Sean Bradley

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Member DIN

This site wouldn't be anything without you. Glad to have you on board!! Happy birthday big guy
Oh, snap! That's right! I took notice of this in the "Official Happy Birthday Thread", but forgot to post a reply in there, LOL.

I'll make up for it now, then.

Happy Birthday, Sean! May your day be full of HALO 3 ownage on XBL (if you weren't stuck working) and fun trudging around in MJOLNIR armour!

You're one helluva upstanding guy, buddy. You're always more than willing to help others out (as you have done for myself on occasion *wink), have done amazing work on your own armour, and are just all-around a consumate SPARTAN!

(y) :lol: :D (y)
No kidding, Happy B-Day Sean... is it better turning 33...

I got 25 next and my Mother keeps reminding me that I will be middle aged... whats that supposed to mean anyway.. probably all those, your old comments when I was kid coming back on me now..

Anyway.. Happy Birthday, hope its a good one.
I know I would still be a noob without all the help you've given me. Happy B-day Sean!

Who's talking about middle-aged? You still got 2/3 of a century more before you get triple digits!

already gotcha in the official hb thread but what the hey,


smilie120 said:
"Doctor, I get heartburn every time I eat birthday cake."
Next time, take off the candles."
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Happy BDay Sean!
Thanks for all your patience and hard work here...

Just for you....
An orange mocha frappaccino!!

Wished you a Happy Birthday in the Birthday thread earlier :).

Hope you have a good one.

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