The Anti-Valentine Thread

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this is a worthless holly day like st.padys day. there both rely christan worshiping days. or some thing like that?
I ask my wive yesterday: "what do you want as a gift for"
The answer was a sock for me: "just don't bawl on me!"
Really I'm very most pacific man on the Earth in life, idk what happen...:)
rvb18 said:
this is a worthless holly day like st.padys day. there both rely christan worshiping days. or some thing like that?
holly day?


yea, they both started as Christan thingys but have gone a bit mad since. st. valentine's bones are on display in a church here oddly enough. lol, the culture council keeps trying to encourage couples to go look at them. 'im goin to bring you some where romantic' 'what the hell? are they bones? human bones?!'

yea, paddy's day has gone nuts. it started off as a few Irish dudes goin "i am mad take it or leave it" and then everyone jumped on the band wagon and now there's paradis everywhere!! oddly enough the day is considered totally Irish when st. Patric was, in fact, british!

*looks around.... checks skull candy's link*

EDIT: hahahaha, the check list and the last one where hillarious. took ages to figure out the last one.
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Online Valentine cards may contain Internet worm, FBI warns

WASHINGTON (AFP) - Valentine's Day e-greetings from a stranger could deliver more than the recipient bargained for in the shape of a destructive "Trojan horse" that hijacks computers, the FBI warned Tuesday.

"If you unexpectedly receive a Valentine's Day e-card, be careful," the Federal Bureau of Investigation said in a statement, warning Internet users to "be on the lookout for spam emails spreading the Storm Worm malicious software (malware)."

"The Storm Worm virus has capitalized on various holidays in the last year by sending millions of emails advertising an e-card link within the text of the spam email. Valentine's Day has been identified as the next target," the FBI said.

The bogus email directs the recipient to click on a link to retrieve an electronic Valentine's Day card.

If the user falls for the ruse, malware will infect their computer or the device they used to connect to the Internet, and make it become part of a Storm Worm botnet, according to the FBI.

A botnet is a network of computers that, unbeknownst to their users, forward transmissions, such as spam, viruses and malware, to other computers linked to the Internet.

Botnets can also be used in identity theft, the FBI warned, urging Internet users not to open Valentine's greetings from unknown senders.

Anti-Valentines day much? lol
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Xavier said:
lol, that’s great! a bit mean thoe.... hmmm


Ok, something weird happened to me on the bus yesterday.

Before I go into any details I just wanted to let you know I still think valentines’ day sux azz and this is going to be long but hopefully entertaining. Just thought I’d clear that up now before we got any further.

Anyway, what happened was this: I was on a bus into town from collage and I was sitting down the back (I don’t know if the busses are the same elsewhere but here the last two rows down stairs face each other). And I, as usual, was reading (currently I’m re-reading 'the hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy - the trilogy of four' for the third time. if you haven’t read it, do!) when I noticed a girl who had gotten on at the last top and had sat opposite me was looking at me. I glanced at her just to make sure and she took a teeeeny bit too long to look away.

now, at this point I should probably explain I’m not too good with the whole 'picking up girls in public places' end of things mainly cuz I have a quiet demeanor, I was in a long term relationship for the last four years or so and my mind tends to go off and have a tea break whenever I try to think of something to say while whatever's left in my head try’s to tell me I’m imagining it.

Thinking she was probably doing the 'staring into space and not noticing your staring at someone' thing I went back to my book. Just to be sure thoe I looked again and this time she was looking at my mouth and then she looked at my eyes and looks away. And because of the fore mentioned reasons this freaked the crap outa me, in a good way. Obvisly enough I doubted what I saw and continued on reading. Anyway, we repeated this little eye dancing-ness until at one point we were staring at each other for a good 5-8 seconds.
I know that doesn’t sound like allot but when your staring at a stranger who happens to be a very attractive member of the opposite sex and they're staring back it’s a pretty damn long time. It’s probably good to note that my mind had already left earlier and was currently enjoying a second cup of tea while it ignored my phone calls to come back and give me a hand.
There was a further two staring at each other things during one of which she discreetly bit her lip (yes, yes your right, I am currently kicking myself and looking for a wall hard enough to hit my thick skull against). eventually I got to my stop and I made this very obvious in the hopes that she would follow me (yea, I couldn’t go any further as I’d have a very hard time getting home due to a lack of bus fare). She didn’t get off but she did watch me get off and gave me a big smile through the window as I watched the bus pull away.

Now that my mind is back and the situation has passed I have thought of hundreds of ways to ask her what her name is, to coffee/tea, for her phone number ect ect but its a bit late now.... or is it?!
I know the stop she got on at and I know the bus she got and I’m finishing collage at the same time today so I’m hoping to see her again. Should I ask her to coffee/tea or will I just chalk it up as another pretty lady messing wit my head (there’s been a few)?
I know I will ask her ether way but I just wanted to hear what you think on the matter and what you would have done in that situation.

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flying_squirl said:

Should I ask her to coffee/tea or will I just chalk it up as another pretty lady messing wit my head (there’s been a few)?
I know I will ask her ether way but I just wanted to hear what you think on the matter and what you would have done in that situation.

First off, don't immediately go thinking on the negative like that, buddy. If you've already got it in your head that she's just another of those girls, that is simply trying to mess around with you, then you've already killed it before it's begun.

Given your little narrative, I would definately suggest you try approaching her, ask her what her name is and take her out for tea/coffee. Considering the ride-long back-and-forth staring/glimpsing match you two had, LOL, there's obviously some interest there.

At this point, I'd take it from the just staring stage to the talking stage.

So, I say go for it! Don't get your hopes up right off the bat, though, and don't place high expectations on either yourself or her. Just take her out for an introductory chat over a hot drink, get to know her, and see where it goes.

That's my advice on the matter... ;)
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So this girl at work yesterday named Tiffany who is 16 think's she's so much of an adult, she wants to move in with her 19 year old boy friend's apartment, they both smoke, drink, and many other bad habits.

So the funny thing at work, she starts telling me all these things, saying her boyfriend is getting her a ring, roses, a new car, new this and that, she kept going on, so I said:

"Your boyfriend works in a fast food place making 7 dollars and hour and he's buying you a ring and a car? While still paying monthly rent, food, bills and such?"

She responded saying he was rich, so I said ok

So her BF comes in later asking where she is, then he starts complaining to me how poor he is how he cant buy this and that, so I said she'd be pretty disappointed in Valentines day. He leaves real freaked out.

Tiffany comes back and starts talking again (really I was annoyed, but she didnt care) so I told her:

"If you think your BF is so great, why does he have to treat you to a nice place on valentines day? If he really loves you, he'd make every date special just because of his feelings for you, not just because everyone is doing it because of a stupid holiday"

and she tells me

"Look who's talking, atleast I have someone, when it's V day, you do something EXTRA special on that day"

Really I think her boyfriend just uses her for her body, and all the other guys she has dated (9 or 10 guys) she told me "I've had way more BF than GF's you've had" so I told her "Ya, where they all now? In bed with some other hot girl because they all already used you up"

I nearly got slapped. (OMG MANAGER, SHE R GONNA SLAP ME, I R SUE)

So that's pretty much a story at work of how she over thought about valentines day, over talked, and over annoyed us all.

And oh hey, today is valentines day

Happy valentines day everyone. (not meaning it)
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I liked that. Really good for a laugh, Frost! And it is the 14th today, isn't it? I hadn't even realized...:lol:
First off, don't immediately go thinking on the negative like that, buddy. If you've already got it in your head that she's just another of those girls, that is simply trying to mess around with you, then you've already killed it before it's begun.

Given your little narrative, I would definately suggest you try approaching her, ask her what her name is and take her out for tea/coffee. Considering the ride-long back-and-forth staring/glimpsing match you two had, LOL, there's obviously some interest there.

At this point, I'd take it from the just staring stage to the talking stage.

So, I say go for it! Don't get your hopes up right off the bat, though, and don't place high expectations on either yourself or her. Just take her out for an introductory chat over a hot drink, get to know her, and see where it goes.

That's my advice on the matter... ;)
(y) Take your time with it.

AoBfrost said: I told her "Ya, where they all now? In bed with some other hot girl because they all already used you up"...
OH, BURRRN! HAHA! Now that IS good!
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well i have a gf been going strong for about 11 months its not easy but i love her...
she puts up with so much of my ****,.... i don't really know where i was going with that.. anyways back on topic
i love my gf she plays halo with me cooks for me ahhh... love love love..........
i freaking hate valentines day its just a corporate holiday to get suckers to spend money that we dont even have!!!!!!11!1!!

as for me tonight im just going to help my gf make us dinner.

as for all your relationship problems you need to be hurt, and you need to find a way through it thats just the way life is...
in the words of boy meets world "lifes tough get a helmet" assuming you haven't already made

happy anti-valentines day to you all
SpartanForever said:
The AIM thing sucked the worst though.

DUDDEEE ... my ex break up with me on phone well Texting me.. then i call her and she say she dont know why.. then i call her friend and she say she dont see me alot... we went to the SAME SCHOOL!!!!


Valentine do suck with no girl to hug.... and stuff... in school people got BIG balloons and stuff-bear.. today was CRAZY

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I find myself using Conan quotes more and more to sum up incredibly complex psychological problems and solutions thereof.

"For no one - no one in this world can you trust. Not men, not women, not beasts. This you can trust. [Points to sword] "
I apologized to her just so I would be hated at work, she was ok with it and we joked around like usual again, so we're cool, but really her boyfriend is a piece of trash, he has like 500 tatoo's smokes all the time, man, the way he talks too, it is hard to understand him when he curses ever 2 seconds. I dont see how any girl can have fun and enjoy V day with a guy like him.
i think that you dont really need a special day to say you love someone its more meaningful when its sponaneous.

and ask her out FS whats the worst that can happen?
There was so much mushy fakey crap at school today. The guy who has a locker right next to mine had a huge stuffed maroon dog and half a bag of Hershey kisses dumped in his locker and note scribbled on the door. He walked down the hallway and gave his girlfriend her dog back.

Stupid V-Day made me feel like crap. Lotsa chocolate, though...
AoBfrost said:
I apologized to her just so I would be hated at work, she was ok with it and we joked around like usual again, so we're cool, but really her boyfriend is a piece of trash, he has like 500 tatoo's smokes all the time, man, the way he talks too, it is hard to understand him when he curses ever 2 seconds. I dont see how any girl can have fun and enjoy V day with a guy like him.
lol, it's because they aren't fully matured :p my sister was kinda like that, then she hit 18 and it went all out. XD.

But yeah, Valentines day sucks.
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1/2 the people in school today had the Anti-Valentine mood :lol:

Valentines day is a day where Stores over-price roses, chocolate, etc. to make money...kinda like candy and halloween(by the way does anyone, other then me, know the actuall meening of halloween?) the stores took the hollidays and mangled them to hollidays where they can make money and i think thats stupid
and some of the girls saying can u be my Valentine!?? and on valentine u give the girl something.. but they give u NoThiNg!! and some of them saying i dont got a valentine person but they have boyfriends!
Sigh, love. Love... what is love? Love is bad, love is good. Honestly, I don't really like the whole thing. D:< Maybe it's because I haven't dated in a couple years. I dunno. Valentines day is for suckers.
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