Use of the 405th Name and Posts about PPE in Healthcare

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Commanding Officer
Community Staff
Division Staff
We're seeing more and more people using the 405th name without seeking approval first from me. While I know that your hearts are all in a good place, the name is not yours to use.

As well, I posted this on the main 405th Facebook page the other day but it bares repeating (see below). We need our sites to stay focused on Halo costuming. I commend all of you who are rallying people to help with the creation of PPE. I'm proud of all of you. However, this is not the place to discuss it. Ler this be the space where we can all come and just focus on something that brings us joy. Our lives our consummed by what is devastating our world. We need one place to get away, allbeit temporarily.


As we all know, this pandemic has changed our world drastically. We are a group of big hearted individuals who want to do everything that we can to help our communities. However, this is not the space to discuss some ways to do so. The 405th is a World Wide group and the needs and requirements are very different Regiment to Regiment. What is allowed in one, is potentially not allowed in another. Therefore, we are removing posts about the making of any protective equipment. We highly encourage members to come up with ideas to help lift the spirits of others not only in our community but also with our fans. Projects like the recent Twitch streams of the Mauler Build Challenge and the nightly reading of the Fall of Reach are ways that members are already doing this and have been well received. Organize online build hangouts. Share photos of you in your gear socially distancing or hand washing that our PR Team can use. Challenge members to donate blood. Join in on the 405th Fold@Home team that RandomRanger has organized. Share Halo costume build threads on the forum. Check in on friends to see that they are okay. If you have a local need and you know members of your Regiment can help with, please talk to your Regiment staff or myself before posting about the creation of any PPE for hospitals etc. Anything that is approved will only be a Regiment post about where to go to discuss participation. We will not approve PPE project discussions on the forum or 405th Facebook pages/groups. Any questions, please contact me directly. Be safe! - FANGS
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