Props Another ma37 - wood prop

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The counter is just word art on normal printing paper, the plastic your average thin acetate used in binders etc, just simple stuff I had lying around!
I wouldn't think normal paper would block out enough light but thanks. I could easily get my hands on some binder/file covers, I wonder if blue plastic would have a better effect then transparent. Thanks for the tip, your rifle is pretty damn awesome, shame about the Victorian Police it seems they just love busting you guys balls.
I wouldn't think normal paper would block out enough light but thanks. I could easily get my hands on some binder/file covers, I wonder if blue plastic would have a better effect then transparent. Thanks for the tip, your rifle is pretty damn awesome, shame about the Victorian Police it seems they just love busting you guys balls.
Thicker paper may help as some light does come through the black printing, but to thick and it won't shine through where I need it to (I didn't cut out those sections if that's what your thinking, to much fidely work). If you got the same shade of blue as the light for the plastic that would work, however the blue plastic I used dulled the effect (being a darker colour). For the record the policeman/women I emailed was very good about the issue and simple said I need to place some none realistic Colours (eg red cap on barrel etc though there was a big disclaimer) so the law may appear over the top on what are essentially toys but they seem rather accomidating as long as you don't wave it around in an unrelated public place.
I promised to finish this off with some nice photoshoot-ish photos, but I had a busy week so these'll have to do:

Very big thanks to everyone who commented or helped out on this build, especially Juliet76 once again for his blueprints and thorn696, S1l3nt V1p3r, JBetts97 for following me over such a prolonged period of time!
Final Specs:
Length: 800mm
Weight: 2-2.5 Kg
Features: Working torch, light up HUD, rechargeable battery, removable clip, moving slide.
Arc, that looks fantastic! i am sorry i missed most of the build. I love the details and all the working parts. Great job! Keep up the good work
You could probably achieve the worn look better by weathering the yellow stripes. They look too new compared to the gun.
You could probably achieve the worn look better by weathering the yellow stripes. They look too new compared to the gun.
Your right looking at the pictures, but when I look at the actual prop the paint colour is varied in strength from yellow to a metal-yellow mix (ie thin a points) so up close it does look a bit warn (or messy). I think I'll leave it knowing this but you have a valid point. Hmm, maybe I will change it, I gotta touch up some very small areas anyway, we'll see.
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