Somebody Hacked The Costuming Wiki!

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I seriously doubt that any of the mods/staff would make death threats, or threats of any kind for that matter, to anyone.

The creators of the props have the right to not sell them to whomever they please. Some WoWloser got a little butthurt because he couldn't have his way and recast his way through the 405th, and this is way of getting back. Trolling a Wiki that is clearly editable by anyone, and making empty threats.

And even if we assume that the 4 police reports were actually filed, (and not total troll BS) there's no way any of them would go through. You have the PM's, you made the props, all the supposed 'threats' you made didn't actually happen.

Snnow put a trojan on the wiki, from I can tell they even admitted to it, that's a felony.

The personal attacks to the mods/staff is probably just a way for this person to try to scare us into giving them what they want.

If you wear the 405th colors when August 17th comes around...

I'm going to make it a point to wear my 405th shirt on that day.
If anyone knows about that Outlaw guy, they're so called "leader" go check his youtube... seems to have been deleted *hehehe* oh how I love ToS and the law... oh and hacking tools!
Wat a F****** douche,Adam,walter and dave,did obviously not make those threats.And hacking a wiki is childish,remember that the 405th is the ACTUAL PLACE THE FILES WERE FIRST DISTRUBUTED,so hacking a wiki is nothing,because the 405th has all of the files(i dont know about the warthog one though)that were on the wiki :p,either this person is EXSTREMELY DUM,or they think that WIKI is the only place files are stored(we have more than the wiki has).Point#2:How the F*** could we delete a lamborgini file of YOUR COMPUTER,and why are you asking for us to build you a file when you are the bluepint holder in the first place.

And why ask for the warthog file IF ITS ON THE WIKI DOWN THE F****** BOTTOOM OF THE PAGE,see,you deleted the files and thats your fault,coudnt you of just downloaded your warthog file,yeh,but you didnt,instead you DELETED ALL THE FILES,WHAT A DUMB F*** YOU ARE,And your complaining that you want a warthog file,Sorrry buddy but your the dumbarse that deleted it in the first place :p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p:p.

MJOLNIR FOLLWER OUT.*transmission lines crackle*
So...where's the best place to be seen wearing my 405th shirt and cap on the 17th? I wouldn't want to miss the chance to meet all these uber-badass special forces/security company/yakuza/bikers in person... :lol

Seriously folks - you can't make this stuff up. What about the ninja's? You can't leave them out of the action, now can you? I'm sure that they also have a "piece" :lol treaty with Godzilla and I heard that Sasquatch is next in line to sign up with this ultimate international badass alliance...

We're going to find out that it's a bunch of 12 year olds with a serious reality disconnect being led by some wonder-nerd living in his mom's basement...

Oh, wait - was that over the top? ;)
Lol @ dogwizzard... oh maybe they also have the power rangers and chief to give us our punishment... what a bunch of &*&()&*)^loving(&^^%(%^sucking&*&)(*&^*^&%^%$12yr olds...
Okay, I just read the emails that Ithica put out to the public, and this is just beyond what I can even described.

I mean, this person is spreading lies, making false accusations, and is also demanding something he rightfully DOES NOT DESERVE.

And this thing about Snnow being Chinese? How is that of any importance? Is it because she's Chinese, she knows how to delete data?

I'm sorry, but even if this is not my business personally, I am truly offended, mostly because of the "Chinese" acknowledgment part, because I myself is Chinese, and the fact they can't even spell "Chinese" right. I mean, its just "Chin" with "ese" in the end, plus spell check would make it capitalized. The whole "Chinese" thing probably doesn't sound like a big deal, but when I read that, it just made me take a double take on what they wrote.

And they also somehow threaten us with some motorcycle gang for wearing "405th" colors on a certain day? I mean the 405th community is spread around the globe. We have people in the USA, Europe, Australia, and many other places (sorry if I did not add your country, those were the most standing out to me).

*Sigh* I wish if they were going to threaten us, at least make it so it sounds respectably considerable. Another reason why we need more funding in schools.

I know we should lock this thread and just end it, but dam, the things they say and did, or tried to do for that matter just stroke me to say my thoughts.
Guys - don't take them seriously or take anything they say as anything more than the misguided ramblings of some pathetic and apparently woefully uneducated social outcasts. They are here to amuse us and provide a convenient target upon which we can polish our witty and sarcastic banter. Let us cheerfully oblige them through unceasing mockery and abuse.

You're taking about people who think that they are world-class badasses because they can edit a publicly accessible Wiki for goodness sake. Let us try to keep our responses lighthearted and save our righteous indignation for a more worthy opponent...
iliketacos95 said:
I've been talking with they're leader, trying to hear both sides of story and to understand and here is what he says:

We approached adam with a single question

How did you make that turtle husk for that battle rifle. And were do you get the blueprints cause we keep hearing about it on the forms. Adam went ape s***. He cussed us all out for having served and told us to go f*** ourselves. We've read all the wiki got hacked blog and no it didn't get hacked. Snnow got angry when we told her what adam did to us. We showed her the death threat adam sent us on youtube.

We also showed her the threat walter sent us. after he nixed our deals with Dave.

Dave cussed us out for having served and disrespected our private security company. Dave also threatend us.

Snnow had it and played with your files. I hear you didn't recover all of them. Sounds like a personal problem. Maybe you should play nice and not belittle people or threaten those people. All we did was file 4 police reports. One against adam, one against dave, one against walter, one against the members. We don't take kindly to threats and we left it in the Colorado sherrifs department hands to tell you to F*** off. If you don't wish to help us for askign how did you do that then walk away.

Snnow is chinnese. Shes the one who deleted your s***. Dave , walter, and adam threatend her as well. IF you want the email we gave her and the police just ask.


part 2

Yeah theres something else. One of your members stole our 1:1 Lamborghini reventon 3d model I drew off my computer. I want that back. Or they're be no peace between us. We didn't hack you snnow did. But to attack us is to commit war. If it is not returned by August 17th all hell will break loose. The Sons Of Silence already asked for permission to go find each one of you personally and ask you what your problem was. We told them lets see how it plays out. We will release that ban and tell them do what ever the f*** you want we don't care if our 3d file isn't returned and the offender deletes it off his computer. It's ours not urs.


It seems all they want is the file back and some blueprints and a tut on the battlerifle turtle husk...


part 3


Sons of Silence motorcycle gang. You don't watch much histroy channel do u? The second post on my channel is for them.

If you wear the 405th colors when August 17th comes around and we don't have the files. We don't care. We only care what our CCE guild memebers do. and we are only responcible for our memebers. the Sons of Silence care about their memebers the same way we do. But not only did you steal from us but them as well. We where going to build a car from scratch for one of their old ladies. But one of you stole it from us.

We will forgive it if you can replace what was stolen with the Pepakura warthog. That would be a item of equal value. Seeing how it was stolen from us we demand retrobution to be paid. Our 3d Lambo was stolen. We want it back or it replaced with something of equal value.

We also want a peace agreement signed by adam the GM from a peace agreement with Iticha from soaring hammer and one from spase props. The peace agreement means you're allied with snnows guild, our guild (CCE), the sons of silence, and the yamaguchi yakuza clan. We do not like wars but we've never lost one yet. We await your responce.


Ummm either these guys mean buisiness or it's a bluff... I guess just wait and see...

Let it be known, I am not a retard. I know all emails can be used as "evidence" and dont actually get deleted. I posted about a third of the emails already in this thread, and I'll post EVERY SINGLE EMAIL as soon as I organize them by received date. (they were emailing from multiple accounts). You can read it all, 100%, non edited, and straight as they were received. You'll find that never did I threaten, or any of that. But honestly, people can grow up, there will be no peace agreement, they just need to leave. I don't want to be associated, communicate or negotiate with such f***wads. Please dear God, bring the Colorado Sheriffs into it. First of all, the'll laugh you out the door, secondly, they'll see what exactly happened. Simple.
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Dear 405th Members,

I'd like to remind everyone not to do anything and keep from getting too upset about this. Much like a troll if you fuel the fire they just get more gratified by the attention. The moderators, staff and Adam will take care of this and report this to the proper authorities. They may think the internet is lawless but there are boundaries. This will all be taken care of in time and with due process. Until then please get your files from here:

Thank you for your cooperation during this time, please don't make any attempt to communicate, threaten or otherwise harm our case against them. Due process will prevail. In addition the 405th Source will be working with the staff on this matter and try to finish up the permanent hosting of our own 405th created files and getting the proper permission to host additional files that were available at the wiki. The wiki will return in due time and we will inform you when it is reassembled in it's entirety and safe to return.



405th Source Multimedia Editor
I say we give a hand to the mods and the officers of the 405th Source for working diligently to ensure that we have access to the pepakura files.

It's guys and gals like them that make this truly work, and rewrite the wrongs one mistake at a time.
ERINocolypse said:
hahaha no but she DOES look like she might be into America's Best Dance Crew? Oh and it looks like her only real talent is puckering her lips and holding random things between her boobs. Can I say boobs on here?

Wow she actually has a photo album called "Cancun Beitch". Her life is unforgivable.

Well, you'd pucker your lips like that too if you spent your whole college tenure sucking... lolipops... instead of focusing on the benefits of higher education... like spelling.
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gamerguy55 said:
I'm going to make it a point to wear my 405th shirt on that day.

I vote we make August 17 the official Wear-Your-405th-Stuff day, btw.

I get free legal counseling since I work for the university, so if you want me to bring it up with them to build a case, Adam, I'm more than happy to.

Frankly, the way they're reacting sounds like 12 year olds. Reading your back and forths, you may have been a bit blunt with them, but this is the internets, you can't tell the tone with which people are meaning their statements. Regardless, it escalated into a !nt3rne7 f!gh7 that showed a blatant immaturity on their part. And, by the way, 'baby girl' is so not anything I would ever call my child. Ever. That sounds more like something you call your girlfriend when you're fourteen.. which just reinforces that there's no way they've even hit puberty.

By the way, how can you have a 3D file stolen from you? I can understand the stealing as in, someone swipes a copy of it, but honestly, how the heck does it get stolen on the internets. Whole thing sounds like a faux story trying to coerce us into sending them the Warthog file. "Oh, we're makin' our grandma a Lambo, but you stole it, so instead, we'll settle for a Warthog." Yeah. Right. If someone has illegally copied the 3D file, that's not the 405th's doing, as we do not encourage that sort of behaviour.

And everyone else, as far as commenting on their Youtube Channels, or emailing them, or engaging them in anything, try not to. Do not give them any reason to continue this ridiculous nonsense. And as mentioned before, giving a Troll attention is just feeding the fire.
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Confucious T said:
I say we give a hand to the mods and the officers of the 405th Source for working diligently to ensure that we have access to the pepakura files.

It's guys and gals like them that make this truly work, and rewrite the wrongs one mistake at a time.

i agree with Confucious T, you guys do a great job

P.S. i must be a little slow to the there any 405th gear that is sold? like shirts and stuff? i know it is a lil off topic but i never could find any
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Just so you can see we're not blowing smoke at you, we've seriously been testing this system out for a few weeks now:


It's a long tedious process but the new pepakura index will be fully searchable and well organized. Just give us some time, we've gotta do this in addition to our current duties which we're also behind on. I've got a stack of articles to post up and a ton of artwork to do and my real job has been hammering down on me hard with the hours. I promise, we'll have this together soon enough, hold on :)



Note: Black boxes are to protect sensitive file information.
Looks good Kensai, is that Wordpress?

If anyone has any trouble accessing files from the link Kensai posted, I have full backup copies of MK VI Spartan armour and ODST armour - drop me a PM and I can pass you the files :]
What I want to know is, what kind of private security application could Halo guns and equipment serve? XD I'd love to hear that explanation.
The real WMDs weren't in Iraq....they were in SPACE! On Covenant Space Carriers! And this guy's going to beat everyone to the punch with his space marine armor.
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