. My advice is to always own two though. They are naturally social animals and are healthier when they have a friend. Also, if they aren't de-scented, then they will have a VERY strong odor. But if you have them de-scented and bathe them once a week you won't have any odor issues at all.

Hope you get to own one soon and if you do please share the pics. :)
Yeah I've been told in pairs is best.

As far as descenting them, doesn't matter to me. A lot of people complain about the smell of ferrets, but personally, it doesn't bother me at all, I kind of like it a bit; a very earthy musky natural smell.
nice thread! I have 2 cats right now. The older one which is 1.5 yrs old is a blue point siamese named "Bones". He is the most people friendly cat I have ever had. He is my buddy and always makes me smile. My other is a 3 month old Himalayan named Jasmine. She hates people and runs away when you try to pick her up. It makes it apain since she needs daily brushing because of her fur.

I have pics of Bones when he was young, but none on my pc of Jasmine. Here is Bones...
I'm not a cat fan in the least, but that cat's pretty darn cute! I love the big ears! So koot!

More of my pet spamming. XD
It's hard to capture that 'oil on water' look that Rainbow boas have ALL the time (except when shedding, they turn an ugly grey), but hopefully you can see a bit of his rainbow up top there. In natural light, Hades' shines soooo nicely. BRB's are my fave snakes.

Dingo being a goof:

Chameleons look sooo goofy when they look at you with both eyes forward. He found himself a little nook on my bed and just stayed there staring at me for like 10 mins. It was kind of creepy :\


And of course, cameras are for licking:

(I made that with Dingo's picture. Normally when he sees the camera he puffs up and hisses, but this time he decided to try and lick it.... wtf Dingo...)

Erebos, being bad@$$ and all:

Chilling in his old tank setup:

Helios being a goof:

I don't have her anymore; she passed on from old age (bugs don't live very long), but man, Joe was one badarse mofo. Had my photographer friend take a few wicked shots of her after my shoot, when she was still a nymph; before her wings grew in:

Cleaning her footsies:

Her and her shed, the day she grew her wings in!! Such a pretty girl!!

Her wings

I'll spam more later... Come on people! Post your pets! I can't be the only one on the forum with a mini zoo!!
I want a mantis. . . SO BAD RIGHT NOW!!!

I did mine. four dogs is it. . . .
Mantids are pretty wicked awesome pets, pretty easy to take care of too.
You can buy some egg sacks online, let them all hatch out, let them eat their siblings and have just the few strongest survive, then keep those ones as pets.
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